The online racing simulator
Not sure about the Belize stuff, or the drag strip stuff, but as far as real versus fictional, I totally agree. There's nothing that makes a real track inherently more fun than a fictional one. The fact that it exists irl is irrelevant. If you built a real life version of Trial Mountain, how would it change the one you've had in Gran Turismo for 20 years?

If we can't have tracks that are impossible irl, or designed purely for fun, in a simulation, then where can we?

Sim communities get very defensive about this stuff, as if it's an attack on their credibility. It can be nice to pretend, sometimes, but let's not kid ourselves. It's all just pixels and polygons.
Quote from sinbad :Not sure about the Belize stuff, or the drag strip stuff, but as far as real versus fictional, I totally agree. There's nothing that makes a real track inherently more fun than a fictional one. The fact that it exists irl is irrelevant. If you built a real life version of Trial Mountain, how would it change the one you've had in Gran Turismo for 20 years?

If we can't have tracks that are impossible irl, or designed purely for fun, in a simulation, then where can we?

Sim communities get very defensive about this stuff, as if it's an attack on their credibility. It can be nice to pretend, sometimes, but let's not kid ourselves. It's all just pixels and polygons.

Totally agree! +1
Attached files
AI pitin error, spuns and pen.spr - 6.3 MB - 227 views
AI pitin error, spuns and pen2.spr - 6.8 MB - 236 views
AI^c pit in error slight.spr - 2.7 MB - 216 views
AI^c pit in error1.spr - 3.1 MB - 188 views
AI^c pit in error2.spr - 3 MB - 199 views
AIpit_error_noerror1.spr - 556.1 KB - 195 views
AIpit_error1.spr - 1.2 MB - 205 views
AIpit_error2 (BF1).spr - 1.3 MB - 198 views
Quote from sinbad :Not sure about the Belize stuff, or the drag strip stuff, but as far as real versus fictional, I totally agree. There's nothing that makes a real track inherently more fun than a fictional one. The fact that it exists irl is irrelevant. If you built a real life version of Trial Mountain, how would it change the one you've had in Gran Turismo for 20 years?

If we can't have tracks that are impossible irl, or designed purely for fun, in a simulation, then where can we?

Sim communities get very defensive about this stuff, as if it's an attack on their credibility. It can be nice to pretend, sometimes, but let's not kid ourselves. It's all just pixels and polygons.

Dragstrip...LFS has one, why not have cars that run on it too? I bet more people would use dragsters and pro street cars than would the RAC and F08 combined Smile Anyways, I was really just stating that having a "real" track is nice, but after realizing what hassles can be involved in making a real track model, if it's easier to just make up tracks, then fine. The made up ones they make are just as good anyways. I know what it's like just having to hang up a sign that tells you where the restrooms are at race tracks. It can quite literally become a nightmare. I'm clueless as to what sort of Cluster running around the track with a laser scanner must be like.
Belize... Belize shoulda been the centerpoint of this discussion. Yeah. They don't have dragstrips there.
I think LFS just simply should have absolutely everything covered about what comes with cars...

This is discussed so many times that I wonder if devs would actually care and take it ( swallow it ) all the critics of lacking content, they would have gone in mental hospital.

Also, this is going off topic. I just noticed, well I have noticed way before but I am even more sure... There will be more stuff in future ( if nothing unexpected happens, that's for sure )

Just wanted to say that the 3 devs really have talent. Thank you for making us enjoy..
Why still 512x and 1024x skins?
Found bug in 0.6M, at least I consider it is

So, having a insim circle which coordinates are e.g. X -201.36 Y -199.88 Z 0.00

Having another insim circle added with coordinates X-201.36 Y -199.88 Z 3.00

No matter what is the Z coordinate, it simply wont add. You can add however any other object, as long as it is not EXACT same point. But with this one, this is actually having trouble
Circles cannot intersect at all.

This may be annoying at times but is not a bug.
Quote from Scawen :Circles cannot intersect at all.

This may be annoying at times but is not a bug.

Oh... oh well... have to do it in old fashion again then
I'm so happy the LFS introductions. My hobby creating new layouts in track's. Now in S2 version max objects is 1800. Maybe in this LFS version might to be increased more objects ? Smile For example 3000 or 5000 objects, I'd think who made layouts in track's so be very very happySmile
I think 1800 objects for a layout editor is plenty now Big grin
Quote from Flame CZE :I think 1800 objects for a layout editor is plenty now Big grin

Yes is too plenty now. But when building gigantic's objects, for example drifting track's or something, where required beutifull imagine track and many objects you see that is deficit objects. I agree, we can made too beautifull tracks with 1800 objects, but in the alternative I'd think that increasing object's numbers it's good thing. Smile
To be honest - for very complex tracks/buildings/whatever 1800 objects are not much,but the general purpose of layout objects was to create routes on parking lots and not build fantasy worlds with houses n'stuff. Now we can do a lot more thanks to concrete objects and that's already a great opportunity,you have what you got,learn to use most of it. And I'm not sure how much objects impact performance,but with 5000 objects you might have performance issues on computers that aren't close to low spec...
The number objects I said for example Smile I'd think anything object's increasing it would be good, great, fantastic. In my opinion optimal increase 3000 objects. By the way objects use by situation and computer technologies white time improving.
Conclusion, about objects increasing can said Scawen and we wait for new information. Smile
Conpatible Test Patch 0.6M4 is available:

Please try out the Virtual Keyboard (press backspace or an assigned controller key). You should be able to operate LFS fully with only a controller and mouse. It's really for VR purposes but anyone else can test it too.

The Virtual Keyboard system now supports for several different keyboard layouts. It should work correctly with most of the main input languages used in LFS, specially the Latin ones. I think a few keys are in the wrong place on Czech keyboard and quite a few out of place in Hungarian. Japanese and Korean virtual keyboards are not supported properly, but will work fine in US English input mode.
Yay!! That list screen just became useful again Smile
A new test patch is available which includes:

- more accurate and lower latency horn and flash
- a special InSim packet to control lights and horn
- siren sounds have been added Big grin

0.6M8 is mainly compatible with 0.6M

- You can connect online with 0.6M
- You can play replays from 0.6M
- An M8 guest's horn or flash will not be seen on old guests
- The host must be M8 or later to allow a guest to use a siren

Changes from 0.6M7 to 0.6M8 :

More translation updates, thank you translators

Multiplayer :

More accurate horn and flash with shorter transmission delay

Siren sound :

Text command /siren=off/fast/slow
Only allowed on cars with a horn and if allowed by host
Allow a multiplayer guest to use siren : /cansiren username 1

InSim :

New ISS state flags to notify if local PC is in dialog / text entry
New packet SMALL_LCS - set local car switches (lights, horn, siren)
Hey, just a small report on that the new borderless window system (specifically "borderless window (single monitor)") works great in Linux/wine.

Very handy when switching between windows/worskpaces (especially in combination with the "Sound when window is inactive" setting turned on).
Test patch M9. Hopefully the final test patch before official version.

Changes from 0.6M8 to 0.6M9 :

More translation updates! Thank you translators! Smile

Audio :

Reduced the minimum volume to play a sound (can hear further away)
Added doppler effect to all car sounds that didn't have it already
Removed doppler effect resulting from SHIFT+U mode camera velocity
Updated commands.txt with commands /cansiren /siren /ujoin /uai

Siren sound :

Command /cansiren now works on players that have not joined race
Command /cansiren username 0 now switches off username's siren

Fix :

Fixed a recently introduced bug in the /key and /button commands

Download :
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