The online racing simulator
Quote from VolksTurbo :Hello Yisc a question, you can make Lapper load an image that is on the computer where you run lapper and displayed on the server?

No, that's not possible and again, this isn't the kind of question that should be asked in this thread. Please keep it clean, thank you.
I could not do a script that when you give someone ban then appears a message that says "User was banned for x days" thanks ^ _ ^
I would do a system when a user connects to the server take it?

Read a list from a .txt file

Is it possible for you to make a new script to list top drift scores by car?

I thought maybe by modifying your TopTable script that lists only fastest times for each and every car, to list only the highest drift score for each car?

I tried doing it myself, by reverse engineering your script, and using PBDrift, but best I've managed so far is 20 lines of 'Wrong dimension Array' in a table.

I do have drift score tables..

.. that list in order from highest to lowest (standard drf table with additional buttons), and grouped per most popular drift cars, but a top list would be nice too Smile
Attached images
Drift tables.png
I have quickly looked into your request, but don't think it's possible with current version of Lapper, unless someone adds a similar function as GetTopList but then for Drift.
I appreciate you looking in to it for me - thanks.
Is it possible for a script to count your Total driven distance, session distance and a leaderboard for the top 10 or 15. Also if possible when a driver reaches a certain driven distance they get listed into a file or database and tracking their distance stops there.
Quote from RevLeon :Is it possible for a script to count your Total driven distance, session distance and a leaderboard for the top 10 or 15. Also if possible when a driver reaches a certain driven distance they get listed into a file or database and tracking their distance stops there.

Yes, that's possible and could be stored into the database and then ofcourse retrieved as well.
StoreValues is what you are looking for here.
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Yes, that's possible and could be stored into the database and then ofcourse retrieved as well.
StoreValues is what you are looking for here.

Any chance you can give me a hand with it or a starting point? I don't really know much about scripting but I think I can give it a go Big grin
Quote from RevLeon :Any chance you can give me a hand with it or a starting point? I don't really know much about scripting but I think I can give it a go Big grin

Here's a starting point, which I hacked together tonight.
Save the file in the 'includes' folder of your Lapper and rename it to *.lpr
Also make sure to add it to the file called "AddonsUsed.lpr".
There should be enough comments in the file, to understand what's happening, otherwise feel free to ask any questions.
I haven't made the leaderboard, but that shouldn't be too hard to figure out (hint, read through some other scripts I made, for directions).
Attached files
dist_rec.txt - 3.1 KB - 338 views
Quote from Yisc[NL] :Here's a starting point, which I hacked together tonight.
Save the file in the 'includes' folder of your Lapper and rename it to *.lpr
Also make sure to add it to the file called "AddonsUsed.lpr".
There should be enough comments in the file, to understand what's happening, otherwise feel free to ask any questions.
I haven't made the leaderboard, but that shouldn't be too hard to figure out (hint, read through some other scripts I made, for directions).

Thank you so much for this, gonna start figuring it out right away and i'll let you know if i don't understand something
Hello, you could make a script that put [COP] in the name you activate the siren please!
Quote from Popughini :Hello, you could make a script that put [COP] in the name you activate the siren please!

The nickname of a player can't be changed through the Insim protocol, it's a read-only value.
What i think what he means is:

He wants a script: When you change your nickname, and the new Nickname contains a [COP] Tag. That you send a cmdLFS("/cansiren " .$Username. " 1"); command
Quote from Yisc[NL] :The nickname of a player can't be changed through the Insim protocol, it's a read-only value.

Could I make a script that the maximum speed is 60 Please

Thank you
Yes you can.
You need to use "InstantSpeed" from the current player and then do something when that goes above 60.
Be aware that you need to check the speed every X seconds, since it can change fast, so you need to write some routine that is run every x seconds.
This can be done with a registered action, but you could also use the delay function.
Hello, "admin_notify" I'll talk about.
openGlobalButton( "admins_present",25,0,150,5,4,-1,55,"^7Admin Durumu: ". $admin_status . " ^7| Admin: " . $admin_name . " ^7| Giris Saati: " . $admin_time_online ); RegisterScheduled Action is added to this section how
I thought something like this

Event OnLapperStart()
RegisterScheduleAction( "00 00 * * * * * : 00 01 * * * * * : 00 02 * * * * * : 00 03 * * * * * : 00 04 * * * * * : 00 05 * * * * * : 00 06 * * * * * : 00 07 * * * * * : 00 08 * * * * * : 00 09 * * * * * : 00 10 * * * * * : 00 11 * * * * * ", Admin_status );

Could it be that the command does not work like that,I want a renewal of the [Admin Status] section every 1 minute
That's not the right syntax.
It should be like this:

#Syntax: ss mm hh dayofweek dd MM YYYY

Event OnLapperStart()
RegisterScheduleAction( "* 0 * * * * *", Admin_status );
RegisterScheduleAction( "* 1 * * * * *", Admin_status );
RegisterScheduleAction( "* 2 * * * * *", Admin_status );
RegisterScheduleAction( "* 3 * * * * *", Admin_status );

Etc. etc.
I wonder where I made a mistake
At first glance I don't see any mistakes.
Is Lapper throwing an error and if so, could you post that?
executing does not look online admin
Then you should debug the code.
Place some code in the sub-event which should display a chatmessage or a message on the console.
Then you will know if the sub-event is executed or not.
If it isn't, then there's something wrong with the scheduled action.
If it is, then there's a problem in the sub-event.
RegisterScheduledAction is not working when I add this code