NDR did one event after long pause. Other leagues do races of that size (or bigger even) too - not single events but frequently.
I assume NDR race with Formular was nice (no idea, I missed it) and that is great and everything, I also enjoyed the few races I did at NDR.
But it puzzles me that sometimes people are so hung up on names.
After NDR race someone wrote he had never seen more than 15 cars on track at once and that was so epic etc. Okay nice, but under what rock do some people live?
And yes, community is kinda fragmented. The different languages alone are enough to cause that.
Further, once people have found 'their' favorite league or events they tend to stay there because it offers all they need. For new people a bit hard to get involved maybe.
Sometimes people with old accounts have no real idea either, and that makes it even more confusing.
It is usually not a problem, only when a league or forum closes down. Which is natural in internet, because people get bored with running the same project after some years.
In theory players could easily move to a different place but often they prefer to melt in self-pity.

Funniest example is the old german forum, where account-creation is broken. If you forget password you are also out forever because no possible to reset it.
So of course no new users and almost nobody can even still post. The few leftover people make same old jokes or desperately try to organize races by making whatsapp-groups and exchanging phone-numbers.
They could just move to cityliga or elsewhere, but all they know is their old broken forum.
So they continue to wonder why they are alone and moan about drift servers.