After reading the hysterical mainstream press reviews saying how completely wrong and unscientific this movie is, I thought we could have some fun with this.
Despite continued notices by leading medical journals that there is no connection between vaccinations and autism,(Wrong-see below) some (that includes GlaxoSmithKline and the FDA) persist in claiming that one exists. Adding fuel to this fire is the controversial documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, making its theatrical (Interesting word choice) debut in New York this week.
Naturally, we all know that Drug Companies are only interested in patient well being and restoring people to health.
We also all know that their products are thoroughly tested and never cause unexpected harmful side effects.
So, we all know how safe these drugs are and how we never discover later that they have serious side effects.

I'm also positive that the FDA has never recalled or cancelled a drug because it may cause autism.
Sanofi Pasteur’s whooping cough vaccine Tripedia, which was designed to be administered in five doses between six weeks and seven years of age, is no longer available on the market, but the serum’s insert – last updated in December 2005 – provides hints to why it may have been pulled.
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And an Italian court has had this verdict overturned...
Based on expert medical testimony, the court concluded that the child more likely than not suffered autism and brain damage because of the neurotoxic mercury, aluminum and his particular susceptibility from a genetic mutation. The Court also noted that Infanrix Hexa contained thimerosal, now banned in Italy because of its neurotoxicity, “in concentrations greatly exceeding the maximum recommended levels for infants weighing only a few kilograms.”
Presiding Judge Nicola Di Leo considered another piece of damning evidence: a 1271-page confidential GlaxoSmithKline report (now available on the Internet). This industry document provided ample evidence of adverse events from the vaccine, including five known cases of autism resulting from the vaccine’s administration during its clinical trials.
Thus GSK’s apparent lack of concern for the vaccine’s adverse effects is notable and perhaps not surprising. In the final assessment, the report states that “[t]he benefit/risk profile of Infanrix hexa continues to be favourable,” despite GSK’s acknowledgement that the vaccine causes side effects including “anaemia haemolytic autoimmune,thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, haemolytic anemia, cyanosis, injection site nodule, abcess and injection site abscess, Kawasaki’s disease, important neurological events (including encephalitis and encephalopathy), Henoch-Schonlein purpura, petechiae, purpura, haematochezia, allergic reactions (including anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions),” and death.
So, as you can clearly see, the media's criticism of this movie, Vaxxed, is completely justified and you should never watch it.
Despite continued notices by leading medical journals that there is no connection between vaccinations and autism,(Wrong-see below) some (that includes GlaxoSmithKline and the FDA) persist in claiming that one exists. Adding fuel to this fire is the controversial documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, making its theatrical (Interesting word choice) debut in New York this week.
Naturally, we all know that Drug Companies are only interested in patient well being and restoring people to health.
We also all know that their products are thoroughly tested and never cause unexpected harmful side effects.
So, we all know how safe these drugs are and how we never discover later that they have serious side effects.
I'm also positive that the FDA has never recalled or cancelled a drug because it may cause autism.
Sanofi Pasteur’s whooping cough vaccine Tripedia, which was designed to be administered in five doses between six weeks and seven years of age, is no longer available on the market, but the serum’s insert – last updated in December 2005 – provides hints to why it may have been pulled.
(Page 11 )
And an Italian court has had this verdict overturned...
Based on expert medical testimony, the court concluded that the child more likely than not suffered autism and brain damage because of the neurotoxic mercury, aluminum and his particular susceptibility from a genetic mutation. The Court also noted that Infanrix Hexa contained thimerosal, now banned in Italy because of its neurotoxicity, “in concentrations greatly exceeding the maximum recommended levels for infants weighing only a few kilograms.”
Presiding Judge Nicola Di Leo considered another piece of damning evidence: a 1271-page confidential GlaxoSmithKline report (now available on the Internet). This industry document provided ample evidence of adverse events from the vaccine, including five known cases of autism resulting from the vaccine’s administration during its clinical trials.
Thus GSK’s apparent lack of concern for the vaccine’s adverse effects is notable and perhaps not surprising. In the final assessment, the report states that “[t]he benefit/risk profile of Infanrix hexa continues to be favourable,” despite GSK’s acknowledgement that the vaccine causes side effects including “anaemia haemolytic autoimmune,thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, autoimmune thrombocytopenia, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, haemolytic anemia, cyanosis, injection site nodule, abcess and injection site abscess, Kawasaki’s disease, important neurological events (including encephalitis and encephalopathy), Henoch-Schonlein purpura, petechiae, purpura, haematochezia, allergic reactions (including anaphylactic and anaphylactoid reactions),” and death.
So, as you can clearly see, the media's criticism of this movie, Vaxxed, is completely justified and you should never watch it.