The online racing simulator
General: 9397 Racing server
(54 posts, started )
#1 - lucaf
General: 9397 Racing server
Hi all! I rented a host from LFS site just for fun.

I will not supervise there much, voting is enabled for crasher issues. I will run longer races there, 10-20-30 laps etc. Car options will change. If you have any wishes, feel free to share them.

Thanks and have fun.
does it have any kind of insim? stats, or so? or is completely old school? gonna check that server

EDIT: did check server, it is old school

nice, but I am afraid not much people will join, maybe the server should be like more specific? like 24/7 South City or 24/7 MRT, or any.

As now, it is just a ... server.

Because not much people online on these days, it will be hard times to get anybody in there, reasons are:

Other Sims
People already in popular servers
Not enough specific

Nice to see a plain server, but that is too plain, need to be more specific, IMO.

But the main problem is, not enough people, though for me personally, I do not really see this a problem, because those people who have left LFS, most of them will eventually get back anyway.
#3 - lucaf
Thanks for your feedback!

The reason I wanted to try a new server is, that I did not found any server with longer races, all server run some 5-10 lap races and many servers are with many car options.

So the specific thing here is:
-longer races
-only one car option at a time

Any other idea that would make it more interesting, is welcome. For example a specific track? Also what would be interesting in my opinion is, that mid-race joining would be disabled. How that sounds?

Insim is still unknown to me, but if it is easy to implement, why not! Have to check it...
edit: I added Airio support, does it add any value? Unfamiliar stuff to me..
If you manage to make a spreadsheet or something about statistics of the races, I am sure that will lure some people to actually join.

Actually, you got my interest now, waiting for statistics, database, or any and people will join! I would at least!
#5 - lucaf
How I get the statistics? Sorry for noob questions, but this is all new to me..
Enable free airio Smile
#7 - lucaf
Done, and then? I see there are airio.cfg and airio.srv configuration files in the host administration. What are the important keys/parameters there?

And how I can test it? I downloaded also Airio application but I don't know how to set it up.

edit: Ok maybe I found... UploadAirioData etc? Still wondering how to implement since I'm just renting the host from
I've never done it myself, but I'd say all the important info is in the Airio user manual somewhere.

Theres also some useful info at the end of this thread that might help.

In fact, the place to ask all of these questions is in this section, and especially some of the older posts where people were actually setting it up for the first time, and the original programmer was still around to help them. Running a search in here should bring something up. You might even get lucky and find an old tutorial.
#9 - lucaf
First race completed! Smile (2 players), race time 56 min (30 laps South City Town Course with MRT) including pitstop for fuel & tyres Smile

Have to say this was wonderful opportunity to learn MRT and to learn consistent driving.
What happens if you spin and end up against a wall? Get out and push it back?

PS: Apologies for off-topic question.
Quote from lucaf :...Also what would be interesting in my opinion is, that mid-race joining would be disabled. How that sounds?...

Well, I think it might not help populate it very much.
If I want to join and see that for the next 60-50-40 minutes I won't be able to, I turn somewhere else and...

Which makes me think that in these cases it could be useful to have a "notification system" to get some sort of "ringbell" from the server, in the minutes that lead to a new race.
Say I get to your server and it is in mid-race.
I flag some "notify me of the next available race" field, and just sit doing other things (or clean the flat, make some coffee...) until I hear the beep-beep.
Maybe this should be asked Scawen (or is there already an add-on for that?).
For now going on South City Sprint 2 Rev with 40 laps (MRT)
Quote from Silverracer :What happens if you spin and end up against a wall? Get out and push it back?

PS: Apologies for off-topic question.

That's why I love MRT in the town, you NEED to learn reliability otherwise is game over. Like in real racing! Of course with many cars it requires extreme carefulness on first laps, again, like in real racing.

Ripley: thaks for your feedback. That issue got also in my mind...
Now I have added Pubstats for the server (WR data available), thank you RC-Maus for the advice.
Edit: hmm... I see the WR data for example on KY1R track but not on Rockingham tracks?

I would like to put some stuff on some tracks for example where cutting is too easy or where guidance is needed. For example Rockingham tracks, the 3rd curve on oval, and 1st chicane on Sportscar track where it is too easy to drive straight instead of diving into chicane.
What I am thinking is: How the layout would affect statistics? I have read somewhere that Airio handles every layout as separate track, is that true? So this would be a reason not to use layout?

About the future: Currently the hosting has been interesting enough that I will rent it for more long period.
Thank you!
For now the server name is displayed as "9397 Racing" and it will host only XFG demo sprint races on Blackwood until I decide something else Smile (If I had two servers, of course the second would be an XRG server)

I have added quite many of you "who I trust/ whom with I have raced many races/who whatever" as Limad1/Limad2 users (and I will continue adding...), so if you happen to visit the server don't be surprized of your status there Smile

I was also thinking about making the server available only for "well known users" (since Airio supports RName and LimitToRegistered), but it is an effort to list all those users in the configuration file.

It looks like a demo server is very easily filled up with cruisers, crashers, cheaters, still thinking what things can be done by script that they would be eliminated.
Much has happened since last post. Here attached some unofficial fun racing from last night. Please come and populate the server and have fun!

(I have separate thread in Events section about "official" race events, that will happen sometimes. )
Attached files
FE6Y_race_1L_11R_8F_20161105_1952.mpr - 1.1 MB - 480 views
Okay mates, I ask you to check the new Blackwood mixed layout on my server. Its inspired from the recent Latvian race event.

I am asking you, would you be interested to participate in a race event of about 2hour race on that layout?

There is one detail that I am doubting and thatfor asking you to tell your opinion. That U-turn episode wich you enter from the pitlane. I had fun building it, but I am far from sure that it is a good idea to keep it in the layout.

Also: I have a feeling that the layout would be more fun in reverse. Feel free do drive it reverse and test, if you are the only racer on the server. In reverse case I would make it "history" version, without the chicane.

So please mates test it and tell me, the race would be held with the cars that I have enabled there.
I finished the reverse version of the layout, and loaded it on the server (sorry Racon for kicking you because of that Smile). I think it is far better this way! Try it please Smile This one is BL Historic Rally Y
The following days(/weeks?) you have the opportunity to have fun on several new BL4X layouts. Currently two layouts have been finished, 965 (in the youtube vid) and Apollo (currently active on serv). Best suitable cars are XFG, XRG, UFB (UFR & 45% intake restr), MRT (until you hit barrier).

Welcome! lfs://join=9397%20Racing

top layout :]
Joined the server on Sunday morning for a few lazy laps - ended up staying until lunchtime - great fun!

Super tight track with really unforgiving barriers made for some great racing, and a masterfully created environment gave a nice sense of realism to the layout.

10/10 will be back next weekend Smile
ofc! Lucaf only makes 10/10 tracks

The only thing is I am not interested that much with tight turns, unless event or fern bay rally Tongue which includes Lucaf's trickster!
Fantastic layout, really feels like a street circuit with the walls. Hoping to see a championship run soon, would be interesting!

General: 9397 Racing server
(54 posts, started )