The online racing simulator
Finnish translation
(36 posts, started )
Finnish translation
Hi Scawen!

I have updated Suomi.txt and help_Suomi.txt. Basically translated lines that first appeared in 0.6H (or newer) but which had still not been translated into Finnish (such as "This car does not have a handbrake").

I'm also trying to translate Commands.txt and Autocross.txt into Finnish Smile
Attached files
help_Suomi.txt - 13.7 KB - 806 views
Suomi.txt - 58.6 KB - 793 views
Thank you for this.

Please check your email. Smile
Translated Keys.pdf into Finnish

Next thing on my to-do list: Training lessons Smile
Attached files
Keys_Finnish.pdf - 87.3 KB - 1003 views
Thanks! Saved to my patch folder. Thumbs up
Thanks, but I have found some problems.

First, I renamed the files to xxx_Suomi.txt as I think this is needed (because Finnish is known as Suomi in LFS).

I've attached the renamed files.

Now, when saved into data\training folder, they can load on the training lesson screen but there are problems with some characters. It seems to appear fine in notepad but I guess it is saved with a different type of character encoding, not using the single byte Windows code pages. It seems to use double byte characters (is that UTF-8?) so LFS can't interpret them correctly.

I haven't investigated further. Can I just leave that with you for now. If you can't find the answer easily then let me know and I can try to find out how to change the character encoding.
Attached files - 16.8 KB - 993 views
Yes, I initially saved them using UTF-8 encoding.

Now I saved them using Western (Windows 1252) encoding. I started LFS and now they seem to load properly.

I've attached training lessons which now use Western (Windows 1252) character encoding
Attached files - 15.2 KB - 1068 views
Thanks for the updates! Smile

I've saved them to my patch folder.

I've just translated all untranslated lines of LFS.NET TEXT

However I noticed two problems with this:

1) I translated this line: "On the '<a href="/forum/-1/newposts">New posts</a>' page, hide all posts you have already read". However, when I look at Settings-page, that translated line doesn't seem to appear. Instead it shows the original line.

I've attached a screenshot of this problem.

I haven't seen all those translated lines when previewing this translation (because, for example, some lines can only be found when user has just registered), but this line is so far the only one I know that doesn't show translation.

2) Is it on purpose that I can't translate menu items that appear at the bottom of this website? I also can't translate these menu items that appear at the top of this website: Files, Car Skins and Car Setups. What I mean is that I didn't find an opportunity to translate those lines at all on Translations-page.
Attached images
Thanks. I'll ask Victor about this.
Sorry for the delay getting back to you. Victor has done some updates.

He says he had to extract the texts again and created a new translation file, so the things you reported will work properly and be translatable.

Except for the footer things you mentioned. There's lot that's not translatable as he only focussed on the registration pages.

If you do any remaining updates, please let us known when you are done, so Victor can include your updates on the website? As they don't show up automatically.

I've now translated all lines of LFS.NET TEXT

I've attached a screenshot about menu items related to own account. At the moment I'm not able to translate last three menu items from that menu (Notifications, Car skins and Car setups). Online translation system says at the moment: "100% translated, 344 strings (0 not translated)"
Attached images
Quote from tankslacno :I've attached a screenshot about menu items related to own account. At the moment I'm not able to translate last three menu items from that menu (Notifications, Car skins and Car setups). Online translation system says at the moment: "100% translated, 344 strings (0 not translated)"

These lines are there, just search for the text on the page. They seem to appear as translated I think.
Quote from Flame CZE :These lines are there, just search for the text on the page. They seem to appear as translated I think.

I searched "Car setups". It only found 1 result (I've attached a screenshot about this). That line/string which it found is related to sub-menu item. I had already translated that and that particular translation appears properly. I've attached a screenshot from that menu as well.

I also searched "Car skins", same result.

So basically, every menu item from Sub-Menu (which can be found on Global.php-file) has been translated and they appear correctly. From that menu which relates to account (settings), translation of every menu item except Notifications, Car skins and Car setups appears properly.
Attached images
Thanks! I've passed on the message to Victor.
I've fixed those lines that wouldn't translate.
I've also added two more lines used on the registration page.

Thanks for the help!
I noticed another problem. I translated two lines, but their translations are not displaying. Instead, original lines are showing instead of them.

The two lines are:
- Any character is allowed. Minimum length: 8. Maximum length: 48.
- Allowed characters: a-z, A-Z, 0-9 and _. Minimum length: 8. Maximum length: 23.

I see this problem at these pages:
- When I'm trying to change my password (
- When I'm trying to create a new account (

I've attached three screenshots about this problem (1 showing that I translated them at the online translation system and 2 showing that the translated lines are not appearing).
Attached images
(Flame CZE) DELETED by Flame CZE : nvm :P
hm strange. I've put your updates live and it looks good there.

Oh, yeah and what Flame said. Updates aren't put live automatically, but I was assuming you were using the preview option.

Knobbly Tires are in finnish: Mukurarenkaat ( KNOBBLY = MUKURA )

in finnish term, Knobbly Tires are translated in LFS: Mutarenkaat ( MUTA = MUD )

This error has been like since forever when LFS got finnish translation...

Of course, there is no direct finnish word for Knobbly... But knobblys are more like for off-roading... then we come in this:


So, I suggest to change word "MUTA" to "MAASTO"

EDIT: Actually, it is direct word for Knobbly as Mukura, but that term is not most likely used in finnish, it is simply called as Maastorenkaat = Knobbly tires
I translated into latvian in word that means something like "dirt/mud",pointing out surface for which these tyres are ment for...
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :Okay...

Knobbly Tires are in finnish: Mukurarenkaat ( KNOBBLY = MUKURA )

in finnish term, Knobbly Tires are translated in LFS: Mutarenkaat ( MUTA = MUD )

This error has been like since forever when LFS got finnish translation...

Of course, there is no direct finnish word for Knobbly... But knobblys are more like for off-roading... then we come in this:


So, I suggest to change word "MUTA" to "MAASTO"

EDIT: Actually, it is direct word for Knobbly as Mukura, but that term is not most likely used in finnish, it is simply called as Maastorenkaat = Knobbly tires

Thank you for this suggestion/correction. I've now changed that word in both online translation system and in my LFS-Client.

In case you can't wait to see the end of MUTA-word, I've attached a screenshot of this correction Big grin
Attached images
I updated Keys.pdf-file. Fixed some mistakes and also added one more button combination there (Shift+-, which blocks all messages, not just chat messages). I've attached the updated Keys.pdf-file.

By the way, small suggestion related to translating. Could it be possible that assigned translators would get some kind of title here in forum to inform other users that they are translators and what language(s) they are translating? Here's why: I've noticed that sometimes people are informing that they have noticed mistakes in translations and are telling that kind of information in Patch TEST-section for example. By having a title here, it could help other users to inform them (translators) (via private messaging for example) about mistakes in that specific translation that they (translators) haven't noticed.

In case you didn't understand what I suggested, I've attached a example screenshot about this which shows this suggestion/title. It may not be high in your priority list and for me, it can wait and I'm perfectly fine without it, but it could be a nice little and helpful feature Smile
Attached images
Attached files
Keys_Finnish.pdf - 40.2 KB - 709 views
Thank you, I've got the updates. Thumbs up

Finnish translation
(36 posts, started )