The online racing simulator
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Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Merry Christmas!

I just want to mention that we solved Moody's problem Smile

Interesting suggestion Uhmm Can you ask what are you doing with people on hate list? Just trying to avoid these servers or stalking them? Maybe we can come up with something more useful.

Well if person was rammer i usually find him by username and then crash the shit out of him.. or if person joins server im in i keep him eye and kick/spec him if i see he try to be rimmer again.
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :I just want to mention that we solved Moody's problem Smile

And I'm forever thankful for that! Big grin
sry if I make an unreasonable request
Is it possible to get the PB laptimes in car selection menu downloaded only from finished race results in the LFSW's Online Race Results? That way I could get around having pointless hotlaps shown there, which you can display with a simple command anyways.
Not an unresonable request, but I'm afraid that LFSW does not provide Online races data using the LFSW Pubstats system.
Hello all!

Yesterday my LFSLazy started giving me an error message, when i start LFS it minimizes and Lazy show Invalid hosts file. img attached. Can somebody help me?
Attached images
Captura de tela 2015-12-30 10.01.38.png
I think you deleted LFSLazy.hosts file

Hi, this shouldn't happen when hosts file does not exist, but when its corrupt. Can you please send me your hosts file so I can check possible problems. Afterwards you can delete hosts file and you should be able to run LFSLazy with no problems.
LFSLazy update supporting new patch 0.6K2 is up!
Hi, how can I do some dashboards? I searched on all internet (Big grin )but I didn't find how to.
Every dashboard work start by entering Dasboard editor, which you start by entering "/o dash" to chat. From there I suggest to do a simple modifications on default gauges to learn about features.

Happy New Year!
Hey, I was hotlapping with Lazy running and I have a "feature request". I want my car radar to be hidden in hotlap mode as I dont want to turn it off completely to hide it ... it's useless in hotlap mode anyways Smile.
I was thinking about something like this, possibly to hide it when you are the only racer in race or hide if there is no cara near. On second thought, some might think it isn't working, while actually its just hidden.
Great little program, just discovered it today Smile

I'm having a problem though with the pubstats key: I copy/paste it to the box and when I press "check" nothing happens... after closing and reopening the program, the box is empty.
I've searched this topic, changed to "run as administrator", as suggested and I couldn't find other solution. Help, please? (Win7 user)

Love the radar thing, among all other useful info Smile
Quote from sermilan :I'm having a problem though with the pubstats key: I copy/paste it to the box and when I press "check" nothing happens... after closing and reopening the program, the box is empty.
I've searched this topic, changed to "run as administrator", as suggested and I couldn't find other solution. Help, please? (Win7 user)

Doubt that I can help here over forum.
Are you 100% sure there isn't any Invalid/OK text over Pubstats key field? If not I guess there could be something blocking LFSLazy's access to LFSW (maybe firewall).
Probably the best would be if we can get sometime online together or use TeamViewer.
Well it does now says OK and everything works fine now....Schwitz
I've done nothing that I didn't do before and it kept bringing the message "Pubstats key not entered". I don't know why it didn't work before (spent about 2 hours trying to findout what was the problem) and I don't know why it works now, but thank you for your effort and your fast response! Thumbs up

I just improved this part of code, so it will have proper response even when internet connection is not available and similar. Thumbs up
Hi Daniel.
I don't understand if it's because of my resolution (1920x1080), or if it's something fixable from your side.

Look at Fuel Quantity fonts: when fuel is too much, they overlap.

Nothing to do with resolution, I use the same. Problem is with Italian translation Tongue That line is much longer than English one which causes text to overlap with LFSLazy fuel stuff.

Options are you can shorten that line in your translation file or I can move my text (between fuel and handicaps sliders).
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :...Options are you can shorten that line in your translation file...

Ok, that did the trick!
Im seriously thinking to move that text between sliders. In my opinion current position is much more intuitive, but if it causes overlaps for some this isn't the place to be. I never encountered overlap as personally I use English, dont even know whats the case with Croatian. Big grin
It's perfectly fine in french too Big grin
Guage link please FrownFrownFrown

(Ziomek21) DELETED by Ziomek21 : im a fool
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :Im seriously thinking to move that text between sliders. In my opinion current position is much more intuitive, but if it causes overlaps for some this isn't the place to be. I never encountered overlap as personally I use English, dont even know whats the case with Croatian. Big grin

What about starting with reducing font size?
It looks as if that fuel string is bigger than the other two.
Quote from Ripley :What about starting with reducing font size?
It looks as if that fuel string is bigger than the other two.

Looking at his 2nd picture it seems to me that even smaller font wouldn't help, overlap is inevitable.
Hi Daniel.
I've d'loaded Test Patch 0.6K3 and Lazy stopped doing its magic.
Are you going to address this, or are you waiting for the definitive new version?
This thread is closed

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