The online racing simulator
One thing more from me about new curbs (not even sausages) - With current tyre physics (at least I think so) they can spin the car out even when driving straight... Or is it only something wrong with me? Big grin

Scroll the replay to 5:15 - first corner in sc3 and see what happens on turn's exit.
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bl curbs sliding.mpr - 61.1 KB - 621 views
i would like to see the red part inplemented in new version
Quote from Mate2169 :i would like to see the red part inplemented in new version

hardly there are those who do not like it
Eric is interested in doing those areas in a future update but he doesn't want to just enable physics, because it is not a proper job and has not been built as driveable areas. So it would be quite a lot of work and it is more important to continue with S3 tracks at this time.
Quote from troy :
edit: And another thing, I've updated from Patch Q to Q10 and now all my wheel bindings moved by one, so Button 4 is Button 5 now and so fort. Is this a known problem with the new way wheels are handled?

Quoting myself, sorry. Is there an easy or obvious answer to this I've missed?

I guess it's not a big thing but I imagine there must be at least some people who's scripts got broken because of this change.

As I said I went from Q directly to Q10, didn't try any test patches before but saw the changelog about a new system to handle gamepads/wheels, so I guess it's related to that?
Quote from Scawen :Eric is interested in doing those areas in a future update but he doesn't want to just enable physics, because it is not a proper job and has not been built as driveable areas. So it would be quite a lot of work and it is more important to continue with S3 tracks at this time.

Thought so, besides, the map size is already big that there is always a way to create something creativity
Quote from troy :Quoting myself, sorry. Is there an easy or obvious answer to this I've missed?

Sorry didn't answer before, been a bit busy!

This sounds like something that was introduced in version Q, so that is a bit mysterious.

When doing the controller updates, I learned that everyone else in the world called the first button "1" and I decided to do this in LFS, so that for example Gamepad's button 3 was also called button 3 in LFS. Smile

So all the numbers were increased by 1. This should not affect anything, except for the commands /button and /axis which some people use in scripts, in the data\script folder.

I don't know of any such changes since version Q, but there was definitely this thing in the Q updates: (Controllers)
Currently getting Unknown Version when trying to unlock LFS. Shows 0.6Q12 in the usual place on the home screen.
No worries, I noticed you where quite busy. Big grin

But that is strange, I am quite sure I was on Q and my scripts worked, or maybe I just never noticed. Anyway, no big deal and thanks for the thorough reply!
Quote from McGherkin :Currently getting Unknown Version when trying to unlock LFS. Shows 0.6Q12 in the usual place on the home screen.

Thanks, that is fixed now (on the master server) so you should find it works now.
Done a 10 laps serious race alone #NoFriendsLife :

Blackwood GP Standard Configuration 10 Laps
20% Fuel
Setup used: from RCMaus, Although its for hotlap, it really stands and stays strong on these 10 laps. Perfect for 4-5 laps with not so agressive driving. With this setup I made the PB I got actually (1:33.76).

Old Blackwood Average: 1:34.49-1:34.50
Old Blackwood PB: 1:33.76
New Blackwood PB: 1:34.91
New Blackwood Average: 1:35.49-1:35.50

Once you dedicate a few attempts and some laps, this happens. These kerbs became a friend rather than an enemy at the end Omg omg omg
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^BÌ^Cíµòÿ^Lâ_BL1_XRG_FINISHED.spr - 436.3 KB - 610 views
Quote from Scawen :Thanks, that is fixed now (on the master server) so you should find it works now.

All sorted, cheers!
Ads on the bridge here have a lot of Z-fighting (don't hesitate to zoom in to see it properly, it's a 4K image):

I also noticed a lot of pop-in in this track (South City too btw).
Maybe allowing draw distance to go higher for higher end computers, because pop-in is one of the things where LFS really shines, and I really don't want to loose that, it's too distracting and immersion-breaker.
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Quote from Mate2169 :i would like to see the red part inplemented in new version

not sure about the top area you marked, but this part can be opened easily. You have a bridge, and 2 bonus parking lots.
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Is it just my mind, but in my opinion, the new grouped tyre stacks in sector2 S-curve; they look really massive and heavy, but if you touch them with your car with low speed, they bounce like lightweight stuff.
Quote from nacim :Ads on the bridge here have a lot of Z-fighting (don't hesitate to zoom in to see it properly, it's a 4K image):
I also noticed a lot of pop-in in this track (South City too btw).
Maybe allowing draw distance to go higher for higher end computers, because pop-in is one of the things where LFS really shines, and I really don't want to loose that, it's too distracting and immersion-breaker.

I can reproduce the Z fighting, though it's quite hard to see, trying to do it in SHIFT+U mode.

About pop-in, is that the same as what I usually call pop-up? I have done a few laps and couldn't see anything popping up. Are you talking about invisible objects suddenly appearing, or LOD switching being too close? If you could point out some specific objects that do this, maybe Eric can make that adjustment.
Scawen.....could I have the old mirrors as an option? I can't see enough through the real ones now no matter how I adjust them and the virtual mirror is too small.
Quote from sinbad :Scawen.....could I have the old mirrors as an option? I can't see enough through the real ones now no matter how I adjust them and the virtual mirror is too small.

That's apparently impossible at the moment of this writing:

Quote from Scawen :There are some complications with allowing virtual mirror at the same time as real mirrors in the new system. Mainly because it is no longer possible for them to use the same rendered image. The central mirror is narrower than a virtual mirror and its direction depends on the head position, so it is not compatible with the virtual mirror. A virtual mirror would have to be drawn as a separate image.

It's possible but not easy and I'm not really keen on doing it. I can't do it for this coming official version because I hope to release it very soon and get back to the tyre physics.

By the way, since we have kinda working lights in pit boxes, tunnels and under bridges and have alot of light posts in industrial area, is it possible to do night time with working light posts? Not forcing to do it, just asking. I remember there was a texture "mod" with night sky and it was kinda atmospheric, would be even better with working lights even if they will not make proper illumination.
Quote from Scawen :I can reproduce the Z fighting, though it's quite hard to see, trying to do it in SHIFT+U mode.

In 4K, it's quite obvious that something is blinking when I'm driving towards it.

Quote from Scawen :Are you talking about invisible objects suddenly appearing, or LOD switching being too close

Both can be called call pop-in. Wink

Quote from Scawen :If you could point out some specific objects that do this, maybe Eric can make that adjustment.

Okay, so with a bit more investigation, it seems that most of the problems are actually Z-fighting, so you are right, but what is really poping-in and easily spottable on Blackwood (and Westhill) is grass. A more elegant solution to make them appear without attracting the eye would be to make a smooth fade with distance. Since grass is already a transparent object, this is basically "free" performance wise if I'm not wrong.

So, I played it fair, not nit-picking every LOD change I could spot, because it should happen and I'm okay with that, but I reported pop-ins or z-fighting issues that are noticeable while racing (aka in the middle of the field of view). It took me some times. Schwitz

BLACKWOOD (z-fighting):
For the ads banners on bridge, I think just removing part of the wall that is behind the banners would be a simple way to remove Z-fighting definitely.
For the distance posts, removing the inner faces on lower LOD would probably do the trick too.
Spoiler - click to reveal

SOUTH CITY (too visible LOD change):
For the stoplights, I think it's just the LOD that is not detailed enough, so the quick fix would be to increase the distance of the highest LOD (South City will probably be done in HD too one day, so no need to really fix this "properly").
Spoiler - click to reveal

SOUTH CITY (occlusion culling fail or pop-in):
I'll admit that the last one is nearly not visible in race, but since I was on it and it's on the same area as the other, better reporting it. Smile
Spoiler - click to reveal

There you go, I hope that it is detailed enough for you and Eric to take a bit of time to fix thoses. I assure you that they are disturbing, and I don't know much it's visible on lower resolution (or if it's visible at all), but I can confirm that they are noticeable in 4K. Since it's a resolution that will be constantly increasing in playerbase and you are working on an incompatible patch, I think it's a nice time to do this. Smile

EDIT: Okay so Victor didn't fixed the high resolution images scaling in spoilers. This post will give work to all 3 devs then. Tongue
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The small building and wall is ok now but this still same.
I'm working on a race layout on new Blackwood, and today twice (during some 2hours of working) LFS has hang up when clicking an object in editor mode. I have some +800 objects. Both times I had to kill lfs process by logging off my windows session (win 10 - couldnt even activate task manager when hung up).
Great new adds and I appreciate the track update! Definitely uses some more accuracy around the new "sausage corners" like the forum so eloquently dubbed them. Razz

I just wanted to test a quick layout I made around the new Blackwood industrial park and it seems I can't get to start the lap timing because I'm no longer able to set a starting line (the pink one). All I cand find is the yellow line for the finish. Are there possibly any differences to the autocross editor in the new build?

Just in case it's me in error I attached the file – could anybody try adding a starting line here? Thumbs up
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BL1X_InduRun.lyt - 4.1 KB - 578 views
Quote from smove :the new "sausage corners" like the forum so eloquently dubbed them. Razz

I prefer MicroSpecV's term 'willy kerbs' - makes you less inclined to touch them XD
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Test Patch 0.6Q14 - New Blackwood
(367 posts, closed, started )