I've just been enjoying the whole
#FAKE NEWS joke for the last few months.....
But, given the complete farce that is the
'Mainstream News Media' (All the News your programmed to believe) this one was just too funny to pass over......
"On Tuesday night, BuzzFeed News published an explosive, yet completely unverified, dossier alleging that President-elect Donald Trump engaged in a whole host of, shall we say unusual, sexual activities in Moscow."
Here you are...
# Here's the punchline.
What’s worth talking about, however, are swirling claims on Reddit that 4chan users on the board /pol/ completely made the entire thing up. According to a variety of posts on the pro-Trump subreddit r/The_Donald, a user on /pol/, a 4chan board, made up the most salacious story in the report. He then mailed it to anti-Trump Republican strategist Rick Wilson, who then went to the CIA. The story was then included on the dossier published Tuesday by BuzzFeed News.
If this is true, this effectively means that 4chan trolled the U.S. intelligence system and the majority of the U.S. media with what’s basically Donald Trump erotic fanfiction, which is terrifying.
# It Gets Better !!!!!!!
John McCain (
A US Traitor; An audio recording has surfaced proving that U.S. Senator John McCain collaborated with the North Vietnamese by recording a “Tokyo Rose”-style propaganda message that was broadcast on North Vietnamese radio in 1969.
For many years, American former P.O.W.s who were in the “Hanoi Hilton” North Vietnamese prison with John McCain called him a “Songbird” who collaborated with the enemy against his own country. They accused him of turning against them and against his own country in exchange for preferential treatment while many of the actually brave and honorable American P.O.W.s endured torture and denial of medical care and food for refusing to collaborate. The P.O.W.s branded McCain a traitor who was no hero, but nonetheless used his fake hero status to rise to political power.)
# Back to the story, "Senator John McCain passed documents to the FBI director, James Comey, last month alleging secret contacts between the Trump campaign and Moscow and that Russian intelligence had personally compromising material on the president-elect himself."
It pays to remember what you are programmed to believe, and, for those of you who missed it here you are....
Israel; - Your BFF, may commit genocide.
Democrats; - Your BFF, don't ask any questions.
Russia; Mortal enemy - Killed Bambi.
Trump; Also killed Bambi.
Brexit; - Evil, Do not leave the EU.
Minor bit players;
If they buy your weapons - SIDE OF GOOD.
If they don't buy your weapons - EVIL SCUM.
There you go