The online racing simulator
AI drobe new PB?
(18 posts, started )
AI drobe new PB?
Hi folks,

i'm a little bit confused. Just a sceond ago, i raced on my own (online) host just against 2 AI drivers, called "Carl" and "Janina", on fern bay club with UF1. When "Janina" passed the finish line after lap 2 there appeared the following messege: "LFSW - AI drobe a new PB - 58.00". Does LFSW log the AI-times too?

But in the next lap, "she" did a 57.67 and nothing happend.

I'm a little bit confused...

The replay is attached, but i don't know if LFSW messages are displayed in the replay. But what i swear that i was the only human on my host.

Help me
Attached files
confused.mpr - 244.1 KB - 360 views
I havnt looked at the replay yet, but i will. But i dont think LFSW logs ai times, but hey, u never know, there could be a glitch....
LOL... i just started next race - and NOW i'm really confused.

See yourself!

BTW: "Schnellste Runde" = "Fastest lap"
Attached images
Have u cheaked LFSW if there PB's r listed on there?
"AI was not found"
#6 - ikkah
Yeah, it must be some kind of a bug. Had this in an LFS Suomi race, and AFAIK everyone on the server saw the messages. Had about five of those messages, apparently the AI was learning
There were AI players stats on old version of LFS World (before S2 release). He/she/it has the best online stats overally, but it was unachievable for human players. That was propably stats summary of all AI players running on online servers. Hovewer, seems that AI statistics disappeared on the new LFS World version for S2.
#8 - (SaM)
Doesnt it say: Al as in "AL" drove a new pb?
#9 - mr_x
Quote from (SaM) :Doesnt it say: Al as in "AL" drove a new pb?

lol thats what i origionaly thought, till i realised there was no one called "AL" in the server, and no ones lfsw login was "AL" either, so i presume its a glitch or bug with the AI, or its just being random
this has been mentioned before and is a bug I think.
I've seen this 4 or 5 times online since S2. Never offline though. Usually when I see it "AI" gets a time like 02.93 or some crazy thing.
it's a common bug, i see it at least 2 or 3 times a week and it should be fixed in future versions.
Predesktop LFS world kept online stats of the Ai
Quote from snewham :it's a common bug, i see it at least 2 or 3 times a week and it should be fixed in future versions.

It's not a bug. It's just reporting when the AI gets a new PB - a PB for all AI drivers.

I guess the bug is that you can't see it on LFS World now like you could before.
Thanks Scawen! I take it it's not track specific then coz i was racing at KY GP Rev and saw AI's new PB 52. something seconds..unless that AI is driving a F15...

It's funny coz everytime it appears we get a whole series "wtf"s and people spinning out...
Hmm ok, thinking further, there is a bug then. I suppose LFS World just tells the master when AI gets a new PB, and the master server sends it to the first host that it finds, where "AI" is driving, no matter where the PB was recorded.

Not sure without looking into the code, but anyway I'll show Victor this thread, as he shouldn't really report AI's PB seeing as there's no way to actually direct the message to the right place.
Quote from Scawen :Hmm ok, thinking further, there is a bug then. I suppose LFS World just tells the master when AI gets a new PB, and the master server sends it to the first host that it finds, where "AI" is driving, no matter where the PB was recorded.

Not sure without looking into the code, but anyway I'll show Victor this thread, as he shouldn't really report AI's PB seeing as there's no way to actually direct the message to the right place.

actually scawen the last time i remembered seeing the AI PB message the server i was in didnt have any AI running at all.. once again the PB it recorded was way different to the track and cars we were running also
Thanks scawen for answering. But i have to agree... 53.32 is a really nice time for FE Club with UF1. I don't really believe there is such a fast AI on this track on any host.


AI drobe new PB?
(18 posts, started )