I have been using TS for over a decade, and find it to be simple, low bandwidth, under constant developement, and most importantly, I'll say it again, simple. I recently tried Discord, and despite having MANY invites from many keen players in many games, the only thing I can't work out, is how to find and join a room, and speak to someone via voice chat. It's OK for texting questions to admins, but it is DAUNTING for me to use, let alone anyone who is new to voicechat. It seems like hardly anyone ever sets up a room and remains in it for any length of time. Permanant rooms are there, always empty, even when events are supposed to be running. Anyone can set up a TS server, on a spare PC, and host for free without encountering the vampires trying to suck blood, AKA money, from your soul, AKA wallet. Discord seems to be a case of money grubbing gone rampant. I have not Twitched at all, or used most of the other systems for any serious time, so cannot fairly comment on them, but I feel DisCORDing is DisGUSTing. The most important thing I think, though, is unity. It's pointless to have fifteen people spread over six systems, with two to four people in each system, all cursing the drivers they can see in their game, for not being in their voicechat room with them. I raced TOCA, for a long time, on TS, and I know what a diference it makes to a game when you get to know the real people you are racing against. We could not have had our club run for as long as it did without voicechat. The difference in people's attitudes when they can hear the anguish in someone's voice when they screw up is amazing. We would invite trolls to TS, and within a week they would become serious racers, rather than just trying to destroy other people's fun. PS your link here to Discord has expired, so it's pointless posting one if you're not prepared to keep refreshing it as required, whereas a link to your TS server stays up until you take it down or alter it manually. Whatever you decide, just pick one, post it on your site, and put a link in the game to the program and instructions on how to install/join it, and get everyone together for a chat. It's five or six times as much fun gaming on a voicechat program.