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What is an LFS fun night?
The premise of these events is to get as many people online to drive on layouts produced by the LFS community. The side affect of which tends to be a lot of fun. The more drivers, the better the races.
When are they?
There is no regular schedule for LFS fun nights. When this event used to be hosted regularly, it took some of the fun out of it and so hosting them more sporadically guaranteed a full server every time.
Where are they?
LFS Fun Nights are hosted on [TC] Events - This server is passworded until 30 minutes before an event.
What sorts of layouts and cars do you use?
We use layouts that have been around in LFS for years such as old favourites like CTRA Bump 'n Jump and NDR Death Rally. We also use brand new ones that are created just for this event by our community. As for the cars, we use a mixture, whatever works! (And sometimes whatever doesn't work). Have a good layout? Post it below and if it's any good we'll use it! (We credit the creators of each layout)
Still want more information?
Words can only say so much, check out some of these community videos to see what's in store: