The online racing simulator
Other players not showing up in multiplayer
After a long lfs pause, i decided to go back and play online again. So i downloaded the latest version (0.6m, demo license) and entered the amg gti motorsport server.
However i couldn't see other player's cars. I could see their messages, their lap and section times, but the cars do not show up nor do their icons move in the track map. Does anyone have the same problem? How can i fix it?
Thanks for reading.
EDIT: This problem happens with every server. Also, offline mode works fine.
** Best answer **
Try switching to TCP. While online, press 'N' key to open the connection list, and click on the 'UDP' button, it will turn red and change to 'TCP' (this can also be done pressing Ctrl+T).

This should resolve your issue, but it would be better to fix the UDP packets not arriving. Probably your ISP fault.
Marked your answer as best. THANKS SO MUCH Big grin. Can't stay for long now, plenty of races waiting for me Big grin.
Enjoy your races! Thumbs up
I guess as we are from the same country, i have the same issue