The winter is comming,in northern part of Europe it means snow and slippery road conditions as a result of snowing. What's the best way to have fun in this cold season? Pack out your all-wheel-drive car and go to a lonesome icy road or frozen lake! This is how the idea of this league has born - take LFS's both all-wheel-drive cars,use modified road sign "Slippery road" as logo,plan a callendar to have a nice variety of racing experience and here we go - it's time for:
All-wheel-drive Winter Series 2017
This will be another year with same rounds number - AWS 2017 will schedule 6 rounds,where half of them will be run with FXO GTR,other half with RB4 GT. But there is still a slight difference from all previous seasons - this will be the first season which will end with a round using RB4 GT! But unlike last year,which was the first year not to finish in oval track,this year we will return to this tradition,but only partially as the final round of 2017 will not be run in Kyoto oval,but in the Rockingham oval,introduced in LFS a year ago.
AWS has always been known for very variating racetracks,and this season will not be different - only 2 rounds have similar tracks (2 oval tracks),rest are mixed with very different conditions. NewYear City Challenge will receive it's usual car back - round 1 will be run again with FXR at urban streets track in South City. Round 2 will be run on completely new track,which is practically 100% dirt track (except the bridge) - this will be the first ever race with RB4 without tyre problems. Also round 4 will feature in AWS not experienced track type - public roads track around Westhill Racetrack,while round 5 will be a return of FXR Blackwood rallycross - last year's visit of Fern Bay was quite a fluke. What's missing? Yes - classic road course racing will not be found in AWS 2017 schedule,as it's well known that longer series tend to lose interest towards end of season,so we had to sacrifice something...
Again - best of the best will be rewarded with small money prizes for their efforts. But comparing to last season the prize pool has shrunk a little - only top 3 racers will receive money prizes and their amount has also been reduced. This is due last seasons pale attendance. But there is also a new prize - just like in this year's VERL series,the best S2 licenced participant will receive a free ticket to final round held at S3 environment,so he/she can finish the season with rest of the best!
Series will remain in same day and same time as last 3 years - sunday evenings at 19:00 UTC (20:00 CET / 21:00 EET) starting in 8th january and returning every 2nd sunday with final round stretching as deep into spring as never before - 19th march.
Series schedule:
08.01.2017. Round 1 - NewYear City Challenge (FXR @ South City City Long, 27 laps / 109km)
22.01.2017. Round 2 - Rallycross Trophy of Westhill (RB4 @ Westhill RGE Dirt Track*, 27 laps / 50km)
05.02.2017. Round 3 - Winter 200 (FXR @ Kyoto Oval, 67 laps / 201km)
19.02.2017. Round 4 - Westhill Street Cup (RB4 @ Westhill Eastpark Raceway*, 15 laps / 89km)
05.03.2017. Round 5 - Blackwood RXGP (FXR @ Blackwood Rallycross, 41 laps / 75km)
19.03.2017. Round 6 - AWS Rockingham 150 (RB4 @ Rockingham Oval, 64 laps / 151km)
* Layouts available as attachments
Each round will have a specific info post in this thread with all information of the round!
After round 5,no new sign-ups will be accepted. In last round only drivers received at least one point in standings will be allowed to participate!
19:00 UTC / 20:00 CET / 21:00 EET - 20 minutes of qualifying
19:30 UTC / 20:30 CET / 21:30 EET - race start
Special notes on qualifying:
* In rounds 3 and 6 hotlap qualifying will be used,this means there will be no specific lenght of qualification,every driver will run alone and have outlap and 2 hotlaps. Qualifying oreder will be determined by points standings - the highest ranked driver will start his qualifying run last,lowest - first. Race start will be approx. 10 minutes after qualifying.
* If there is no max allowed grid (40 cars),Drivers Championship top 10 drivers will be allowed to start from end of the grid if came late and missed qualification - noone else will be allowed to start without qualifying. In round 1 this top 10 will be taken from last season's final standings.
AWS Drivers Champion - awarded to a driver with the most points scored through all 6 rounds,including attendance bonus points
AWS FXR Master - awarded to a driver with the most points scored through 3 rounds run with FXO GTR (rounds 1; 3 and 5)
AWS RB4 Master - awarded to a driver with the most points scored through 3 rounds run with RB4 GT (rounds 2;4 and 6)
AWS Cross Challenge Winner - awarded to a driver with the most points scored through 2 rounds run in rallycross tracks (rounds 2 and 5)
AWS Oval Trophy Winner - awarded to a driver with the most points scored through 2 rounds run in oval tracks (rounds 3 and 6)
AWS Rookie of the Year - awarded to a driver,who hasn't started a single AWS race before this season,with the most points scored through all 6 rounds,including attendance bonus points
AWS S2 Challenge Winner - awarded to an S2 licenced driver with the most points scored through first 5 rounds,including attendance bonus points
AWS Teams Champion - awarded to a team with the most points scored through all 6 rounds (team will score finishing points from it's 2 highest finished drivers and all round bonus points)
AWS Nations Cup Winner - awarded to a nation with the most points scored through all 6 rounds (nation will score finishing points from it's 2 highest finished drivers and all round bonus points)
In all championships - in case of a tie,higher rated will be driver/team/nation with highest finishing position,if equal - it's amount,if equal - second highest position etc. If all finishing positions happen to be equal,higher rated will be selected using same system from qualifying results. If they also happen to be equal then as a tie-breaker will be used last round finishing position. In case a tied driver had a disqualification in one or more rounds,it counts as a primary rating lowering factor,when deciding tiebreak.
This year AWS Drivers Championship best 3 drivers will be awarded with money prizes:
1st place - 30€
2nd place - 15€
3rd place - 10€
* money prizes will be payed out only via SEPA bank transfer (available only in Europe) or via PayPal!
In order to award best S2 licenced driver of the series and give him/her chance to race also in final round,an LFS voucher code worth £12 will be awarded to S2 driver highest in series standings after 5th round. In order to receive this,the driver must have finished (thus completed required full 50% of race distance) in at least one round and may not be disqualified from any round!
* this prize will not be awarded in case when no S2 licence owners have completed required full 50% of race distance in any round!
Previous champions:
AWS Drivers Champion
2016 A.Valta
2015 CoRe A.Laipnieks
2014 22 S.Jurvansuu
2013 RG^Invecs
2012 spdoReno
AWS FXR Master
2016 dynX Mishu
2015 CoRe A.Laipnieks
2014 22 S.Jurvansuu
2013 RG^Invecs
2012 spdoReno
AWS RB4 Master
2016 A.Valta
2015 CoRe A.Laipnieks
2014 RG^Matiss
2013 [STO]Muc
2012 spdoReno
AWS Cross Challenge winner
2016 A.Valta
2015 CoRe A.Laipnieks
2014 RG^Matiss
2013 [STO]Kars
2012 spdoReno
AWS Oval Trophy winner
[this will be the first year of this competition]
AWS Rookie of the Year
2016 A.Valta
2015 CoRe A.Laipnieks
2014 22 S.Jurvansuu
2013 [STO]Muc
2012 [not awarded]
AWS Teams Champions
2016 Race Green Autosports
2015 Race Green Autosports
2014 Race Green Autosports
2013 Race Green Autosports
2012 spdoRacing
AWS Nations Cup winner
2016 Latvia
2015 Latvia
2014 Latvia
2013 Latvia
2012 Latvia
For reference:
Final points standings of season 2016 / Forum thread
Final points standings of season 2015 / Forum thread
Final points standings of season 2014 / Forum thread
Final points standings of season 2013 / Forum thread
Final points standings of season 2012 / Forum thread
Points System:
Finishing points:
1st - 13 points
2nd - 11 points
3rd - 9 points
4th - 8 points
5th - 7 points
6th - 6 points
7th - 5 points
8th - 4 points
9th - 3 points
10th - 2 points
11th-40th - 1 point
In order to receive finishing points,driver must complete full 50% of race distance with single run!
Points reducement system:
*in case there 5 or less participants in qualifying,race distance and available points will be halved.
1st - 7 points
2nd - 5 points
3rd - 4 points
4th - 3 points
5th - 2 points
6th - 1 point
(points for more positions available just in case of late joins)
* also here completion of 50% from reduced race distance with single run is required to score finishing points!
Round bonus points:
Qualification win - 1 point (if qualifying time is equal,both/all will receive this bonus point)
Fastest lap in race - 1 point (if laptime is equal,both/all will receive this bonus point)
Championship bonus points:
Attendance in all 6 rounds - 3 points
Attendance in 5 rounds - 2 points
Attendance in 4 rounds - 1 point
* Attendance counts if a driver has started the race
We will not make a mile long rule book that noone will read completely anyway,so we will rely on common sence of competitors to behave and follow the basic Rules of Clean Racing. There will not be an admin in server who will specifically observe drivers' behaviour during the race. If any incidents reported/protested,we will take individual approach to each of them to decide best resolution or punishment if needed.
Basic guidelines as a reminder:
> Blue flag - you may not deny/block a passing manouvre of laping car and try a repass right after it. In qualification it means - stay off racing line and don't disturb drivers on hotlap.
> Shortcuts - 2 wheels on track at all times. Track is mostly marked by white lines,rumble strips or at least defined by paved surface,while also curbs count towards track. Overtaking outside track (for example in Rockingham oval under white line) counts as illegal and will be penalized in case of protest.
> Pit exit - allthough there will be no mandatory pitstop in this league,pit exit lines will have to be respected! Everyone caught crossing pit exit lines with more than 2 wheels will receive 10 seconds penalty added to finish result. In rounds 3 and 6,which are held in oval tracks also pit entry must be respected - driver have to enter pits on apron before final turn.
> Chatting - it's not completely outruled,but still drivers are expected to concentrate on racing. In case of too much chatting while ignoring messages asking to cease chatting,a penalty may be given. In case of any abusive/offensive language a penalty will be given! Non competing observers may not use chat at all!
> Lags - if there are any connection issues,driver will be asked to improve (close internet using programs). If driver will be considered as dangerous due to unstable connection,he will not be allowed to participate.
> Button clutch - is forbidden! Manual clutch is allowed only in combination with H-Shifter. Everyone caught using it will be penalized for unsportsmanlike behaviour with increased penalty for every next offence.
> Hacks/cheats - if used,you will not race with us. Ever. As simple as that.
Possible penalties:
> WARNING - any minor infraction that needs to be noted without penalty. Warned driver might receive bigger penalty for other infractions.
> 10s added to finish time - minor infractions,like illegal passing,pit exit line violation,too much chatting.
> 30s added to finish time (1 lap penalty in rounds 3 and 6) - medium infractions like causing avoidable incident[s] without serious consequences or unsportsmanlike behaviour,illegal passing.
> 60s added to finish time (1 lap penalty in round 5 / 2 laps penalty in rounds 3 and 6) - medium infractions like causing avoidable incident[s] with consequences to other drivers (like damage,multiple position loss) or unsportsmanlike behaviour.
> Disqualification for 1 or more rounds - heavy infractions,multiple incidents,unsportsmanlike behaviour. After serving disqualification,driver will automatically carry a "warning" for the rest of season.
> Series exclusion (including ban for any other events run under Race Green Events control) - serious infractions like intentional/revenge wrecking,event sabotage and any other malicious act.
Signing up:
In order to compete in AWS 2017,you have to fill the registration form below,providing all needed information (in case of no team to represent,leave empty):
Here's my sign-up as an example:
LFSW name: Eclipsed
In-game name: RG^Rony
Full team name: Race Green Autosports
Nation: Latvia
!Important: In case there are any changes to sign-up details,please quote your edited post in a new one with a note about changes!
To avoid very late sign-ups and their tracking,you have to sign-up at least 10 minutes before start of a round!
Miscellaneous info:
We will not use any numbers,skin requirements or official names in our league. But still feel free to use AWS logos on skins if you wish!
Sign-up tracking and all the standings can be found in AWS 2017 spreadsheet.
Signed-up drivers will receive server information and password at least 24h before round start (usually in saturday European time) via PM on this forum! Make sure you have enabled PM receiving! Server will be online without password until then.
Series will be run using the latest stable version of LFS (currently 0.6R).
All information above can be changed,if so,there will be posted a notification about it!
League server: AWD Winter Series

Join us,good luck in series and have fun!