The online racing simulator
Wingman Formula Force GP / Windows 10

I used to play LFS nearly 10 years ago with the Wingman Formula Force GP-Wheel under Windows XP.
Now I got a new Laptop with Windows 10 installed. I plugged the wheel in and i was able to use it in LFS. Sadly the force feeback didnt work.
So i lost my power adapter of the wheel, im just wondering wether that is the problem for my missing ForceFeedback or its a driver-problem in Windows 10.
Does anybody has the same setup like me and has the same problem or everything is working just fine?
Please let me know.
#2 - Abone
hi. i have the same one in LFS but is official steering wheel for PS2 (printscreen). i dont have original power supply ( i steal from other machine) , so my forcefeedback sometimes is a bit more strong other times not so strong,but works really well. without power adapter forcefeedback never work, your steering wheel work without any drivers, so your problem is not a computer or your windows10. you just need found power adapter.
Attached images
I have the one with the red grips and all works well