The online racing simulator
(1578 posts, closed, started , go to first unread)
Hey, I don't know why it fails on your PC, but you can manually update by downloading from first post and replacing your current one.

LFSLazy does not have installer, it is simply a program that will work wherever you run it.
when i type in chat /insim 29999 it says InSim - TCP : bind failed, can someone help me?
Your firewall software on your computer blocks the opening of that port.
i turn it off but still not working
Then its not really turned off or you have multiple firewalls. Maybe you said deny to the Windows LFS.exe popup earlier. Then it remembers forever to block.

In case of W7 or up: Type wf.msc @Windows run field and look what setting LFS has @Control->Firewall in the left side panel

Quote from toniara97 :Tried, gives the exact same output.

I have the same problem for many applications @win7 after a nasty virus infection somewhere this summer. It's really annoying. Some Windows setting changed and I don't know how to fix it. Even if I remove an .exe file in administrator mode it keeps coming back a few times until it finally gets really deleted.
so can u help me?
Actually that sounds like an bug/issue in LFS.

Go to Multiplayer->Start new host and delete IP Address.

The standard dashboards that normally come with Lazy are not working for me, I just get a black dashboard. Any help?

Which version of LFS are you using?

Can you please test if color changes when you modify background color in Dashboard editor (/o dash)
Hey dan, yesterday Scawen posted about a new test patch; 0.6J2. LFS Lazy now wont work with this, this is only a test patch but is still effecting gameplay for lfs, as I personally didn't backup the old LFS, I now have to use this version. Could you update LFS lazy or make a copy of it to be accessible over on patch 0.6J2?

View the new test patch here:
What is dan
Hey dan i love uNa-na
Quote from DJmad :Hey dan, yesterday Scawen posted about a new test patch; 0.6J2. LFS Lazy now wont work with this, this is only a test patch but is still effecting gameplay for lfs, as I personally didn't backup the old LFS, I now have to use this version. Could you update LFS lazy or make a copy of it to be accessible over on patch 0.6J2?

View the new test patch here:

I updated it today Thumbs up
Quote from cuprum :Hey dan i love uNa-na

Dat fuel prediction...!

I am becoming more lazier with every update. Great job Dani Big grin
(coniii) DELETED by Scawen : cracker
(DANIEL-CRO) DELETED by Scawen : reply to cracker
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Quote from DJmad :Hey dan, yesterday Scawen posted about a new test patch; 0.6J2. LFS Lazy now wont work with this, this is only a test patch but is still effecting gameplay for lfs, as I personally didn't backup the old LFS, I now have to use this version. Could you update LFS lazy or make a copy of it to be accessible over on patch 0.6J2?

View the new test patch here:

I updated it today Thumbs up
Quote from cuprum :Hey dan i love uNa-na


Sweet, thanks mate
Hey Daniel, I just updated to the latest version and I keep getting this error and after it just shuts down. Basically I cannot use LFSLazy anymore Frown Pls halp
Attached images
There were absolutely no changes on that part of code, so I don't think that is related to new version. Did you try checking if there is some leftover LFS or LFSLazy processes? Or rebooting PC?
Hey Daniel. I just thought, how to have a high quality image fitted to the dashboard? I just making it. But it was getting larger in the dashboard. Actually I wanted it to be more detail. hows that gonna be made?
Not possible as LFS renders dashboard at only 256x256. Lets hope there will be some dashboard updates from Scawen in future.
Hmm. Yeah. should be great. or it was a must.
Ok so I tried deleting every LFSLazy files and I'm still getting that map error bla bla message. If I ask you nicely could you make a list of everything LFSLazy is using\creating in LFS folder so I can try cleaning it up again?

I really don't wanna have to reinstall it again. I have quite a few addons in there and settings and bla. Don't wanna do it allover again Frown
I dont think that is related to any files. As far as I know only files that are created in LFS folder are those is set folder, for LFSLazy's setup filter. Possibly the size of shared memory has increased in newer version and for some reason your PC fail to allocate it, we can do some tests tommorow when Im back home.
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :we can do some tests tommorow when Im back home.

Please, because my life has no meaning without LFSLazy Big grin
Can lfs lazy put hatelist, like there is friendlist, but in seperate that players u hate doesnt show ur friendlist?
Because i add crashers and idiots to my frienlist so i have like 100+ names there so its hard to remember who is crasher and who not...
Quote from Jatimc :Can lfs lazy put hatelist, like there is friendlist, but in seperate that players u hate doesnt show ur friendlist?
Because i add crashers and idiots to my frienlist so i have like 100+ names there so its hard to remember who is crasher and who not...

+1 lol good idea Big grin you could use a similar thing to !ex but the more they are hated the higher the value, you could use !h8 I guess

Omg omg omg
Merry Christmas!

Quote from bogdani.cojocaru :
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :we can do some tests tommorow when Im back home.

Please, because my life has no meaning without LFSLazy Big grin

I just want to mention that we solved Moody's problem Smile

Quote from Jatimc :Can lfs lazy put hatelist, like there is friendlist, but in seperate that players u hate doesnt show ur friendlist?
Because i add crashers and idiots to my frienlist so i have like 100+ names there so its hard to remember who is crasher and who not...

Interesting suggestion Uhmm Can you ask what are you doing with people on hate list? Just trying to avoid these servers or stalking them? Maybe we can come up with something more useful.
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(1578 posts, closed, started )