The online racing simulator
gti overtaking safely training
(18 posts, started )
gti overtaking safely training
I'm trying to go through the basic training.

Has anyone actually managed to overtake a car in this task? If so, how?

Very frustrating.

Cheers for any help provided.
#2 - BeNoM
"Has anyone actually managed to overtake a car in this task?"


"If so, how?"

By driving?
Well I believe he makes a point when he says it's frustrating to try overtaking cars in the license mode because one touch and it's game over. We all know how the AI ignore surrounding cars if they are not at least 1 meter in-front of it's own bumper so I share his criticism.

So ya it's doable with practice, but you've got to be lucky and to brake late as hell in the overtaking stages while hoping you won't get touched from behind.
#4 - BeNoM
Yep, I do agree. I always thought it was silly when I got disqualified when an AI slammed into me, or acted as if I wasn't even there, but with a good start, late breaking and practice it's not too hard to beat the AI.
If it helps, you only need to pass one car to progress in the lessons (with bronze rating) Not all cars.
Still, it's possible to overtake all three. I suppose you could drive a few laps on Blackwood with the XFG on your own to get a better feel for the track. If you have trouble overtaking even one car, which is actually achievable before the first righthand hairpin, you lack knowledge of the racing line and breaking and turn in points. You might also shift too early or too late, crippling your accelleration
Usually it's easy to get bronze or silver but the gold is much more difficult as just a little touch by the unaware AI and it's over Frown

It would be great is Scavier would make much more lessons, I love this stuffs.
> It would be great is Scavier would make much more lessons, I love this stuffs.

There is a lesson editor now. Just needs a better way to share them as easy as setups or layouts. Some way to pack all files into one.
yeah I know I made some myself Smile

A repository on the forum for user-made lessons (just like setups) would be great too!
Thank you so much for all the great replies. When I read the first reply, I figured I'd get just more of those. I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not trying to put BeNoM down for the sarcasm. I like sarcasm but in this case it was less than helpful. Big grin

I have the engine reving at close to redline, then go into 1st as soon as allowed whilst keeping the accelerator flat. I then change to 2nd when the wheels stop spinning and the revs are almost in red again. Then I have to be careful not to crash into OK or Good (?) as we enter the first turn. At that stage I have not enough pace to catch anyone.

I don't suppose anyone knows of a video that may help me? The links to other training videos do not work anymore.

Thanks again all, including BeNoM Thumbs up

"I have the engine reving at close to redline, then go into 1st as soon as allowed whilst keeping the accelerator flat. I then change to 2nd when the wheels stop spinning and the revs are almost in red again."

That's probably why you can't overtake anyone, launching with a lot of wheelspin slows you down quite a bit. Try launch halfway through the rev range and keep the wheels on the verge of spinning, but not actually spinning. You'll launch much faster and get to 1st corner quicker.

"I don't suppose anyone knows of a video that may help me?"

I had a look, there was only a few videos and they were either from a much older version of LFS with different physics or they didn't do quite well in the training themselves lol.

If you really can't pass them on your own, you can try using tweaks to speedup you car Wink
Quote from BeNoM :
That's probably why you can't overtake anyone, launching with a lot of wheelspin slows you down quite a bit. Try launch halfway through the rev range and keep the wheels on the verge of spinning, but not actually spinning. You'll launch much faster and get to 1st corner quicker.

Not really. In real life it's true mostly, but in LFS there are very rare occasions where this actually makes you noticeably faster at start. I don't think it's a problem at all this time. Can verify it easily on drag strip.. Full throttle all the way!! Na-na

Quote from BeNoM :
If you really can't pass them on your own, you can try using tweaks to speedup you car Wink

That's just a "great" advice to a guy who is practicing racing.. Confused

I suggest having a look on WR or any other decent hotlap replays on BL GP. It's very hard to learn something by reading "how to do" on forum, best way is by watching in game how it's done, see the braking points etc. Of course it's still a bit harder when you are not alone on track Smile
"Not really. In real life it's true mostly, but in LFS there are very rare occasions where this actually makes you noticeably faster at start. I don't think it's a problem at all this time. Can verify it easily on drag strip.. Full throttle all the way!!"

What? Lol

Launching properly with minimal wheelspin will definitely make you have a faster launch in LFS AND real life...

You're probably not very fast on the drag strip then kek
Quote from BeNoM :"Not really. In real life it's true mostly, but in LFS there are very rare occasions where this actually makes you noticeably faster at start. I don't think it's a problem at all this time. Can verify it easily on drag strip.. Full throttle all the way!!"

What? Lol

Launching properly with minimal wheelspin will definitely make you have a faster launch in LFS AND real life...

You're probably not very fast on the drag strip then kek

If you have a setup with 1st gear adjusted well (and race setups usually should have it), then long wheelspin won't be a noticeable problem even with full throttle Smile
My point was that in this situations start is the least problem obviously..

And yes, I'm probably not fast on a drag strip, but I'm fast enough when the real race starts Smile
"My point was that in this situations start is the least problem obviously.."

Lol, you're funny Omg omg omg
Quote from MarcisZ :Not really. In real life it's true mostly, but in LFS there are very rare occasions where this actually makes you noticeably faster at start. I don't think it's a problem at all this time. Can verify it easily on drag strip.. Full throttle all the way!! Na-na

Full throttle off the line works for RWD cars, as the car's weight transfers to the rear under acceleration, but that's a bad thing for FWD.

Mekaza: Slipstreaming is also a very important part of these tests - that's the key to catching the car in front each time.
I tried few times now. Not too much practice, but my facit:

Passing two cars is not so difficult, one way is squeezing inbetween them before or during the first turn. But it needs a bit luck not to hit another car, or be hit by them.
Because just being quick is not enough, you also have to drive in a way that is compatible with the AI drivers. For example on the straight they always seem to drive very far to the right side after the bridge, even if you are beside them. Other times they brake very early if you beside them, might be possible to exploit that.

I did not manage to pass the third car. Sometimes it was close, or I was already past, but then got contact and lesson failed.
Passing on the long straight I found difficult, because the exit speed depends on how much the other cars hindered you.

In the "2nd" replay I passed two cars in usual way in T1, then waited until end to pass at the last turn/finish. That seemed most promising strategy but never worked.
Maybe the purpose of this lesson is that it requires luck to pass three cars in one lap. Shrug
Attached files
gti overtake meh.spr - 83.2 KB - 412 views
gti overtake 2nd.spr - 345.4 KB - 401 views
Thank for all the replies. Thank you Gutholz for the replays. You seemed to skid as much as I do but accelerated faster. I'll keep trying.Thumbs up

gti overtaking safely training
(18 posts, started )