Probably worth mentioning on Kris's part, that...
Firstly, Demo users with a
relatively good haul in stats will be more likely to be chosen. No "I've joined 1 week ago, been online for 1 day only and did travelled 10 miles, but I want S2 now"
- this is to make sure whoever wins will utilise the licence to its full potential.
Secondly, and probably for the better of the community, is that secondary accounts of licenced users
(yes, you) shouldn't really enter this competition. Give a chance to those legit Demo drivers who actually would have a beaming smile with his/her S2 licence (i.e me

But yeah, everyone possible should join this giveaway. The last one had quite a poor turnout given it had 2 full days of up-time. The community could do with a little "upping"!
The reward is in the passion
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