Maybe first buy an actual licence before seeking for support,sinjor cracker? Or you do go to electronics store to ask how to turn on the TV you stole from them?
Please, (gender fluid) 'wilhamatias' is clearly in need of your help. It's just Latvian privilege that is allowing you to oppress this poor Brazilian who does not have access to your wealth of potato's, or paypal, or a credit card, or a debit card, or, clearly, a friend who may have access to such a thing ......
Many Brazilians dream of your wealth so if you shared potato's they could buy LFS.....
That S3 username does not exist on lfsworld so I can't imgine he has bought it. Although I think it is the same person who has a thread running asking how he can pay for it in brazil.
You need to buy/pay for license for this game to post S3 licensed screenshot or we ask, 'What are you doing, Why are you posting what looks like pirated software screenshot ?.'
Thank you Google translate here !
"Você precisa comprar / pagar por licença para este jogo para deixar S3 licenciado tela ou podemos perguntar: ' O que você está fazendo, Por que você está postando o que se parece com captura de tela software pirata ?."
This was your last polite warning from me. .
Este foi o seu último aviso educado da minha parte.