The online racing simulator
#1 - loxai
headtracking and VR with your phone

I'm new here so I'll briefly introduce myself. My name is Xavier. I like racing simulators... well, I actually like sims in general, specially flight sims.
I guess, that's kind of obvious since I'm here, but it is relevant as that's the reason I created Trinus VR.

I wanted a low cost alternative to (still unavailable) VR systems like Vive or Rift, so I started developing a software solution that uses your own smartphone for tracking and display. Combine it with a headset like Google Cardboard, VR One, Homindo or some cheap chinese one, and you've got yourself an affordable VR system!

When I started with my first proof of concept I wasn't sure it would work but, as I kept improving it I realised that it can be quite good. It does have its limitations, but I know it can be much better!

In any case, I have used it with LFS and the virtual reality experience is quite enjoyable. But don't take my word for it, there's a free test version available. I would love to hear some feedback. Just remember, it is a work in progress Smile

If you go ahead, set it up to emulate TrackIR and run the game windowed in a 4:3 resolution to activate the Fake3D mode (might work with TriDef or Vireio for full depth 3D, but I haven't tested). You can find more details on usage, performance tips and the download links on my site:

I just tried it on the demo version, sadly without a headmount, so I didn't get the full effect, nonetheless I'm very impressed!

I'm really considering picking up a headmount and the full version of your app. Do you have any advice on what headmount to look for? Are there any I should stay away from?
#3 - loxai
If we consider price as a starting criteria, some Google Cardboard clone will do for short sessions (not very comfy) and will only set you back about 10-20$ (but get one with straps!).

For a little more, you can go plastic (using good foam protection) with a chinese unit. There are quite a few of those available (with new variations popping up every week), so it's hard to keep track of them all. ColorCross is popular, because it was one of the first ones. There's the xiaozhai, which is more comfortable (ColorCross uses rubber instead of foam).
As I say, plenty of unbranded variations, so probably newer models work better. Might be good to search on Amazon for the reviews. The main issue with the chinese models I've tried is that immersion level tends to be lower (due to lower FOV), but on the other hand you might get better image quality (less screen door effect, for example).

Then if you want to go premium, you can check the Durovis Dive, the Homido or the VR One. I've used the last two, and they are on a different level, quality wise. Very good results (more immersive). The Homido is limited on max screen size (it will fit bigger phones, but not use the whole screen) while the VR One is, at least for now, only compatible with Galaxy S5 (some people have adapted the provided tray to fit their phones, but that's a DIY that might not always work).
There are actually a few more options on this price range, but I can't remember... Vrizzmo? Cmoar... truth is it's hard to keep up, since everybody is making headmounts these days Smile

I think you can get a quite enjoyable experience with just one of the low cost options (a chinese mount with good reviews maybe). But for better immersion levels, I guess I'd go with a Homido.
Another option (hybrid) is getting a very cheap Cardboard just to get some initial impressions and decide if the limitations are fine or you want something better, and how much better, just a chinese model or a premium mount.

So... I guess after this long post I've just left you more confused than before Smile
Not at all, you've given me a lot of useful information to think over. Thanks a bunch.
Here is the source code for the LFSORDLL.dll which is normally linked with the Oculus libovr.lib

It might be a bit complicated but in theory you could make any VR headset work (properly, with correct distortion) with LFS by producing your own version of LFSORDLL.dll

It does lack documentation at the moment because I did not design it for public release or use with other VR headsets. It was only designed to connect with the Oculus Rift. But I'm posting it here just in case it is of any use.
Attached files - 6.3 KB - 1162 views
#6 - loxai
thanks for that Scawen. I'll keep that in mind but, right now, I don't think I can allocate time for such integration (I'm really tied with general Trinus VR development).
Does the use of this library allow 3D SBS? or is that something that can be activated from game settings (maybe I missed the option)? because that would already improve the experience with Trinus VR a lot Smile
This is the full interface between Oculus and LFS, so yes it does allow distorted, side by side 3D with head tracking.

Yes, there is also a side by side 3D option in LFS.
#8 - Modex
Hi! What settings do you use for LFS ? what are the best ? i bought full version. it looks awesome app and wanted to help creators.
Can anybody please tell me...I need to know if ANY of these VR solutions can be used by somebody who HAS to wear glasses...I am not even going to spend £15 on something like google cardboard if it isn't going to work for me!
not many options for us glass wearing drivers, I have minor miopy, so can do without them.
I haven't tried the option but the Homido head mount has (three) 'rings' of different thickness holding the lenses, you can switch depending on your eyesight condition. (

Apologies for the necrobump. I recently installed Trinus VR server (and Trinus client), but I cannot seem to be able to have LFS detect the TrackIR "axis".

Trinus VR settings are as follows:
Sensor Output: TrackIR (I read in multiple sites that LFS is supported)
Video Port: 7777
Sensor Port: 5555

I've tried starting the server then loading LFS as well as loading LFS followed by loading the server. In neither case does LFS detect the TrackIR emulation. I've also tried Opentrack redirect with the Opentrack application. No go there as well.

These steps were attempted on:
Windows 7, 8 and 10

Am I missing a step somewhere?

Thank you
Looks kinda good, I'll try it out when I get my new phone!
It has been ages since I logged in, that said, I lost my entire reply I typed out earlier while waiting for the video to upload to youtube giving an example of head tracking using a phone. I'll try to shorten it up a little and get this posted.

I drifted away from cars for a bit and got into motorcycles, ended up finding Piboso at the beginning of GP Bikes development about the time I stopped playing LFS ("CTRA", the racing league, is long gone isn't it... sooo much has changed.) and recently, after many years wishing for it, gave it a shot to get head tracking working. Struggling to understand technology really makes me feel my age.

Anyway, I use a combination of facetracknoir, TrinusVR (for the usb tethering) and I'm not sure if the other stuff, freepie, ht, etc. really has anything to do with it functioning, who knows, but I got a Samsung Galaxy S3 (internal gyro) to work as a head tracking unit rubber banded to my headphones. It is really smooth, and gives a sense of immersion I haven't felt since 2003 when I discovered LFS... has it really been that long??

So in short, it works! If you have a phone with a gyro (pretty much required for smooth movement) and some spare time, the results are worth exploring. I'm sold on head tracking and I'm going to buy a pre-packaged unit to use with my 50inch TV and race rig so it gives a better sense of "being there", but for all intents and purposes, I would say the video speaks for itself, it functions as you would expect if not a little better that I was thinking it would.

Any moto hooligans wondering what head tracking looks like on GP Bikes, here it is, my brother (been riding for 10 years at the time) bought a brand new 2011 CBR250R and did a track day (With less than 1000 miles on the bike. lol) at Blackhawk Farms Raceway, so I figured the coolest thing possible would be to replicate it with my first recorded video of head tracking on GP Bikes. Smile

Hope that helps to see what it looks like, I'm unsure I would be of any use answering technical questions about it as I am kind of a technological neanderthal, I tune carbs and build vintage motorcycles, so the computer knowledge extends as far as google can instruct me. There are some great DIY's on phone based head tracking and the best one I could find was for ARMA3, but applies all the same.
Guys how do get head tracking working on lfs with trinusvr and LFS s3 ? Smile
Oh and I have a samsung galaxy S4 is it compatible ? for fluid vr movements and stuff ?
i can connect everything but my game doesn't recognize my cellphone sensor... i can see my screen properly with no lag but if i move my phone nothing happens, i can only play if i chose head movement with mouse XY. Zenfone 2 ZE551ML
Can't wait for LFS vr, bought a Playstion VR and seems it will work with pc. So with a bit of luck I can drive in VR soon!!
Why do people buy PSVR? I don't understand...

After seeing all the videos of it and how crap games look and run with it, it's kind of pointless and so much worse then a VIVE.
Mostly, price... Vive 900 eulo, and you need a phat PC 1000 eulo.
PSVR, 400 eulo, and you need a ps4 300 eulo.. Also people who claim to have tried all 3, vive occu and psvr say psvr is most comfortable to wear, doesn't have godrays and due to the subpixxels has the least screendoor effect.
What the occu and vive do better is tracking, and the vive allows roomscalle (if you have the room).
So for me it was cost price, and if this thing will become fully functional on PC... Well can't beat that price for LFS VR experience Smile
Well think of it this way, phone nubs use phone and phone VR the cheapest, console nubs use console VR which is somewhere in the middle and pc master race use pc master race vr the best
#21 - Igor
I recently bought the Gear VR (using it with S7 phone) and just discovered the Trinus VR... what's the current status of LFS compatibility with Trinus VR?
Quote from Igor :I recently bought the Gear VR (using it with S7 phone) and just discovered the Trinus VR... what's the current status of LFS compatibility with Trinus VR?

I am using my mouse for view in options, i don't know if we can use it with other options, but if you have a steering wheel it's not a problem to use the mouse Big grin
Quote from Igor :I recently bought the Gear VR (using it with S7 phone) and just discovered the Trinus VR... what's the current status of LFS compatibility with Trinus VR?

I don't know but this page seems to suggest it works with Steam VR.

As LFS supports OpenVR it may be possible.

But I don't know any more than that. I guess it depends how complete the Steam VR support is through Trinus. Can it run all OpenVR games that run on a Vive? If so then LFS should work, but I really don't know what snags there may be.

I'd be interested to know though as so far I've only heard of LFS running with full VR support on Rift and Vive.
Quote from Scawen :I'd be interested to know though as so far I've only heard of LFS running with full VR support on Rift and Vive.

I've been using Trinus VR for LFS for quite a while now. It runs decently on a crappy desktop, on a crappy phone, with a very cheap headset. With some power you could easily push it to the max.

It's really quite cool to be able to look around the car.

A tip though: DO NOT enable the anti-drift thing when using the phone gyros, it actually makes it drift...
Use TrackIR & Moonlight for a low latency streaming & headmovment.

Use Nvidis Inspector (aa & af) to sharp the image to max.

Limit the Frames in LFS to the limit of the TrackIR (TIR3=60 TIR4&5=120)

Disable Shader in LFS to sharp the Image further.

Use a <FullHD Smartphone and a ~cheap VR Glasses with a big Fov and ~good glases (archos vr glasses./120 Fov and sharp Glasses for 39,- Euro) And you have a usefull "good VR Tool".