Rare Skin 3! Drift Throttle (Unclaimed)
Hi Smile

Its time for another rare skin favor for a favor opportunity the skin featured this time is Drift Throttle 240sx
A inspired Drift design With a twist! same method apply's,
upload XRG skin and you get XRT skin of the same design.This time there is a twist, The XRG is a damaged Drifter And the XRT is after repairs!

This is not what the final render looks like, there were updates made

Rare skin 1:
Rare Skin 2:

Nice work there, but for future reference, skin threads go in this section.
#3 - BeNoM
Want me to do it again?
Quote from Shirtkicker :Nice work there, but for future reference, skin threads go in this section.

Thanks Smile. I know the skins should go in there but this is a free skin giveaway as these skins are actually for sale at Blow With Tha Beat
ehm, lol, ok
Quote from johneysvk :ehm, lol, ok

Thank you for your participation Smile

how ever BeNoM was first and there for has won Rare skin 2, But there will be more to come.
what tha hell is this
#9 - kiste
i am confused and aswell a bit shocked whats going on in skinning of lfs... Frown
Quote from kiste :i am confused and aswell a bit shocked whats going on in skinning of lfs... Frown

don't worry, i'm not interested in your skin, i just find it amusing that you are trying to sell them
This is a free skin giveaway you will never find skins like this anywhere other then here.

They are all designed by Fex3 Customs.

PS: i'm not trying to sell them.

Thanks to those who participated, your efforts to make LFS a better place is appreciated!

There will be more to come and you can request custom skins from the link in the reply above.

There are big plans for LFS, coming soon.
Quote from kiste :i am confused and aswell a bit shocked whats going on in skinning of lfs... Frown

There's no worry's what happens here will not effect you if you don't want to be apart of it
You think your skins are good?
Quote from Bmxtwins :You think your skins are good?

I wouldn't know because there has only been 3 compliments, one for this one,the other is now LCS-R's Official race skin for 2017 i think, and the other was ingame, my teams skin.

If you have any compliments or complaints i would love to here them as it can help me grow as a skinner Smile
The skins are okay, i can find much, much better skins on www.Bean0.com for free. I could also got to some of the earlier pages in the skinning section.
The whole skinning community is nearly dead. i mean the ones who loved it to design the cars. Folks of mogster, c40z, schuppor,gerdoner, and all the other great ones. the high of skinning in lfs was around the years of 2008-2012. That were quality skinning. Since most of us skinners left lfs for other sims its nearly dead wich makes me sad.

PS.: I know i didnt listed all of the greats but they know who they are and what we have done for this game with our love to the skinning itself. Wink
There are a few people in the [TC] community that make great skins, it is a shame most of them are cop skins or private ones but there are a few great skinners!
I applaud your sense of enterprise, MKRYDR.

But there is a problem... Once someone uses your skin on a server, that skin is saved to the local drive of everyone else who sees it, and from there can be reused and redistributed by anyone with a DDS plugin for photoshop, gimp or whatever they wish to use.

There's just no way to enforce a pay-to-use financial model in LFS.

Your best target-market would be the skin request section, a lot of which are real-life liveries, but every so often there are requests to outfit new teams and the like, and some of them are open to the idea of payment in some form or other.

Good luck Smile
Except most people don't buy the high res skin option thingy, so they get 512x512 skins that look like utter crap, but yes once you go online your skins are private no more.
Quote from kiste :i am confused and aswell a bit shocked whats going on in skinning of lfs... Frown

This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Guys please, this guy's a demo user and just wants someone to upload his skin for him, in return he's offering you the same skin for you to use for your XRT...

@MKRYDR PM me the file to upload, I'll do it for you. Smile


Quote :that skin is saved to the local drive of everyone else who sees it

Stealing skins is forbidden in many servers, thus writing 'Skin made by x' will identify its owners and its an issue that could be controlled I'd say.
Kinda reminds me of team inferno lmao (ikr wth mouse?)
"@MKRYDR PM me the file to upload, I'll do it for you."

I already did it yesterday Smile
Thanks for all the feedback guys Smile, I am glad to see so many who support what i am doing here and who are interested in bringing LFS back to the top Of the Sim chain Big grin,

To the others who don't thank you for your feed back to Smile.

For those who can find better ones: I would be classified as Novice Skinner as these are my first attempts at skinning, my very first finalized skin ever is Skin 2, Flame Vine.

PS: If you would like to see specific designs featured in the giveaway you can PM me with ideas of what you would like to use/see and the colors they should have, I am open to all suggestions and everyone is welcome!

EDIT: Here you can see the design made for LCS-R 2017 simply direct to LCS-R

Let LFS Rise once again!