This text will teach you about oval driving.
As all other tracks you can pass basically where ever you want, but in oval not. You have to time your passing by looking the cars ahead of you and lift your gas pedal. That is most important thing there is. sure you can pass where ever you want in oval too, but then you are lowbrain noob and everybody hates you. and eventually you get ban all servers there is.
Noobs doesnt join if they see there are only 2-3 drivers at server. When they see server is growded bit more then the rush is quaranteed, and soon there is 6 - 10 drivers to make live misserable. And if car is BF1 then noob rush is huge.
I have joined many servers with fake racername past 4 years and witnessed this happen its always fun to watch, i recomend. There is always shouting and namecalling & plenty of crashing expecially when unskilled player loose, they just start to ram everyone out.
Well because they think it gives you easy win and racing with high speed. It is circle track, win the race is easyest thing you can do there just block like hell or crash others out?. One reason is allso that they are not cabable of driving a real cirguit, often these kinds of fellas has very low intelligent or some handicap but thats ok.
Racing with high speed sounds nice and easy maybe fun too, but its not, it might be fun if you own brains. Oval racing in lfs is a bit like chess game, you have to think 1 step forward than opponent or even more.
There is surten thing you should have and that is patience, you have to all the time estimate what happens on track, expecially if you are stupid enough to join some kind of league.
One important thing is smooth steering. Very often oval noobs use bad wheel settings so they set up wheel degree to 200 or lower instead of 720. 540 etc or they use Keyboard, mixing Ks driver and lag and crash is quaranteed. Wheel setup making to arcade is very common in circuit racing too, it has many benefits... But then u only cheat urself and thats other story.
Driving solo is most stupiest thing you can do, always cooperate with someone, 2 cars are faster than 1 and 3 cars even faster. if you join server and there is 2-3 people spectatin, plis dont go alone the track and start driving empty circle alone like a douche, those people who spectate are laughing their ass off. Instead of driving, join spectators and wait until server get populate of pros (FM).
The thing is to make 3-5 car train/pattern which will chance by passing order depending the turn they are going, eventually the pack will go faster and faster and makes better lap times.
If you are noob you dont just join and try to race there, that only makes you imbesil. (which you allready are) racing in oval is huge mistake. I have seen many noobs trying to race, sooner or later they will loose the pack and then they go side of the track waiting when cars comes and then they will crash the whole pack out.
It is not a race, no point to race in a circle, the point is to make fast time by cooperate with others. it can be race if server has 20+ drivers who can drive (draft) with others and thats not gonna happen in lfs sadly...
When doing 2 car draft, you pass every 3 turns, not at the bend (except owr). If it looks like you gonna make pass in bend, lift off and wait until you can do it at t1, this is called long pass. If you pass in bend then you do double pass. Doobie pass is faster than normal pass if you have timing skills. Double pass allso needs to go at hotlap line before t1.
For make good pass you have to look cars speed in front of you and estimate the pass. Make the pass only if you think you are 1st car of the group in next straight. if you think you can not manage, stay back
However if you made the pass then you propably end up left side of the train and you are looser, or you made french pass and you can survive if you are lucky.
Pass have to happen before turn, near turn in point, so you will reach maximum speed at upcomming turn. you will not pass if the car ahead of you wont make pass or you are late. Late pass can destroy pattern.
When cars get more than 2 the faster the pattern goes, therefore you have to react much faster and loosing the pack is more and more likely. experienced drivers can improvise the pack so they example
let car behind pass early if there is high chance that 1 car is gonna loose the pack. ( usually t1 when late 4-5 car pass)
Sometimes cars get timing so perfect there is good chance for drop pass, basically it is late pass but in drop pass cars are outside a lot, and last car will get not only huge speed but best turn in point and therefore great
apex. Get behind draft is more easier in drop pass than normal pass...
3-6 car draft passin is very simple. Cars are line up in straight and when turn comes the 1st car have to look mirrors and let as much room as there are cars gonna pass, iex. if 3 cars passes then make room for 3 cars...
If you are 3rd car or 4th car you dont pass untill car ahead of you make pass, otherwise you will loose draft and you destroy pattern. Often noob idiots will do this because they dont have brains or temptation to lift off
this is very common mistake, they think its fun to crash others, its not
Oval terminology:
Short pass= turning inside of car very fast so you pass very early, and therefore make good laptime ( often made at t3)
Long pass= Lift off to gain maximum speed behind car (very common at t1)
Normal pass = 2 or more cars pass others
Double pass/Doobie = 2 cars passing at bend / Kink so they pass others twice in finish straight (OWRL ONLY)
Drop pass = 4-5 car draft when pass happends at green line. for work need to be perfect timing.
French pass = when a car behind dives whole group and messes up whole thing (frogs). usually oval noobs do this.(or french people)
But whatsoever its named by a driver (frogs) who gained good times by doing this, its effective only by drivers who can see whole track and cars and can adapt chancing situation
Safe = When 2nd car is next to 1st car (left side) usually caused by french pass then 3rd car have to pass due to save pattern.
Hotlap line = line what wr holders use when hotlap, outside lane of track to gain maximum speed, its not fastest line but it is the most speedy one. Allso 3rd lane before t1 when using OWR
Doobie= cigar?
t1= turn number 1 longest tyrn. can reach huge speed
t2= turn number 2 the fastest turn. cars behind have to react quickly to get behind.
t3= turn number 3 most difficult turn. have to be good timing to make this turn perfect.
Kink / Bend = Not a turn, small curve before finish line. Very often noobs crash here (xyx)
Draft= Abusing a suction which is caused by a car ahead of you.
windsurfing =see Draft
Side draft= doesnt exists
Bumbdraft= driving a cars ahead of yours bumber so you gain huge speed
OWRL= open wheelers ( fox, fbm, bf1, fo8)
1st car= car number 1 leader car. goes to last place when pattern passes (3rd,4th,5th,6th)
2nd car= car number 2 aka a middle car ( brains and master of pattern)
3rd car= car number 3 goes middle car when 4 car draft (if 4 wide)
4th car= car number 4 this car job is to make pattern go faster, driver of 4th car need to have good timing skilss
5th car= car number 5 the last car. can only make pass in t1. have to be good timing and pace to make it. allso this car doesnt pass if 4th car doesnt
6th car= car number 6 sees very rarely... Basically this car never pass, but once it happend by FM^Benni, graz
Pack= group of drafting cars
pattern/train= Mandadory for make oval enjouable/fast. without this it is just chaos
chaos/chaos draft/oval hell= drivers without skills trying to be pro and crashes themself out allready t1 lap 1, passing cars at right side, under,behind,through? always pedal to metal
then blaming others and raging like mad kids.
3 wide= 3 cars pass
4 wide= 4 cars pass (skilled drivers make it every turn)
5 wide= 5 cars pass (t1 only)
6 wide= very rare (happened only once)
510N3D= Oval driver, had almost all wr's at one point
Hnebil= FZR setup maker
xyx= oval driver
Froggy/frogs/= legend
=36= = Oval clan. LFS crypt number.
Noob= you
As all other tracks you can pass basically where ever you want, but in oval not. You have to time your passing by looking the cars ahead of you and lift your gas pedal. That is most important thing there is. sure you can pass where ever you want in oval too, but then you are lowbrain noob and everybody hates you. and eventually you get ban all servers there is.
Noobs doesnt join if they see there are only 2-3 drivers at server. When they see server is growded bit more then the rush is quaranteed, and soon there is 6 - 10 drivers to make live misserable. And if car is BF1 then noob rush is huge.
I have joined many servers with fake racername past 4 years and witnessed this happen its always fun to watch, i recomend. There is always shouting and namecalling & plenty of crashing expecially when unskilled player loose, they just start to ram everyone out.
Well because they think it gives you easy win and racing with high speed. It is circle track, win the race is easyest thing you can do there just block like hell or crash others out?. One reason is allso that they are not cabable of driving a real cirguit, often these kinds of fellas has very low intelligent or some handicap but thats ok.
Racing with high speed sounds nice and easy maybe fun too, but its not, it might be fun if you own brains. Oval racing in lfs is a bit like chess game, you have to think 1 step forward than opponent or even more.
There is surten thing you should have and that is patience, you have to all the time estimate what happens on track, expecially if you are stupid enough to join some kind of league.
One important thing is smooth steering. Very often oval noobs use bad wheel settings so they set up wheel degree to 200 or lower instead of 720. 540 etc or they use Keyboard, mixing Ks driver and lag and crash is quaranteed. Wheel setup making to arcade is very common in circuit racing too, it has many benefits... But then u only cheat urself and thats other story.
Driving solo is most stupiest thing you can do, always cooperate with someone, 2 cars are faster than 1 and 3 cars even faster. if you join server and there is 2-3 people spectatin, plis dont go alone the track and start driving empty circle alone like a douche, those people who spectate are laughing their ass off. Instead of driving, join spectators and wait until server get populate of pros (FM).
The thing is to make 3-5 car train/pattern which will chance by passing order depending the turn they are going, eventually the pack will go faster and faster and makes better lap times.
If you are noob you dont just join and try to race there, that only makes you imbesil. (which you allready are) racing in oval is huge mistake. I have seen many noobs trying to race, sooner or later they will loose the pack and then they go side of the track waiting when cars comes and then they will crash the whole pack out.
It is not a race, no point to race in a circle, the point is to make fast time by cooperate with others. it can be race if server has 20+ drivers who can drive (draft) with others and thats not gonna happen in lfs sadly...
When doing 2 car draft, you pass every 3 turns, not at the bend (except owr). If it looks like you gonna make pass in bend, lift off and wait until you can do it at t1, this is called long pass. If you pass in bend then you do double pass. Doobie pass is faster than normal pass if you have timing skills. Double pass allso needs to go at hotlap line before t1.
For make good pass you have to look cars speed in front of you and estimate the pass. Make the pass only if you think you are 1st car of the group in next straight. if you think you can not manage, stay back
However if you made the pass then you propably end up left side of the train and you are looser, or you made french pass and you can survive if you are lucky.
Pass have to happen before turn, near turn in point, so you will reach maximum speed at upcomming turn. you will not pass if the car ahead of you wont make pass or you are late. Late pass can destroy pattern.
When cars get more than 2 the faster the pattern goes, therefore you have to react much faster and loosing the pack is more and more likely. experienced drivers can improvise the pack so they example
let car behind pass early if there is high chance that 1 car is gonna loose the pack. ( usually t1 when late 4-5 car pass)
Sometimes cars get timing so perfect there is good chance for drop pass, basically it is late pass but in drop pass cars are outside a lot, and last car will get not only huge speed but best turn in point and therefore great
apex. Get behind draft is more easier in drop pass than normal pass...
3-6 car draft passin is very simple. Cars are line up in straight and when turn comes the 1st car have to look mirrors and let as much room as there are cars gonna pass, iex. if 3 cars passes then make room for 3 cars...
If you are 3rd car or 4th car you dont pass untill car ahead of you make pass, otherwise you will loose draft and you destroy pattern. Often noob idiots will do this because they dont have brains or temptation to lift off
this is very common mistake, they think its fun to crash others, its not

Oval terminology:
Short pass= turning inside of car very fast so you pass very early, and therefore make good laptime ( often made at t3)
Long pass= Lift off to gain maximum speed behind car (very common at t1)
Normal pass = 2 or more cars pass others
Double pass/Doobie = 2 cars passing at bend / Kink so they pass others twice in finish straight (OWRL ONLY)
Drop pass = 4-5 car draft when pass happends at green line. for work need to be perfect timing.
French pass = when a car behind dives whole group and messes up whole thing (frogs). usually oval noobs do this.(or french people)
But whatsoever its named by a driver (frogs) who gained good times by doing this, its effective only by drivers who can see whole track and cars and can adapt chancing situation
Safe = When 2nd car is next to 1st car (left side) usually caused by french pass then 3rd car have to pass due to save pattern.
Hotlap line = line what wr holders use when hotlap, outside lane of track to gain maximum speed, its not fastest line but it is the most speedy one. Allso 3rd lane before t1 when using OWR
Doobie= cigar?
t1= turn number 1 longest tyrn. can reach huge speed
t2= turn number 2 the fastest turn. cars behind have to react quickly to get behind.
t3= turn number 3 most difficult turn. have to be good timing to make this turn perfect.
Kink / Bend = Not a turn, small curve before finish line. Very often noobs crash here (xyx)
Draft= Abusing a suction which is caused by a car ahead of you.
windsurfing =see Draft
Side draft= doesnt exists
Bumbdraft= driving a cars ahead of yours bumber so you gain huge speed
OWRL= open wheelers ( fox, fbm, bf1, fo8)
1st car= car number 1 leader car. goes to last place when pattern passes (3rd,4th,5th,6th)
2nd car= car number 2 aka a middle car ( brains and master of pattern)
3rd car= car number 3 goes middle car when 4 car draft (if 4 wide)
4th car= car number 4 this car job is to make pattern go faster, driver of 4th car need to have good timing skilss
5th car= car number 5 the last car. can only make pass in t1. have to be good timing and pace to make it. allso this car doesnt pass if 4th car doesnt
6th car= car number 6 sees very rarely... Basically this car never pass, but once it happend by FM^Benni, graz
Pack= group of drafting cars
pattern/train= Mandadory for make oval enjouable/fast. without this it is just chaos
chaos/chaos draft/oval hell= drivers without skills trying to be pro and crashes themself out allready t1 lap 1, passing cars at right side, under,behind,through? always pedal to metal
then blaming others and raging like mad kids.
3 wide= 3 cars pass
4 wide= 4 cars pass (skilled drivers make it every turn)
5 wide= 5 cars pass (t1 only)
6 wide= very rare (happened only once)
510N3D= Oval driver, had almost all wr's at one point
Hnebil= FZR setup maker
xyx= oval driver
Froggy/frogs/= legend
=36= = Oval clan. LFS crypt number.
Noob= you