The online racing simulator
Rony's / Race Green Events - layouts

Hallo,racers! I've been into event organizing quite a while and pretty often I use my own made layouts for those events,so I decided to compile them into one thread for sharing reasons in case someone likes them and also wants to use. All layouts will be either upoaded here in seperate posts with little description or linked to location,where they're already accessible,all links will be posted here in main post. For better overview the list of layouts will divided into few different categories and sorted by environment and alphabetically. Links may lead either to other post in this thread,other thread/post,where the layout is uploaded or directly to layout download.

All layouts are free for public and private use,and allowed to adjust to your likings and needs. Still - in case layouts are used in any events,a little credit to creator would be nice! Wink

International level racing layouts

In this category you can find layouts made in highest possible standarts I usually do. This means - tracks are properly marked with lines (except in South City),have turn and braking zone markers,usually have max possible 40 start grid slots/pit start points,have a proper pitlane with pitstalls (amount may vary regarding possibilities),are secured against big shortcutting. Often tracks feature victory lane or a full three step podium in secure location for celebration and/or picture purposes. Also custom buildings may be added to make the tracks sort of cooler or a bit more realistic.

Aston East Chicanes (AS1X)

Race Green International Raceway (AU1)



Kyoto GP Alternate (KY3X)
Kyoto Maximum Track (KY3X) - needs update,but still very well usable.

Rockingham East Handling Course RGE (RO9X)
Rockingham Handling Reversed RGE (RO6X) - originally available configuration,just reversed

South City Chicane Industrial RGE + Rev (SO6X/Y)


Lower level racing layouts

In this category you will find layouts that do not fit into modern racing standarts - this means track width may vary and tracks may be narrower as original LFS configurations. Also tracks might be more bumpy and trackside can feature dangerous objects. Also here tracks will feature proper turn/braking zone markers,shortcut securing,usually also full 40 slots grids and pitlane with pitstalls,also track markings may be added. Most of tracks here will be Westhill access/service road tracks,as this environment offers great opportunities for this category.

Westhill RGE-Tunnels (WE1Y)
Westhill North RGE (WE3X)

Rallycross tracks

As you can figure out from name,this category will have various tracks,that are partially or fully layed out on dirt surface. Also here tracks might have most of International level racing features,but some may have just basic features.

Aston Club Cross (AS2X)

Fern Bay Bullring (FE1Y)

Westhill Rallycross RGE (WE5X)

Various other layouts

Here will be posted all tracks,that do not fit into other categories - point to point tracks,race of champions style tracks and whatever I happen to create in future.

Aston MayDay Track (AS3Y) - pre-0.6H-patch layout,so it does not have custom grid!

Rony's AU Course 1 (AU1) - pre-0.6H-patch layout,so it does not have custom grid and pitlane has no function!


Fern Bay Sprint Track (FE6Y)

Kyoto Rony's RX Short (KY2X) - pre-0.6H-patch layout,so it does not have custom grid!



MayDay MayHam 2015 track (WE1X)

I hope you like them,have fun!

PS. Thread is just now created and just few layouts,will be filled more later!
Rockingham East Handling Course RGE

This layout was created with a race with UF1s in mind (127th RTFR - results are few posts below) - it is quite slow and very twisty course,except for oval part. Track can be described as very busy,as for major part you need to turn actively the wheel. Overtaking opportunities are limited - only turn 2 offers great chance for "easy" overtaking manouvre,few minor chances can be found if car ahead is slower. Track suits more to slower cars,like UF1,STD,MRT,probably also for TBO,LX4/6 and FBM. Reverse (clockwise) direction is not supported without proper layout object alterations,including car spawn area exit.

Preview pictures (click on them for full resolution):

Start/finish straight with grid and custom start lights stand:

Turn 2 - a tight hairpin from wider part to narrower:

Turns 5 and 6 - following 2 different hairpins:

Turn 11 - tightening lefthander with challenging braking area:
Attached files
RO9X_East Handling Course RGE.lyt - 7.9 KB - 587 views
Quote from Eclipsed :[/center]
This layout was created with a race with UF1s in mind (127th RTFR - results are few posts below) - it is quite slow and very twisty course,except for oval part. Track can be described as very busy,as for major part you need to turn actively the wheel. Overtaking opportunities are limited - only turn 2 offers great chance for "easy" overtaking manouvre,few minor chances can be found if car ahead is slower. Track suits more to slower cars,like UF1,STD,MRT,probably also for TBO,LX4/6 and FBM. Reverse (clockwise) direction is not supported without proper layout object alterations,including car spawn area exit.

How about custom start grid and pit start points?
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :How about custom start grid and pit start points?

Track already uses them,making reverse direction of course automatically means adjusting those,so I didn't even mention that. What basically I ment - to create proper reverse version of this track,you need to edit quite few things. I will probably do not that until I need such track for some event,so it's up to the one,who needs it. That's mainly the idea of this thread - I share my work,everyone can use it. If someone desires some changes,he has to do them by himself as he is the one,who knows best,what he wants to change. Wink

PS. I will post some preview pictures for the layout later,otherwise people from side won't get the full impression.
good stuff here Wink
add South City layout you used on 125th RTFR
South City Chicane Industrial RGE (+ Reverse)

Most of experienced LFS'ers know it,it's been there for ages,but never been finished - the South City's industrial section (name locally given due few existing textures there - warehouses,silos,which give feel that it's planned as an industrial part of the city). But it has always been blocked off from rest of known South City's streets. Since patch 0.6H we have pretty decent layout objects for use,some of them can be well used to build relatively smooth bridges over barriers blocking the industrial section. Due fact,that roads in the new section do not have any boundries (when car goes over sidewalk,it just fells into underground),whole trackside has been layout out with armco barriers,made as smooth as possible.
Track is more suited for street cars and maybe even GTR cars,as few concrete object transitions might cause loss of control over formula cars - feel free to test yourself! Added also reverse version,which has a very tricky exit for second-to-last turn.
Track was featured in 125th RTFR (results posted few posts under info post) using LX6,which was a great workout to any driver's skills.

Preview pictures of normal direction (click on them for full resolution):

Original turn 1 has been modified due ramps that lead over the wall,turn 2 is a lefthander on concrete surface,a challenging slippery turn:

Most of the industrial section in one picture - even the textures around are missing,in racing heat you'll be seeing just track,as turns are made a tick more difficult due elevation changes:

Course rejoins defauld Chicane configuration over concrete slabs/ramps - they're made with minimal raise at chicane side,a bit steeper at industrial side due closing turn:
Attached files
SO6X_Chicane Industrial RGE.lyt - 5.1 KB - 782 views
SO6Y_Chicane Industrial RGE Rev.lyt - 5.2 KB - 665 views
Thanks for this thread Rony.
Westhill North RGE

Originally planned for an FZ5 race,the concept of this configuration came onto planning board as one of the greatest challenges,but it got delayed and at the end an FXO race of 129th RTFR was the inaugural race of Westhill North - a good decision though as the lighter and slower FXO was still a very frequent visitior of the track run off areas.
Course consists of Westhill International reverse sections,where the chicane is used as a pitlane,and support roads north from normal Westhill raceway. While very familiar raceway part is wide and easily predictible,the rest is narrow,elevating and tricky right after the course turns off standart racetrack,starting with narrow downhill 90° turn,continuing with long,sweeping uphill left turn,followed by curvy straight with high danger of ending the car in trees if done wrong. The track probably is one of the easiest for making mistakes.
Track could be suitable to almost all LFS cars,where downforced cars would have less trouble of dealing with most dangerous parts,while LRF class could make it very difficult. Reverse direction is not supported by default,quite few alterations might be needed for that.
Also the safer version is added for download - the version features barriers around track making the track a tick safer as trees,posts and other trackside objects are now out of reach,but the challenge to make a good laptime still is same.

Preview pictures (click on them for full resolution):

Start/finish straight with grid and custom start lights stand,while pitlane is layed out in WE2 chicane:

Turn 7 is the slowest turn of the course,while the elevating approach makes it especially challenging:

Fastest part of the track is not a straight but elevating curves,where TBO cars reach top speeds over 200 km/h - bravest racers will keep throttle down to max,only raceline will decide if bravery will succeed with good laptime or wrecked car in woods:

The small improvised looping was the only decent solution to bring the course back to it's start:
Attached images
fxo laptimes.jpg
Attached files
WE3X_North RGE.lyt - 7 KB - 775 views
WE3X_North RGE_safer.lyt - 8.9 KB - 686 views
Rockingham Handling Reversed

Since the Rockingham environment features just 11 configurations without them beeing available in reverse direction,we (LFS users/racers/organizers) have to create them by ourselves. Here is ready reversed version of Rockingham Handling (RO6) with all the neccesary features. No preview pictures added as it is a standart configuration,should be known for everyone,just direction has been reversed. As always track is properly marked with lines and braking markers.

NOTE! In case you want to enforce pit speed limit (which in Rockingham is a ridiculous 40mph/64km/h),you have to remove all 8 custom pitstalls! Otherwise there is no speed limit in pitlane.
Attached files
RO6X_Handling Reversed RGE.lyt - 2.4 KB - 598 views
Hallo,layout fans! I'm posting this here as this is the most related thread to what I want to post.

So the thing is - I need a little help! I have created a layout for round 2 of the next AWS season,but before adding it to schedule,I would like to have it properly tested - check if there are any bugs and to find out if the track is really suited to racing. Also to find out a good laptime to better plan race length.

To clear out what is waiting to test - it is a complete dirt track (except the concrete bridge),located at the biggest grass area of Westhill. It is quite wide and yet very twisty,has also some elevation and uneveness of racing surface.

Track has possible multiple configurations,currently server is set to the one I was thinking to put on schedule,currently it lacks proper braking markers,just few "notifications" where the track goes.

It will be loaded on RTFR server (click to join) until sunday,if you have some spare time,please test it and cast your thoughts. Thank you!
I drove it a bit. I got 2.24 as a lap time ( 8 secs slower than Rony for some reason, although made no mistakes.. :o ). I think it`s quite a good track to drive. In some places you only have to know where the track goes.