Do you confuse it with one of these "CityDriving CnR" servers? ATM; there is nobody in the ATC CnR server. It starts in 50 minutes.
The ping is very good normally.
Nope, I pinged the ATC CnR server. It shows up when you check "private" and "empty"
Right now I have 333 of 444 servers (lol @ numbers) in the < 100ms range, including several ukct and also citydriving servers. ATC CnR sits down at place 396 with now 228 ping.
I've no problems with the connection (lag, packet loss) whatsoever, but I guess that certain regions in the UK are routed over a few bad nodes, causing these awful pings.
Last time I raced with such a ping was on a banger racing server, and while it seemed quite playable, collisions which I'd view as minor sometimes yielded a quite spectacular result