So there is a free demo of sorts available on steam:
Huayra BC
Zonda Cinque
Zonda R
Zonda Revolucion
Nurburgring+Nords combo
Monza GP
Azure Coast
Game modes
Quick Race Weekend
Time Trial
And it is pretty poor to be honest. I've never really been fan of the paganis in any game but in this game they are definitely the worst paganis I've ever driven. Not worst horrible horrible but little bit below everything else. Overall the game drives kinda like a mix of gt6 amd forza. It has the slipperyness of forza while the steering feel of gt6. Ffb imho was not horrible but below average when you compare it to the pc sims. I just turned it down and let it there. It does decent job of self steering overall but it is not detailed in any way.
The driving model feels a lot like snowboarding. You kind of lean through corners. If you get it just right you cut through the snow without shedding off any speed. Get it loose and it is just like snowboarding when you are turning and sliding. Go too fast and you get a small damped jolt of oversteer which is easy to correct. There is a lot of lateral grip when sliding but longitudinally it is far less forgiving. Wheelspin is hard to detect, probably because of the poor sounds. There is no sense of revs in the sounds so it is hard to change gears based on sounds.
And it is buggy. You need to set world camera movement to 100 to make the camera not move. And after I exited the game to windows my pedals started vibrating (my fanatec pedals has the vibrator thingy). Apparently leaving the game was a cue to turn it on...
The screen looks like 30fps while driving even when I turn every most graphics options off (I have gtx970). It is not smooth at all and it almost feels like it is stuttering all the time. In cockpit view it is also pretty laggy but in nose or bumper cam it is kinda drivable. Sounds were surprisingly poor. I was expecting a lot more but the quality of the sound is like poor mp3 quality.
I need to get the lag/stuttering issues fixed, otherwise it is not worth playing at all imho.