What part of "WORKS ON PC WITH SELECTED TITLES" is difficult to understand ?????
Please define "SELECTED". Here is the standard definition.
past tense: selected; past participle: selected
carefully choose as being the best or most suitable.
synonyms: choose, pick, hand-pick, single out, pick out, sort out, take, opt for, decide on, settle on, set, fix, fix on, adopt, determine, designate, name, nominate, appoint, elect, specify, stipulate, prefer, favour.
Pointless argument really, if this wheel actually works then we wouldn't have no end of people saying it doesn't, and also saying the new software doesn't work to allow users to create profiles.
So, you all claim it works, thats fantastic. That will stop any one else saying it doesn't work as the G25/G27 did then.

I fully expect to never to hear again that this wheel doesn't work.
As, I don't have one and really don't care about this Logitech rubbish.
I'm sure you can all explain to all the users having issues with the G920 not working with 'non select games' exactly how to get it working. I will point people to pm you for the solution.
As you claim there is no issue.