Default setups - damping ratios too high?
According to most of textbooks the damping ratios of the road cars should be 0,2-0,3. However most LFS road cars have the ratios that are greater than 0,7 which corresponds to a racing car. Are these default LFS setups actually the setups for racing?

Unfortunately I can't find the damping characteristics of the shock absorbers for the road cars. Does anybody have some numerical values?
Quote :Are these default LFS setups actually the setups for racing?

I think yes. Some time ago the setups used to be named something like "race_s."
Also some cars have "rallye_cross" and "hard_track": rallye-cross clearly refers to racing and I think "track" does too.

For further looking maybe try this tool:
It can load LFS setup files and has data of the cars.
I use this tool, but it's only LFS cars there. Where can I get the input files of other cars?
Oh. Well then you probally found the MX5 data on too.
There is also included some "dp1" sportscar prototype. Other than that I don't know..maybe email the creator.
Default setups for the road cars are in track tune. Scawen has shown some interest in having the default setups being in road tune but this has yet to happen.

Kandis, you can create any car you like with that program but of course you'll need to research lots of data. Was there one in particular of interest?
Hi Bob,

no, i was just experimenting with the formulas that I found in the textbooks and tried to apply real values (damping rates, spring stiffness, mass) to it and the only source that I could find was LFS that contained this information. But then I found that the damping ratios of road cars in LFS (that I calculated) deviate from the real road cars according to those textbooks.