The online racing simulator
#1 - Abone
LFS shut down by no reason / install with unknown publisher(SOLVED)
hello. after new official update 0.6Q i install clean LFS( i don't use any mods or apps with lfs). when i play online or just when i watching my replays( without wheel connected or other controller ) LFS shut down by no reason and show-me the menssagem over black screen(print screen) this happen with new test patch also, but it start happen before,because im busy with life/work i never post nothing here about i download clean LFS.exe from here and when i try install i see this menssage before install " unknow publisher " i cant understand why. i put here some print screens with my system , btw my directx diagnostic tool dont show my offboard graphic card ( nvidia geforce gt 635m 2gb) i dont know why also.this was really weird to me Frown

Attached images
unknow publisher.jpg
I don't have any answer for the crash, but you just have to uncheck the "Always ask before opening this file" box to stop seeing that warning (pretty obvious if you ask me).

File signing is tough/expensive and Windows likes to be a dick on certain things, so just bear with it hehe
did you try running the installer as admin?
#4 - Abone
i never running installer as admin,and i just see this box saying "unknon publisher" with oficial installer( before that only happen with test patch).yesterday i uncheck box like Whiskey saying to do and i put my LFS runing with replays and not shut down. have to test it today.
Try to delete all LFS registers, unistall lfs and clear your temp and recent folders
#6 - Abone
Quote from R0ut66 :Try to delete all LFS registers, unistall lfs and clear your temp and recent folders

Yesterday LFS shut down again unfortunately. after that i delete all LFS registers with regedit(i dont know if was a correct way, i just find it on internet).i dont know how to clear my temp and LFS registers, i beginer at this, you can show-me the way?i just have little time after lfs shut down so i dont make a full test, hope i can do full test today.

Quote from Abone :Yesterday LFS shut down again unfortunately. after that i delete all LFS registers with regedit(i dont know if was a correct way, i just find it on internet).i dont know how to clear my temp and LFS registers, i beginer at this, you can show-me the way?i just have little time after lfs shut down so i dont make a full test, hope i can do full test today.


Well, test it in another game. If the game shut down too the problem may be a virus.
And use cclear or something like that, idk too xD
#8 - Abone
you mean ccleaner?yeah i use ccleaner all days and i run anti-virus more than 2 times.i think that have finger by the windows 10, but i dont know were come from this.i hope Scawen ,read that and help me, im really sad with that situation. i just have liitle time after work and LFS still shutdown Frown

PS.that start happen with 0.6Q. im runing with windows 10 64bits and i have to install one thing ( cant remember name) to LFS work on windows 64bits. i need a name to download again and replace old fiels to se if fix that problem, you know name for i donwload it again?
Are you refering to DirectX 9 d3dx9_43.dll?

As this page says, that file is now include in the installer, so it should not be a problem now.

This is not because of 64bits OS, it is because recent versions of Windows does not include DX9 anymore and there are some missing files that LFS still uses.
Well, i have 0.6q demo in 64 bits and i didnt have this problems
Quote from Whiskey :Are you refering to DirectX 9 d3dx9_43.dll?

As this page says, that file is now include in the installer, so it should not be a problem now.

This is not because of 64bits OS, it is because recent versions of Windows does not include DX9 anymore and there are some missing files that LFS still uses.

yeah i refering DirectX 9 d3dx9_43.dll,thank you.i hope this work. Smile
My LFS still shut down.i do everything on that and i cant do more.Scawen do not want see my coment.. so This post will be forgotten in time and I will continue with the problem unfortunately.i need people crying about it like happen in 0.6H(fps problem) for he find some solution. Thanks for try help guys. Merry cristmas
you said it was working fine with previous version, can you do the test with an older version in a separate directory ?
Note that into your event viewer of windows, in application most probably, something should be logged, and could indicate the root cause of the issue you are experiencing. Type "event" in the search engine and select the event viewer. then go to Windows logs and select application. If you do not find anything, you can attach the file here ... (you can export the log with Action\save all events... as a .evtx file)
If you can provide a crash address or event log, I can have a look to see if the problem is in the LFS.exe program. Sometimes these days, there are bugs in the drivers or Windows updates, so it's not necessarily LFS's fault. But it may be and that's when crash address / offset / exception code can help.
I always thinking problem is not from LFS, i make a clean install more than 1 time and still shut down..i think was that file you need, i'm beginner on this.thanks for the fast answer.
Attached files
abon event files.rar - 336 KB - 292 views
=> nvd3dum.dll seems to cause the crash.
When you have a look on google, it seems there multiple erros comming from this dll :
- that your nvidia driver should maybe be suppressed before upgrading them
- overheating of some cpu ...

anyway :
Récipient d’erreurs 108646111470, type 1
Nom d’événement : APPCRASH
Réponse : Not available
ID de CAB : 0

Signature du problème :
P1 : LFS.exe
P2 :
P3 : 584c37fe
P4 : nvd3dum.dll
P5 :
P6 : 584d9760
P7 : c0000005
P8 : 00661b1d
P9 :
P10 :
** Best answer **
Thanks for the info. As the crash is in that NVIDIA dll I can't look into it further at this point. It would be possible if you could give me a dump file. I don't know hot to get one, but I can look at a call stack if I have a dump file. The call stack shows which LFS functions called the D3D functions which eventually led to the crash. It's possible that LFS could be fixed to deal gracefully with whatever bad event has happened in the driver. It may be the driver has crashed. LFS doesn't deal will all cases of such events. On my computer when the graphics driver crashes, LFS usually displays a black screen but continues to run without crashing.

One thing you could try is an older NVIDIA graphics driver. I reverted to driver 364.72 because the later drivers kept crashing any time, even if I was simply using my browser. I don't know if that is possible for you. It was fine for me using Windows 7.
I remove nvidia driver, i install old one and later i install last one.Now i just have to wait, sometimes LFS work 2h, 1h, 30min, 5min and shut down. i dont know how to get dump file you need Frown
Thanks for the help Flotch, that information was really usefull for me.
Quote from BeNoM :"I remove nvidia driver, i install old one and later i install last one"

Nononononono, never ever do that. That just makes things worse in the long run.

Run this:

and then install the latest driver, it should work perfectly then Smile

BeNoM,still shut down after removing driver with that program and install last driver from nvidia website.i have to revert for other old version and try it again Frown
Seems there are numerous issues with this off-board GPU & Optimus and win10.

Anyway, do you use "high perfomance mode"?

edit: cheers.
Thanks guys all information are really useful for me, now i can find some information by my self Smile
yesterday i Install Nvidia driver from 10 may 2016 , i play/run replays all day offline/online, and looks like cant shutdown anymore, Scawen are right happen the same with windows 10.i want to do last test, i have to install last driver over this driver to see if keep running or no, but i install tomorrow.
Today i want still with nvidia driver from may for make sure was solved.

Thank you again

glad for you Thumbs up
Hello guys.that was a last information about it.i trying replace nvidia driver from may/August with last driver for my video card and LFS still showdown with last nvidia driver for it.

i recomemded for everyone follow all steps(in coments) for make sure where come from problem and install older driver(searching more recent driver working)

Happy new year
