[TFL] The Faithless Legion - OFFICIAL Recruitment Page!
Hello everyone and welcome to the Official [TFL] Recruitment Thread.
Here, I'll give you team Info, a member list, team ranks and how to rank up, and a recruitment form if you are interested in joining [TFL].

Sections In Order
SECTION 2: Member List
SECTION 3: Ranking System
SECTION 4: Recruitment Form
SECTION 6: Final Words

SECTION 1: INFO - First I'll give you some team information...

The Faithless Legion are an all round team.
So we do
  1. Races. These range from Demo Cars to TBOs to GTRs to Open-Wheel, on Drags, Circuits and Custom Layouts.
  2. Drift Comps. We know that in LFS, there is a large drifting community, so we accommodate for them as well.
  3. Fun Nights. These are usually mess around tracks, such as figure 8s, loops and custom competitive racing such as "The Stop and Go Race".
  4. Playlist Events. Slightly different to the fun nights, these Events can be multiple of the above 3. Though generally Races, Drift Comps and Fun Events combined into a playlist are usually shorter to accommodate the number of events.
SECTION 2: Member List
Here I'll show you our current member list with our member's LFS usernames (This is updated every time a new member is recruited):

Team Admins, Owner and Founders:
[TFL] Fa!thless ------------ (terminat0r16876) Owner
[TFL] Vettel ---------- (FGYSG) Founder
[TFL] CSX42 ---------------------- (CSX42) Admin

Elite members:
[TFL] Ryu------------(eregonv1)

Offical Members:
[TFL]Cyankill#96 ------------(rougey)
[TFL] devilsh ------------(Seawon)

Recruit members:
[TFL] Fluffy ------------------------ (Unisonzero)
[TFL] LIFTED ----------------(amigo201)
[TFL] Melody ------------()
[TFL] Twiz ------------(Luisdriftking)
[TFL] Pieter ------------(psoetaert)
[TFL] Thuglife_------------(thuglife_)
[TFL] Tomiy ----------(CarlosUK)
[TFL] Mizku ---------- (_PRO-939_)

SECTION 3: Ranking System
Okay so at the moment there are 4 main set-in-concrete ranks. This helps identify how new or skilled to the team members are...

[TFL] Recruit (RM): Light Blue - Can use team skins and rank up (Of course)
[TFL] Official Member (OM): Red - RM abilities + Can have their skins featured on the TFL Thread, [TC] and LFS.net.
[TFL] Elite Member (EM): Green - OM Abilities + Can have their tracks featured on the [TFL] Thread, [TC] and LFS.net. Can also recruit members for [TFL]
[TFL] Admin/Top Rank (A/TR): Purple - EM Abilities + Can Host events with Owners permission and knowledge for event organisation purposes. Can also kick members with a valid reason and members username.

How to rank up - To rank up in [TFL], you must earn points by finishing between 1st and 5th. A bonus 2 points can be earned by setting the fastest lap, first for a whole lap, tandem a whole lap, best drift score, pole position, etc.
(1st = 5 points)
(2nd = 4 Points)
(3rd = 3 points)
(4th = 2 points)
(5th = 1 point)

[TFL] Official member: 12 Total Points
[TFL] Elite Member: 25 Points
[TFL] Admin: 55 Points
(These numbers may increase or decrease as this is still in development)

SECTION 4: Recruitment Form...
If you'd like to apply to be a member of The Faithless Legion, please fill out this form

1. LFS Username:
2. LFS Display Name:
3. Current Team (N/A if none):
4. On a 1-10 Scale, how active are you? (eg: 7):
5. Personal Skill: []Racing - []Drifting - []Rally - []Drag
6. Skill level: []Beginner - []Intermediate - []Pro
7. Nation/Country:
8. Age and/or Birthdate:
9. Will you be cooperative towards [TFL] Admins?:
10. What events are you most interested in? []Drift - []Races - []Fun Nights/Playlists

*Fill in the Boxes "[]" with an "X"

These are the team rules and must be followed to avoid a bad reputation and/or getting kicked/banned from [TFL]
  1. No purposeful ramming. - We want to provide a fun event/playlist and you ramming others is not accepted
    (In some fun night game modes, this rule does not apply)
  2. Do not be abusive or aggressive towards ANYONE, especially admins.
  3. NO TWEAKS - Keeps the tweaks for tweak servers, at [TFL] we race fair and mods are not accepted.
  4. Follow the rules set out in custom games - Events are held on LFS.net and will have rules for that specific event in the description. Follow them rules to avoid getting kicked.
  5. If you're kicked, its for a reason. - You are welcome to re-enter the game, but if you continue to break the rules, you will serve a 12 hour - 24 hour ban.
Warnings will be issued like so...
1st warning - Admin has told you to stop your disturbance
2nd warning - Kicked
3rd warning - 12 hour to 24 hour Ban
4th and final warning - Permanent Ban until you request to be unbanned for a valid reason.

SECTION 6: Final Words
Thank you to everyone who has joined [TFL], The amazing community of [TC] and their Admins, and the LFS.net community. Your support and suggestions are appreciated and have driven me further to continue this team. Thank you again.

~ Faithless (TFL Team Leader)

nice vob mods bro
Quote from Bmxtwins :nice vob mods bro

Well It's a google image and I can't help that people use VOBs and I just want to get a point across of what we do lol. Plus I was already going to change it as its outdated.
Why are there .vob mods in your avatar....
Quote from k_badam :Why are there .vob mods in your avatar....

That was taken way back. Before I knew VOBs were not allowed. I guess I forgot to remove my avatar. Alright, now lets get back to the point of this thread shall we? Big grin
1. LFS Username: Max_74
2. LFS Display Name: SIADich
3. Current Team (N/A if none):
4. On a 1-10 Scale, how active are you? (eg: 7): 8
5. Personal Skill: [X]Racing - []Drifting - []Rally - []Drag
6. Skill level: []Beginner - [X]Intermediate - []Pro
7. Nation/Country: Russian/Estonia
8. Age and/or Birthdate: 06.02.2001
9. Will you be cooperative towards [TFL] Admins?: Yes
10. What events are you most interested in? []Drift - [X]Races - []Fun Nights/Playlists
#7 - BeNoM
We a dead team now :/