Hello dear lfs'ers,
this post is not only about lfs in the news but also a thank you for the development team that made this achievement possible.
This week Tuesday there was Final race of Finnish National Championship Series 2016 arranged by IeMA, International eMOTORSPORT Association (
http://www.iema.fi/index.php?language_id=1 as live race in the promoters (
http://www.circuit.fi/index.php?language_id=1) premises in Helsinki for the 10 finalist of the series. The series was run using lfs as race simulation platform and this is also promoted both in IeMA and promoter web sites.
Here is link to the actual race live stream which includes also qualifying session (around 30 minutes) followed by the actual race (45 minutes+1 lap) using XR GTR on South City Long Reverse track with wind option set to 3 (
Unfortunately the commentary is in finnish so it might be little difficult to follow if not a Finn. Maybe next year there will be some race series with english commentary as there is plans to expand activities to international level also.
The whole podium was populated by experienced lfs'ers, winner Joni Katila (lfs account jsrk), 2nd Antti Terho (lfs account speedsenna) and 3rd Toni Lähteenmäki (lfs account FL4SH-) which shows that long experience of racing within lfs really helps to achieve something like this.
The whole podium got as reward of investing to lfs and to this race series their money back multiple times.
Therefore really big thanks to lfs development team Scawen, Eric and Victor to make this possible.
I hope this gives some extra motivation to further work on lfs.
I don't know if there is any similar activities in any other country around the globe but now Finland has showed one way how lfs or eMotorsport could be brought into Motorsports family in National level. Of course as first time to organize this kind of race series its a lot of learning but I believe same applies whatever new Motorsport class is kicked off first time.
I would also hope that similar activities could be kicked off in other countries and continents. at least now we know it is possible. And I fully believe Scawen and the team would give full support whereever similar activities would take place.
Joyfull Xmas and action packed New Year 2017 for all

Let's hope

will evolve to next level during next year and we can enjoy it many years to come
Jari Katila (lfs account jkat)