Lets name some names here now to make this conversation fun
"Ahmet Davutolu: “Prime Minister said that in current conjuncture, this attack (on Suleiman Shah Tomb) must be seen as an opportunity for us.”
Hakan Fidan: “I’ll send 4 men from Syria, if that’s what it takes. I’ll make up a cause of war by ordering a missile attack on Turkey; we can also prepare an attack on Suleiman Shah Tomb if necessary.”
Feridun Sinirliolu: “Our national security has become a common, cheap domestic policy outfit.”"
To summarize: a recording confirming a NATO-member country planned a false-flag war with Syria (where have we seen that before?) and all the Prime Minister has to say is the leak was “immoral.”
Erdogan is not amused:
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan described the leaking on YouTube on Thursday of a recording of top security officials discussing possible military operations in Syria as “villainous” and the government blocked access to the video-sharing site.
“They even leaked a national security meeting. This is villainous, this is dishonesty…Who are you serving by doing audio surveillance of such an important meeting?” Erdogan declared before supporters at a rally ahead of March 30 local polls that will be a key test of his support amid a corruption scandal.
In other words, the Turkish Prime Minister has admitted that the tape is authentic .. and is between top Turkish military and political leaders.
latest, (get the idea yet ?, and I was only up to Aug 2015 with those, BUT WAIT, THERE ARE MANY, MANY MORE....... !!!!!!!) attack,
It's either the Kurds, (or ISIS who have been blamed for earlier Turkish bombings (Remember team, 'OFFICIALLY' Turkey is fighting ISIS... )) being stupid, this is possible I admit.
Or It's Turkey looking at justifying starting WW3. Oh, and carrying on murdering Kurds... See my earlier post(s)
And one word; '
And if you don't understand what Gladio is/was, then you don't understand anything in this reality.
Gladio is 101 Geopolitics
Main article: Counter-Guerrilla
As one of the nations that prompted the Truman Doctrine, Turkey is one of the first countries to participate in Operation Gladio and, some say, the only country where it has not been purged.
The counter-guerrillas' existence in Turkey was revealed in 1973 by then prime minister Bülent Ecevit.
Gladio and its “stay-behind” networks may be one of the most historically “accepted” or “confirmed” examples of false-flag terrorism. The documentation, the resolutions, confessions, and convictions all confirm that Gladio is much more than the media or government would have you believe—a mere “conspiracy theory.” See the State Department’s special site dedicated to dismissing “conspiracy theories,” including their page on Gladio.
..... should take advantage of Gladio and the stay-behind networks as a confirmed precedent of the US and western governments participating in ruthless terrorist attacks against their own people in order instill fear, control the population, and frame left-wing political opponents. People who believe that such things do not or cannot happen should be forcefully made aware of such examples as Operation Gladio.
Gladio B
"Blood and carnage arising from false flag terror attacks are nothing new to Europe. What became known as "Operation Gladio" emerged into public consciousness through a series of scandalous revelations in Italy and other NATO countries during the 90s. Swiss historian, Daniele Ganser, documents the operation in his 2004 book, NATO’s Secret Armies. However, as James Corbett explains, the cold war strategy of using right wing, "stay behind" operatives to sow fear and division morphed into using Islamist militants, creating Gladio B, a strategy which was fostered in Turkey. Turkish speaking FBI whistelblower, Sibel Edmonds, provided to US authorities copious documentary evidence of collusion between the US "deep state" and Gladio B but needless to say, was sacked from her job even though her allegations were accepted as true."
Very off this specific topic, but for the UK readers, on the very same theme.....
Half of all senior IRA members in the Troubles were working for intelligence services, a secret dossier of evidence into the murder of two RUC men has claimed."
"However, court documents leaked to the Sunday Herald show that Magee, head of the IRA's infamous 'internal security unit', was trained as a member of Britain's special forces. The IRA's 'torturer-in-chief' was in reality one of the UK's most elite soldiers.
The documents, lodged as part of a court action being taken against the British government by a disgruntled military intelligence agent, name Magee as a 'former member of the Special Boat Squadron'.
The SBS is the marine equivalent to the SAS, with many in its ranks drafted from the Royal Marines, as in Magee's case. IRA sources say that Magee had left the SBS by the time he joined the Provisionals. However, the public disclosure of his time as a member of the special forces will fuel speculation that Magee was an informer for the British.
Magee died recently in Dundalk, Ireland, from a heart condition. Since his death, the IRA has been embroiled in a catalogue of disclosures that some of its most respected members were working for British military intelligence."
There are so very, very many more clearly documented historic facts on the above subject, but I may save those for a later thread......