Racers, Dragsters, Drifters and Rally Racers looking for Recruitment...
Hello, fellow racers! I've just started a new league not too long ago, "[TFL] (The Faithless Legion)" and am looking to recruit members.
It will be an all round league. So that means we will be Drifting, Racing, Rallying, Drag Racing & Doing Custom Events such as Police Chase modes, Demo derby etc. even cruising! Game mode suggestions and ideas are welcomed as a member of [TLF] also. If you are interested at all please fill out the following below and I'll send you a Personal Message at some point to let you know what I think!

If you have any questions, ask below or via Personal Message.

LFS Username:
LFS Display Name:
Current Racing Team Name (If you have one):
Skill level: [ ]Beginner - [ ]Intermediate - [ ]Pro
Personal Skill: [ ]Racing - [ ]Drifting - [ ]Rally - [ ]Drag

(To select your Skill Level and Personal Skill, Put an X in the box (eg. [X]) that describes it best. You may Select up to 3 personal skills.)
Attached images
#2 - Sobis
(TERMINAT0R16876) DELETED by TERMINAT0R16876 : Misspelled
Quote from Sobis :Wait do these pictures contain VOB mods?

Oh and wrong section, pal Thumbs up. This is where you should be posting:

I posted here to get it out there cause I know quite a few people read the general discussion. Also the photo's don't contain VOBs aside from the "Drift" image and that is just a google image, not mine. Wasn't intending to post about VOBS Big grin
If this is something new you should post original content, not something you found on Google. Good luck all the same. Thumbs up
any image that ties in with his theme would be ok as he would not have photos from any event if he has just started.

good luck
Quote from mbutcher :If this is something new you should post original content, not something you found on Google. Good luck all the same. Thumbs up

That's true. I just thought I'd put something together so it didn't look too plain Tongue
But thank you! Big grin
#7 - BeNoM
LFS Username:Benom
Current Racing Team Name (If you have one):N/A
Skill level: [ ]Beginner - [X]Intermediate - [ ]Pro
Personal Skill: [X]Racing - [ ]Drifting - [ ]Rally - [X]Drag
Lost interest quick when you included these forms of motorsport
Drifting. Doing Custom Events such as Police Chase modes, Demo derby etc. even cruising!
Quote from ShannonN :Lost interest quick when you included these forms of motorsport
Drifting. Doing Custom Events such as Police Chase modes, Demo derby etc. even cruising!

Oh well, its not everyone's cup of tea. But these game modes etc. aren't a full time thing. The teams purpose is Racing mostly and occasionally drift comps to keep things interesting. The reason for the variety is that there are already so many race teams/drift teams out there and none that I've seen have much of a variety in what they do. Just racing or Just Drifting. I made this team for Racing but also for JFF (Just For Fun) Events. Something I don't see that much on LFS anymore. But like I said, it's not for everyone. Smile
Good Luck with your efforts
Quote from TERMINAT0R16876 :Oh well, its not everyone's cup of tea. But these game modes etc. aren't a full time thing. The teams purpose is Racing mostly and occasionally drift comps to keep things interesting. The reason for the variety is that there are already so many race teams/drift teams out there and none that I've seen have much of a variety in what they do. Just racing or Just Drifting. I made this team for Racing but also for JFF (Just For Fun) Events. Something I don't see that much on LFS anymore. But like I said, it's not for everyone. Smile

That's fine by me, didn't mean to bring you down or diss your attempt to make a viable team, just I've never seen the point of anything but point to point racing or just for fun stuff to me is competitive racing on user made layouts. Guess I'm old and couldn't be arsed to try to learn to drift in LFS, and cruising? Don't make a load of sense unless you're making a team video etc

Look I'm starting to get back into skinning and have contributed enough setups to be useful. also have some drawn up plans for cockpits and simulators somewhere on a hdd. So PM me and we'll see if I can make your team and be of use. BTW I'm on the Fraser Coast Qld if your around brissy etc we could catch up

Blessings Shannon
All good, I understand where you're coming from. Smile I'll be sure to message you also. I'd love some help with the team too. Just starting out is always hard and some skins would be awesome as well. Big grin