The online racing simulator
AI BF1 can't get out of pits at Rockingham
Running AI at Rockingham I'm seeing most times 2 or 3 cars get stuck on the latticework outside the garage when turning left to exit and can sit there an entire race wheels spinning and reversing up and down to just jam again. Looks like the path they follow to get out was set before the lattice frame was added, perhaps

Yes I know its AI and they aren't smart yet and most people say they should be removed as LFS is an online multiplayer sim.

However they are a part of the sim and as such should at least be able to fit through the pit garage doors and enter the track.

While Scawen is busy with other items. I'm hoping he may be able to spend some time to at least look at the problem and provide a fix when possible and perhaps even look into stopping the AI crashing into each other in pit lane and slowing to a stop when getting too close to each other on track.

Many of us don't have good internet connections or don't want to race online until the new tyre physics are here and all hot laps have been reset and we have gotten used to the new tyre attributes and adapted to them.

SPR showing problem attached
Attached files
RO8_3.spr - 274.1 KB - 398 views
#2 - Racon
Quote from ShannonN :... don't want to race online until the new tyre physics are here and all hot laps have been reset and we have gotten used to the new tyre attributes and adapted to them.


Regardless of the answer, those people are missing out on the best training resource there is: other (human!) drivers doing it better right in front of them. You'll be able to completely and utterly spank an entire field of AI long before you can keep up with the front half of the field of players on a busy server, and AI won't ever offer you a better set or give you any tips Smile
There are reasons not to get online
Totally missing the point.

I can't afford to race online at the moment and the AI is there for a reason, so the option exists to either:

1. Remove the AI totally because a majority of online racers prefer and can afford online racing and may perceive any inclusion of AI unnecessary because they don't necessarily need/use them.

2. Or to fix them to provide some training and offline competition and fun regardless of skill levels etc. Which I always thought was the object of the AI function.

Online multiplayer is not all its cracked up to be. The elite racers (WR holders etc) don't want ppl who can just outrun AI; they want ppl within .2 second of them. I'm not that good or will ever be and offline I'm not using any of my 1 gb a mth data while tethered to a phone.

Because contrary to popular belief, I cannot afford broadband internet on my pension with high rent, cost of living and astronomical internet costs in Australia blah blah
Why can't you afford online racing?

EDIT: u are an aussie :o
#5 - Racon
You're painting me with the AI-haters brush, and I ain't one of them.

I did miss the point about cost, yes, but probably because it didn't make it from your head to your post. I thought the question 'why?' would be enough to indicate that I was unaware of the point and wished to know what it was.

It sounded to me like you were taking the ever popular "I'm not playing if I won't win" route, but I thank you for the clarification - fortunately we only need remove the 'l' from the sentence and bingo!
Why I can't afford internet
Quote from k_badam :Why can't you afford online racing?

EDIT: u are an aussie :o

Hey Not all Aussies are rich Hehee,

Simple equation, on a pension I get a finite amt of money each fortnight, and I am grateful I have this safety net available, don't get me wrong!

However I have just moved from a cheaper share accommodation to a non share situation, no longer being able to tolerate sharing and all it's pitfalls and traumas.

this has added about $360 a fortnight to my expenses leaving me with only enough to cover car fuel and registration after I buy minimal food.

Internet here is generally expensive whether wireless with poor connections and speeds or horrendous for cable or telephone line rental PLUS internet.

While I have an existing phone connection that's unused and "turned off" I am not in an area where naked dsl is available from isps. So it would cost a lot to reactivate the telephone line (which I don't need for calls), pay rental on the line alone, then get normal ADSL2 broadband at an expense on top of line rental. this is probably 120 per month or 30 per week I cannot afford. The rental market in my budget range is very limited and I could not pick and choose which area to go to where all the internet was dsl or nbn

End of explanation. Smile
Quote from Racon :You're painting me with the AI-haters brush, and I ain't one of them.

I did miss the point about cost, yes, but probably because it didn't make it from your head to your post. I thought the question 'why?' would be enough to indicate that I was unaware of the point and wished to know what it was.

It sounded to me like you were taking the ever popular "I'm not playing if I won't win" route, but I thank you for the clarification - fortunately we only need remove the 'l' from the sentence and bingo!

Original post now edited
seems like the AI path or something is not right.

This seems to be also a critical flaw and should be fixed A.S.A.P

EDIT: After wathcing it, I got amused and will mess more with AI, I find for myself about it is always interesting to find something "special" with AI.
(Jonathon.provost) DELETED by Jonathon.provost : Error.
As a temporary measure, you can use the Autocross editor. Place pit start points, just outside of the garages. Place them as attached, in line with line on garage floor.

Don't put them on the main pit lane as they drive towards the inner put line AI Line.
Attached images
Why should we use kludges to fix what is broken?
Quote from Jonathon.provost :As a temporary measure, you can use the Autocross editor. Place pit start points, just outside of the garages. Place them as attached, in line with line on garage floor.

Don't put them on the main pit lane as they drive towards the inner put line AI Line.

No flames please.

Thanks for that , however, I'm of the opinion that we the end user shouldn't have to do this kinda fix, it's the devs responsibility.

I know 90 % of users want the tyre physic completed so the users can get the long awaited updates promised a zillion eons ago, but for someone noted for his commitment to perfection (Scawen of course)it's strange he can tolerate all these myriad of small bugs ruining the perfection of LFS.

Like not all like the AI, but it IS A part of the sim, so bugs like this are almost unthinkable - seems like the devs just don't have time for the AI, don't do any testing at all using them.

But will divert the time and energy away from the tyre physics for VR technology that will only be used by the ppl with a large wad of money, I certainly won't be able to afford any of the VR headsets when commercially available.

LFS is a great sim, without doubt, but showing it's age now as every other sim has had time to perfect or catch up on a lot of things, things like all the known bugs should in theory be ironed out prior to occulous rift, tyre physics etc or lets go back and mark the sim as a Beta version, which if it contains so many little fiddly bugs it really is?
Quote from ShannonN :No flames please.

Thanks for that , however, I'm of the opinion that we the end user shouldn't have to do this kinda fix, it's the devs responsibility.

I know 90 % of users want the tyre physic completed so the users can get the long awaited updates promised a zillion eons ago, but for someone noted for his commitment to perfection (Scawen of course)it's strange he can tolerate all these myriad of small bugs ruining the perfection of LFS.

Like not all like the AI, but it IS A part of the sim, so bugs like this are almost unthinkable - seems like the devs just don't have time for the AI, don't do any testing at all using them.

But will divert the time and energy away from the tyre physics for VR technology that will only be used by the ppl with a large wad of money, I certainly won't be able to afford any of the VR headsets when commercially available.

LFS is a great sim, without doubt, but showing it's age now as every other sim has had time to perfect or catch up on a lot of things, things like all the known bugs should in theory be ironed out prior to occulous rift, tyre physics etc or lets go back and mark the sim as a Beta version, which if it contains so many little fiddly bugs it really is?

Christ, the guy was just offering you a way to use the AI until the devs can address he issue and you just crap on him. Way to go.
What a load of shit! Not crapping on op
Quote from Bmxtwins :Christ, the guy was just offering you a way to use the AI until the devs can address he issue and you just crap on him. Way to go.

Didn't crap on op for his suggestion, never rejected it outright but said why should a end user have to fix flaws in devs work cause they are not interested in fixing it themselves? Hmmn? Having a quiet day at work and have nothing to do but post on forums, perhaps when you should be working?

Someone has to remind the devs of the little things that are breaking what could be a great sim. Instead most here revere the devs as some kinda Gods to be patted on the head just for typing a reply on the forum!!! To be sucked up to at every opportunity for fear they'll get the shits and stop development and take their "bat & ball" home

Scawen is NOT God or even close, perfection is not achievable by Scawen, he's only a man and LFS is only a nice sim that needs lots of work. I know there will be mention "its their sim, their way or no way", I and perhaps others are getting tired of that response as an excuse for everything.

While I don't wish to abandon LFS as I've been involved since 2003, just see the devs priorities get mixed up in consumerism (VR Tech) that they have always shied away from in the past.

If the diehards think this is an personal attack on the great God Scawen and His be all to end all greatest simulation in all existence . . . then nothing I can say will change minds, However I'm just pointing out a few things and entering into a discussion which last time I looked was the real object of a forum