The online racing simulator
Can't buy s2 :(
(10 posts, started )
Can't buy s2 :(
Today i tryed to buy s2 but as you can see i'm still demo licensed!
i tryed a lot times but nothing!
What i need to do?
#3 - Sn1p
Paskaties, kas tev ir par karti MasterCard vai Visa, vismaz tā bija mana kļūda, ka visu laiku bija Visa, kad nomainīju bija MasterCard un atzīmēju nepareizo visu laiku, līdz man daleca. Taka, kad pērc pievērs visam uzmanību un lasi visu kārtīgi!
bet man ir maestro creditkarte Frown
but i have Maestro creditcard
A Maestro is not a credit card, but a bank card.
But how i can buy then?
i tryed all way's but nothing ;(
Is your card authorized for online payments?
try using or similar one, for transfering from your e-bank account to skrill account and buy S2 with that.

Notice there is 1% fee, if you want to transfer credit IMMEDIATELY to your skrill account

I mean if no other options left
Maestro has support but you should turn on online/3d secure and foreign payments from bank for card. If bank has no support for online payments over maestro, try skrill. If skrill is not OK, you may check local or latvian sellers or merchants.
Ja tev ir maestro, tad neesmu pārliecināts, ka izdosies. Labāk kontaktējies ar banku, kas izsniedza karti un jautā pēc palīdzības, viņi uz sitienu tev atbildēs un pateiks, vai vari veikt ar savu karti tiešsaistes transākcijas vai nē.

Can't buy s2 :(
(10 posts, started )