"I recommend disabling dynamic tree as they seriously ruin the landscape (because they don't use the same fog method, I haven't figured out how to do that, at this point I'm nearly sure it's not fixable) "
I love it! Just.. Perfect.
It felt weird playing without your shaders hahah. The vignette filter gives some kind of touch that makes it look even better
Also its perfect for those that can't run Reshade or ENB
Very dark cars in pits (I mean in shift P, not in garage). Obviously post-process needs to be enabled for shaders to work, I just didn't expect the change in shaders to affect anything when post-process is disabled. I'm aware this is an LFS issue rather than your shaders though
Actually, volumetric fog is applied on the world shader, so it works without post-process, but since I based my shader off Keiichi's linear color space correction, it needs the post-process to be right.
I don't know, in theory they might just work on it too, but if it's not the case, use the previous version, and get the PostProcess.psh from the latest version
Hello again!
The first screenshot is from the version 0.6P of Live for Speed with linear rendering shader by Keiichi / nacim's version - volumetric fog 1-1 (which in my opinion are the best looking shaders). The second screenshot is from the latest version of the game (0.6R) with nacim shaders v1-2. I managed to remove the vignetting, but then the sky has become too bright.
Is it possible to use only linear rendering (without "vignetting post-process effect and without "tweaked post-process S-curve to give brighter colors") with the latest (0.6R) version of the game?
Is it possible the latest version of the game to look like 3rd screenshot, but with shadow of the car?
Thank you for your feedback. I'd like to say that I really like vignetting and S-curve in LFS, since it have a really flat look without them, but I understand that it's not for everyone.
In the latest version, I added personalisation of the shaders, so to disable S-curve and vignetting, simply go to PostProcess.psh, and comment #define USE_S_CURVE and #define USE_VIGNETTING (see screenshot in attachments). It should give you the fog and the linear color space, without extra post-process.
I managed to disable S-curve and vignetting by myself some time ago, but the game doesn't look like before and that is why I came here for help... its still too bright and I dont know how to make it the same...
First I've downloaded the clean 0.6R version, then pasted the nacim_shaders_v1-2 without CarToShadow.psh&vsh and ShadowToWorld.psh&vsh (because of the shadows) and then commented the S-curve and vignetting.
Okay, so I checked further, and it seems that Keiichi used S-curve too, just a little less agressive.
To have the closest possible match (without having shadow problems, but that means a bit of sky burned), just change the 3.2f value to 3.0f in PostProcess.psh.
I managed to get similar results, but I thought it was easier to make it to look exactly the same and I'm too blind for the solution... but now it seems that there is an issue with the shadow of the car and it can't be the same, at least at this moment.
Thank you for your quick response, its appreciated!