ok, i bought a wheel a while ago, however, when im driving, the ff makes it kick to the left every now and then for no reason. e.g, id be driving down a straight, then all of a sudden the wheel would just jump to the left then back again
A. what wheel is it?
B. if you mean if you take your hands off and it goes from lefct to right in increasing degrees, i get that too
C. Put centring spring and damper to 0%
the wheel is perfect at steering, however when im driving sometimes it will just jump to the left and back again for no apparent reason. and it gives a sort of thud sound at the same time. appart from that its ok
My Act-Labs Force RS used to do this all the time, most often when straightening the wheel out after a right turn, such as the last part of the Blackwood chicane. I also used to have a big problem with having the wheel suddenly stop working after less than an hour of playing. I eventually found out that the nForce2 chipset on my motherboard has some USB issues, so I stuck in a USB card. That fixed the wheel failures but I seem to recall it still kicked to the left once in a while. I believe it may still do it on a rare occaison but nowhere near as badly as it used to. However, this may be due to the fact that I used to run with lots of steering lock (close to the 45 degree limit back then) and now I use a lot less (20 degrees on the XRG). That said, I do not remember the last time it did it.
I would agree it sounds like a dirty pot. What it means is the pot that monitors the turning of the wheel has a bit of dirt in, or has corroded contact points, so it will randomly produce a different reading to what position the wheel is actually in. You could try spraying electrical contact cleaner into it.
erm, forgive me for nowing f*ck all, but where is the pot, and what does it look like? my dad will have something in the garage to clean it i think if i ask him nicely *practises cute face*
Potentiometers are basically just variable resistors. If the contact surface inside the pot has any dirt or dust or corrosion on it, it will affect the resistance at that point. It is also possible for the dirt/whatever to move around, thus resulting in a variable resistance at that point.
The pot is located inside the wheel connected to the steering shaft either directly or by some gear or belt arrangement.
The pot will be located probably at the rear of the wheels shaft. I don't know exactly what one in the wheel will look like, but heres a pic of one from the mono racing pedals:
ok cheers. if im not working at the weekend (which i dont think i will be cos two teenagers got arrested for setting my place of work on fire, tw*ts) ill fix it then.