The online racing simulator
(1578 posts, closed, started , go to first unread)
Last update bugged right indicator on radar, works fine with hazard lights tho
Quote from DANIEL-CRO :
Is dashboard working? Do you see "LFSLazy overlay" in upper left corner of your LFS window when start LFSLazy?

Dashboard was working fine and the LFS overlay was shown too. I already fixed the issue. Car radar wasn't working with FanaLEDs software on.
Quote from Artenese91 :Last update bugged right indicator on radar, works fine with hazard lights tho

Last update? For me it seems to work fine. Looking
It'd be nice if this worked on dual monitors Frown
It'd be nice if this worked on steam! Right now, LFSLazy just crashes with an error.
try out this
(iKaKo0o) DELETED by Flame CZE
Very nice!!
Thanks man.
One of best addons for LFS
great tool man..! i was wondering.. can you add custom buttons?

ie write the command on a field (!respond) and a name for button(Respond)
and place it just like you do with fuel etc.. then press it το send the command as usual
Daniel, could you create one more hardware-related gadget? If possible, I'd like to see my ping to the server Smile It would fit in great next to the CPU/GPU usage.
And, if possible, that Ctrl+Shift combo shows usernames in radar display too Smile
I have a suggestion which could be useful for the upcoming 24h race. Its easy to get confused how many laps you are in to your stint when it only shows the total number of laps the car has done since the beginning.
A Gadget called something like "laps since last pit stop" would really help with this. Smile
New version!

Quote :Option to load skins when start replay using LFSLazy
Replay menu - faster scrolling, implemented cache (much faster load), support for subfolders in mpr folder
Radar - CTRL+SHIFT show usernames

Now you can organise your replays in subfolders, LFSLazy allows you to start replay in any folder. Idea came from Ziomek, thank him. Tongue
The CTRL+SHIFT was a great idea, thx for that Na-na
Thanks! Thumbs up
0.6Q5 out Taped Shut
0.6Q6 is out with a minor Westhill bug-fix.
In case you have done 0.6Q5 and didn't realize about 0.6Q6 Omg omg omg
Updated Big grin
(MandulAA) DELETED by MandulAA : nevermind
Hey Daniel! Smile

Could you update LFS Lazy for Q7 please? Not having the dashboard and the radar is hard now. Big grin
BTW, could you make an option to fade out the radar when there is no car around? That would clean up the screen a bit. Wink
There seems to be some issue with the gearing help in the garage. For the MRT it shows about 105% of what the gearing actually should be, so for example a 1st gear at 50 mph will show 52.5 mph at top RPM. The FBM is worse, it shows about 86% of the actual speed. A first gear that hits 57 mph will show as 49.2 mph. All other cars seem fine.
yeah, i noticed that too (0.6Q)
Its my or last version of LFSLazy (91 (Jan 24 2017)) do not show BL4 servers on servers list?

and when your freind was on that server (BL4) you got 0 report about him
Quote from pik_d :There seems to be some issue with the gearing help in the garage. For the MRT it shows about 105% of what the gearing actually should be, so for example a 1st gear at 50 mph will show 52.5 mph at top RPM. The FBM is worse, it shows about 86% of the actual speed. A first gear that hits 57 mph will show as 49.2 mph. All other cars seem fine.

Thanks for report!
It seems that wheel diameter info was wrong. That is fixed now.

Quote from Draggo :Its my or last version of LFSLazy (91 (Jan 24 2017)) do not show BL4 servers on servers list?

and when your freind was on that server (BL4) you got 0 report about him

I tested this and it worked for me.
However LFSW still doesn't support new tracks, therefore track info is wrong.
This thread is closed

(1578 posts, closed, started )