Victims of online bullying & harassment
(9 posts, started )
Victims of online bullying & harassment
Being a victim of online bullying & harassment is no joke!.
It effects your life in ways you cannot imagine.

The best way to deal with it is to stop using the internet & stop using your computer.
Real life is out doors.
But you may have been pushed in the direction of online racing due to being bullied or harassed in the real world.

So don't let them come unto your private space. Ignore them & move on.

If any wants to discuss online harassment that they may have witnessed or been a part of please feel free to air their grievances on here or via private message.

It happens all of the time & people get away with it time & time again.
So this is your chance . Stand up to bullying. Share your concerns.
#2 - lfsrm
If you can keep your privacy over the net ( not using real name or real addresses ), you won't be affected by any kind of bullying or harassment, it's as simply as that.
Quote from :Happens all the time to me. I have no idea why. Got used to it.

Do you really have no idea why someone would target you?
You need to tell a grownup and they will protect you and escort you to a Safe Space......

Quote from :Well.. It looks like lack of intelligence most of the time. This group of people tries to compensate this with yelling random stuff about mothers and other weird arguments. The only problem is that this group of undereducated people seem to get bigger. Which is strange, you should expect from the internet generation that they would do something good with the extra amount of potential wisdom being offered. Disappointing.

ur mom sux... get a truk lamer. LOL could you imagine how boring our arguments would be if we just typed like that to each other?

Cyber bullies.... what a joke. What annoys me most about them is their total lack of originality.
Most of the time I have to stop and realize that I'm being "bullied". They're just that stupid.
I always thought it was just some goofy kid going through puberty withdrawals and that was the only way they could almost look tough. I didn't realize that it could just as easily be some fat middle aged loser that still lives with his parents. And them doing it for about the same reasons. Most of the time you can get rid of them easy enough by just being creative with your typing. Mock them, play stupid while actually making them look really stupid in the process. I dunno. Use your imagination. It's your best weapon on the internet and they most likely won't be using theirs.

"The only problem is that this group of undereducated people seem to get bigger."
I would call you Captain Obvious for that, BUT.....
It appears that the smarter our phones become, the dummer we get. It's all a bunch of paradoxes, isn't it?
All this information and technologies out there popping up by the day, yet hordes of ill-informed people increasing by the hour. Safety standards continue to get more idiot-proof, yet all that happens is God builds a better idiot. Educational standards at the highest it's ever been, yet the population is plagued with simpletons.
So that statement probably isn't all that obvious to most people Wink
#8 - 3CR
Yeah because racer x acts like a grown up?
Quote from 3CR :Yeah because racer x acts like a grown up?

Look you... you... you... DEMO USER (dawes?)! Racer X needs help and we all sorta hope he never gets it, OK?

Victims of online bullying & harassment
(9 posts, started )