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2016 US Election
(157 posts, started )
If you bother reading my posts you may have heard me comment about the 'Clinton body count'.

It appears that Huma Abedin, after 20 years with Hillary, had heard rumours about this as well.
Allegedly there were 10000 emails in a folder called life insurance.

Lets see if Huma is so depressed she also shoots herself in the head twice, as have several notable suicides around the Clintons....

If that is true then that would certainly help explain Comeys sudden desire to REEAALLLYYYY annoy Obama, Lynch, and the Clintons.

Obama has quietly pulled out of joint appearances with Hillary before the election, there were 8, now none.

This is certainly the most entertainment I have seen, crying democrats, crying media, Hillary demanding the FBI release information that she had covered up.

She hides her server, uses Bleachbit to wipe it, 'Can't remember' anything during her FBI interview, but suddenly now she is all full disclosure.

She buys off the Media, the Democrats, the FBI, and gets dicked by a weiner. Dead banana

My bad, in the above post I'd said 10000 emails, actually the number is 650000. The good news is that Huma has no idea how 650000 emails got onto this (these) computer (devices).

Probably 640000 dick pix that Weiner was emailing...........

Did you know that Bill (Lolita Express) Clinton married them ?????

Icing on the cake, here is Trump in August 2015, over 1 year ago, warning that Weiner was security threat.

Huma Abedin, the top aide to Hillary Clinton and the wife of perv sleazebag Anthony Wiener, was a major security risk as a collector of info
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 31, 2015

Huma should dump the sicko Weiner. He is a calamity that is bringing her down with him.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 23, 2013

Clearly Hillary and Huma knew better....., Till now....

FEEL THE BURN !!!!!!!! Dead banana
The US Election, it's the gift that keeps giving..... Heart

Todays fun, The DOJ, having failed to block the investigation into Huma (I know nothing, nothing!) Abedins emails has now appointed one Peter Kadzik to overview the investigation. Yup, name means nothing does it. Now, he is No 2 at the DOJ.

"The Justice Department official in charge of informing Congress about the newly reactivated Hillary Clinton email probe is a political appointee and former private-practice lawyer who kept Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta “out of jail,” lobbied for a tax cheat later pardoned by President Bill Clinton and led the effort to confirm Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

Peter Kadzik, who was confirmed as assistant attorney general for legislative affairs in June 2014, represented Podesta in 1998 when independent counsel Kenneth Starr was investigating Podesta for his possible role in helping ex-Bill Clinton intern and mistress Monica Lewinsky land a job at the United Nations."

Here's Podesta's actual 2008 email.

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: 2008-09-08 17:21
Subject: Peter Kadzik

Willing to help. Fantastic lawyer. Kept me out of jail. I'm sure
Christine knows him. Wants to help. Think he would be an excellent
vet lead. 202-420-4704

Well, he's clearly impartial....

Lets have a closer look at Podesta and why there is so much panic regarding the FBI having these emails, again thanks to Wikileaks Big grin (Hell, they have access to all my emails, why can't I see theirs ?)

Timing is important here, 2 May 2015 he emails;
"On another matter....and not to sound like Lanny, but we are going to have to dump all those emails so better to do so sooner than later"

Now, he didn't say release, he said dump. Interesting choice of wording.

4 May 2015 the House Select Committee on Benghazi sent Hillary Clinton a document retention subpoena, with some hinting the NYT report may have served to tip off the Clinton campaign about the upcoming subpoena.

The wham, magically 33000 emails get the bleachbit treatment, in theory, never to be seen again, till now.
This could be the most fun so far. It's likely confirmation of a number of rumours that have been around for a while now. I'd heard that it was likely that the Podesta and DNC leaks that wikileaks has been sharing was from an internal American source.

Watch this and enjoy, unless your a Hillary fan...

Lets enjoy the fustercluck that's about to go down. Get your popcorn and comfy seat, this should be fun. Thumbs up

Pieczenik served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger is well-versed in foreign policy, international crisis management, and psychological warfare. He also served under presidential administrations as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, and George H.W. Bush’s White House.
Quote from Racer X NZ :If you bother reading my posts you may have heard me comment about the 'Clinton body count'.

It appears that Huma Abedin, after 20 years with Hillary, had heard rumours about this as well.
Allegedly there were 10000 emails in a folder called life insurance.

Lets see if Huma is so depressed she also shoots herself in the head twice, as have several notable suicides around the Clintons....

If that is true then that would certainly help explain Comeys sudden desire to REEAALLLYYYY annoy Obama, Lynch, and the Clintons.

Obama has quietly pulled out of joint appearances with Hillary before the election, there were 8, now none.

This is certainly the most entertainment I have seen, crying democrats, crying media, Hillary demanding the FBI release information that she had covered up.

She hides her server, uses Bleachbit to wipe it, 'Can't remember' anything during her FBI interview, but suddenly now she is all full disclosure.

She buys off the Media, the Democrats, the FBI, and gets dicked by a weiner. Dead banana

Probably the only realistic post Racer X has made on this forum regarding the United States. All of this is published on reputable sources.
Trump or Clinton? I don't know or care which one of those worthless POS will win. I just know who loses. The American People.
I'm not even bothering to vote.
Quote from Racer Y :Trump or Clinton? I don't know or care which one of those worthless POS will win. I just know who loses. The American People.
I'm not even bothering to vote.

Your system decided that Hillary or Donald were the 2 best choices America had. At least Donald got there honestly.

In this election, not voting is a vote for Hillary.

The crime and filth runs so deep this is a chance for america to clean up it's act.

There should be a Bill Clinton home movie release shortly so if the rest of the evidence was not enough to show what you'll get with her, that may help.

Even US Intelligence agencies and the NYPD are prepared to leak information showing how corrupt the system is.
The original investigation into Hillary's emails took a year and a half. Now they finished this one in just a week! They're amazing! Amazingly corrupt.

"The depravity of what has been found lead the NYPD Chief to also say:

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach. There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”"

This may be helpful after they steal the election through fraud.

Oh, I've heard that name Peter Kadzik before, He's that wonderful Department of Justice person who is leading the investigation into Hillary that just got shut down.....

I wonder why he is emailing John Podesta this information on May 19, 2015 ????????????

You might almost think that they have known each other a long time..................

From:[email protected]
To: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Date: 2015-05-19 11:12
Subject: Fwd: Heads up

Additional chances for mischief.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: *Peter Kadzik* <[email protected]>
Date: Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Subject: Heads up
To: John Podesta <[email protected]>

There is a HJC oversight hearing today where the head of our Civil Division
will testify. Likely to get questions on State Department emails. Another
filing in the FOIA case went in last night or will go in this am that
indicates it will be awhile (2016) before the State Department posts the

(I do believe I pointed out that the NSA is one of the US security Agencies that are after Hillary.)
It is a bit strange being on the same team for this though.
Thought this was a joke, but no.

Canada and the prospect of Americans moving there appears to have drawn so much online interest that it knocked out the country’s immigration website.

Internet searches for “move to Canada” and “immigrate to Canada” spiked Tuesday night as election returns favoured Republican President-elect Donald Trump. “Canada immigration” was also a top trending Google search and “Canada” was a leading U.S. trend on Twitter, with more than 1 million tweets.
I think Canada is safe from a rush of Clinton supporters. Once they start to work it out they'll be looking for somewhere with no extradition to the US !

Well done America. I really didn't expect enough voters to understand what Hillary would mean.

And have a good laugh at the paid for media that believed their own lies about polling. The media scream is funny by itself
Quote from Racer X NZ :I think Canada is safe from a rush of Clinton supporters. Once they start to work it out they'll be looking for somewhere with no extradition to the US !

Well done America. I really didn't expect enough voters to understand what Hillary would mean.

And have a good laugh at the paid for media that believed their own lies about polling. The media scream is funny by itself

Well done? Uhhh... the lesser of two evils is still evil. Oh well. Hopefully Obummercare will go the way of the Brady bill.
For a good laugh you should checkout The Huffington Post. Those self righteous idiots are saying the exact same things about Trump as what the Republicans were saying about Obama.
I don't know why those whiny libtards are wanting to flock to Canada though. EVERY Canadian I've talked to last year wanted us to vote for anyone BUT Hillary Clinton. Just what did she do to piss off Canada that bad anyways?
But let's see what happens in four years when the working class in the Rust Belt realize the steel mill jobs are not coming back. When the middle class find out that all those tax breaks aren't for them. When the xenophobes see that the "wall" isn't going to get built and the Bible thumpers figure out he's not going to affect the abortion industry one little bit.

The whole world wanted anyone but Hillary - That women is seriously evil, so again thanks.

But you blokes and blokettes really need to sort out your electoral system. When evryone thinks your a banana republic then you need to either change, or embrace it.

Anyway, enjoy these two short highlights video's of the election announcement.
A bit of a laugh, given the 'riots' and the SJW meltdowns over this election, here's one of my favourite Aussi's take on this.

(Ok, he's an Aussi and speaks Australian, we Kiwi's are used to this but if your a delicate flower, don't visit Australia. Smile )
What? Run out of stuff to go on about? Or are you just waiting around for Trump to screw up and come up with crap?
Well here's two things for you to connect dots with.
1. The Dreaded OBAMACARE:
That's a horrible version of healthcare. It basically forced lower income families to buy health insurance they couldn't afford (what subsidies?) Insurance plans where the deductibles and co-pays (what YOU have to pay for doctor visits and prescriptions)were too expensive
TO afford. And if you were to go to doctor and just pay flat out, that doctor visit alone was less than one week's payment of said forced insurance.
Well one of Trump's hallmark platforms was to get rid of that garbage.
Now we hear there's key elements in it he likes and wants to keep.
Hmmm.... If you invested in markets and commodities and you all of the sudden had the power to force people to buy something, what would you invest in?

2. Draining the Swamp:
He got all sorts of the disenfranchised here in the good ol USofA that to believe that he was going to clean house in DC if elected. He was going to put an end to those bad ol career politicians. The people he was going to get were outsiders with all sorts of experience in the private sector and get them appointed in key positions to fix the problems caused by bloated government.
His cabinet is made up of nothing but career politicians. And a lot of people thought he was going to bring back the steel mills and manufacturing jobs. Well not only is that not going to happen, the clowns he's getting back into things are some of the very same ones that sold out all those manufacturing jobs in the first place!
Something tells me that 12 million illegal aliens are still going to be here four years from now. And I'm pretty sure "the Wall" approach to illegal border crossing going to be whittled down to basically a couple of guys working overtime.

One more thing anyways just so you can feel included.
Foreign policy: Hmmm. Why do I think I see him and Putin having massive bank accounts? Wikileaks disappearing. Certain dissidents having accidents?
It's going to suck in Syria worse than it does now. NATO and Western Cohesion? I don't see much there beyond political leaders babbling about this or that. Our economies and social structure is too interwoven.
Your neck of the woods - The South Pacific Rim. Yeah..... do y'all have Mandarin as second language courses? You might wanna look into that.
I think he'll help negotiate away the South China Sea interests from the Philippines and Vietnam and Indonesia to the PRC for some chump change business deal.

We're having a lot of morons acting stupid here cause Trump won. I'm pretty sure you've seen some of that on the news. Most of that is by a bunch of sore losers and antagonized by professional agitators hired by Soros. I don't know or care about liberalism elsewhere, but the American liberal is about the most pathetically self-righteous moron out there. No matter how screwed up he is, he's still better than Hillary Clinton.
I think the if any one should be rioting, it should be the suckers that voted for Trump thinking they were actually going to see some sort of change for the better.
Politicians not living up to election promises? Who'd've thunk? If only there were some kind of precedent to have warned us that this might happen!
Yeah, 7.5 earthquake and our birdbath was 1/2 emptied....
# We will refill !

Yes Hobbitville is still here atm, one house demolished and 2 dead. A quiet typical Sun night really....

So, back to the post. Smile

Posted on friday and Racer complains about a lack of new posts on sunday....

Like no pressure, right. Smile

First thing - Ignore 99% of your media as they are presstitutes, they sold themselves years ago and are incapable of writing an honest story.

Ok, Trump on Obamacare "Trump has backed away from his pledges to repeal Obama's health care law in its entirety. He said after their meeting Thursday that he favors keeping the law's rules barring insurers from turning away those with pre-existing conditions, as well as its allowance that those up to age 26 can remain on their parents' insurance."

So, do you see an issue with that ? Cus I don't.

I doubt he could get rid of the GOP filth completely anyway, I can't stand a number of them but lets see what happens, he isn't prez till Jan 17 so give him a chance.

Your sad little SJW's, do watch what Bearing says, it's a good laugh.

And, at least with Trump you don't have that insane bitch anywhere near anything expensive.
If the US want's better candidates, sort your shit out and achieve that.

(Actually, just look at Trey Gowdy for pres, he is seriously good !!!)

This election was, like Brexit, a choice between Nationalism, and Globalism.
Nationalism won both votes...........

Oh, want a job paying $35 per hour working for George Soros ? Here ya go..

Edit: ..and the China thing. Umm, yeah. Well, we were going to tell you but you seemed so happy bombing countries we didn't want to make you sad...

See, we've been seeing China since 2008... We are just friends though and it's nothing to be concerned about... We are still BFF's, honest.

Only with you kicking us out of ANZUS, and the whole ship thing, well then with the whole TPPA thing, well, we didn't really like that either so we've also been talking with Russia, just as friends, nothing for you to worry about. Honest......

Yeah, umm, and we have been learning Chinese* but only for something to do, seeing as you don't take us out anymore............

And, you've still got Australia, and I thought America preferred dumb blonds. Smile

(*Yeah, I know but storyline)
Glad you came through the earthquake OK. Been having all sorts of little issues here, but nothing of that magnitude (no pun intended)

The TPPA..... hmmm. As sad as it is, it's just too impracticable (impracticable. not a yank word, not kiwi word, but a reals deal Limey word!)
Anyways it, TPPA. I guess the word Impracticable too, but no. The Trans Pacific Partnership. It's just not that popular here. It seems to spell doom for a lot of what's left of manufacturing jobs in the US. But looking at the big picture, It should have a lot of economic prosperity behind it.
Our economy is evolving into a consumer based service based economy.
If we get into it and keep globalizing these services, it should pay off in the long run. So many people are afraid of China taking over. Not as in a war, but economically. Why? Not only are consumers keeping them afloat, but so are American companies and firms A lot of companies that wouldn't exist if it wasn't for lowered manufacturing costs from China and other parts of Asia. .... wait a minute - you like Trey Gowdy?
Quote from Racer Y : .... wait a minute - you like Trey Gowdy?

Oh yeah, He is seriously one of the worlds best politicians......
Watch and listen to this.

You want to make America great again ?, elect Trey as Pres Thumbs up
Trey Gowdy..... First off, almost ALL politicians are scumbags. I seriously doubt he's any different.
I watched him try to grill HRC. LOL He looked like he was going to explode. She used a very good tactic in defeating him during the hearing or inquest or whatever. Just by being calm and playing dumb. Yeah. It was kinda funny. His eyes bulging, Sweat running down all over him. He was having an obviously hard time keeping his composure. He sorta looked like what they do in were-wolf movies right before they transform into the monster. As with most of the country, I never really heard of this little congressman before. And that was the first impression.
He was a District attorney in a state where the masses almost automatically find a person Guilty irregardless of any evidence and having indigent defendants forced to plea out.
Sure, that helps him with stats. But it becomes a whole different game when the opponent has the same pull and resources you do.
He really seemed to be at a loss on handling a real opponent.

2016 US Election
(157 posts, started )