Do you really want to do
completly without mouse & keyboard?
Or just minimize their use?
The hotkeys save lots of clicking and scripts can save some keypresses too.
(I like the toggling script example: Combines four keys on keyboard into one button on wheel)
If it is absolutely-super-duper-not possible to use mouse, to two solutions are:
Look for some joystick/gamepad-to-mouse emulator. This one looks good, but I did not try it:
"Joystick 2 Mouse 3 let's you control the mouse and keyboard using your joystick or gamepad." - Sounds like what you are looking for.
Second methode via Logitech Profiler. I tested it to use the D-Pad of G27 as mouse:

(D-Pad = the 8-direction thing above the red buttons)
I found option in Profiler to control mouse-clicks, but none for mouse-axes.
But i found trick.
1) In windows turn on the keyboard-mouse. (
http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000542.htm )
This allows to control mouse with the numpad keys.
Turn up the speed & acceleration, at least in windows 7 the defaults felt reaaaaaaaally slow.
2) Use the Logitech profiler to assign the numpad keys to buttons/controlls on your wheel.
Record new keystroke and then assign that keystroke to a button or direction of D-pad.
Sorry, would take too long to write down in details, but it is fairly innuitive.
3) Keyboard-mouse can be turn on/off with numlock key.
So you can even assign "normal" LFS functions to those keys and toggle between LFS-functions or mouse-control.
Technically this worked but it felt slow to use. Perhaps needs practice.
I use USB extension cords for keyboard & mouse..was 1€ each.