0.6M7 is now available, with more keyboards implemented and an auto-hide system for the crosshairs.
When racing, sometimes there are buttons on screen, like when you show connections (N key) or if there are clickable InSim buttons on screen. Until now, crosshairs were permanently visible in this case, but now they are hidden after a few seconds. When you want to click on something again, just press VR Click or SPACE and it will show the crosshairs. That first click will not activate anything!
Changes from 0.6M6 to 0.6M7 :
More translation updates, thanks to translators
VR :
Crosshairs auto-hide in game when buttons visible (e.g. N or InSim)
Virtual keyboard :
Added Serbian / Croatian / Slovenian keyboard (QWERTZ)
Added Slovak, Turkish, Bulgarian and Romanian keyboards