Euro Truck Simulator Does America.
(Like Debbie does shopping at Walmart)
Didn't do a new thread for this, but stand by for Americana !
American truck
Rock, Paper, Shotgun.
"...on a technological level, it does look like ETS2 with just a little more gloss and an Americana skin."
"It feels more like Fallout than Fallout 4 does
Obviously there’s no shooting and looting, but when you’re in Nevada, that sense of travel of across an idealised, unpopulated America is far more potent than in Fallout 3 or 4. The empty-beautiful desert environments, the giant, cheesy roadside signs, the adorably unironic doughnut shops, the gradual shift from natural wasteland to hick towns to big cities, the space. The journey."
"The American iconography approach extends to road traffic too. From bloated 60s cruisers to winnebagos, from UPS vans to black’n’white patrolcars, it’s the America you want and expect. I have no idea if it’s exaggerated, and I don’t care. It’s right, dammit."
"California and Nevada are included out of the box, with Arizona to be added for free further down the line, and it’s certainly enough to keep you going for a while. But, between the accelerated time (a two hour drive takes about ten minutes) and limitations on how much detail there can be, I have been down some of the same roads several times already. I’m fairly confident Arizona will make all the difference, and in any case I haven’t particularly gone off-piste yet: too busy doing jobs to save up for my very own Optimus, y’see."
"The size of the roads and the land either side of it is up from ETS2, and once you’re outside of towns there’s far more scope to sit back and take it easy, taking it all in. This is really the major difference: there’s an openness that ETS2 only manages occasionally. It’s filmic where ETS is utilitarian. While I suppose some folk will worry that longer, straighter roads means less to do, I’m just finding it makes the trucker fantasy come that much more to life. And anyway, worry not: you’ll get reliably dicked over by traffic lights and endless junctions in cities."
Not released till 2 Feb, but just thought you may want to work on the anticipation