The online racing simulator
For me, the issue was not that... I try to reproduce some day, I guess it might be a rare one as well.

To bobloblaw... Did we see same thing or different thing? Tongue
Quote from R0ut66 :Maybe it will take a long time to the players download the colors

What's so difficult about sending 3 numerical values per single colour? It's just mixing of specific amounts of red, green and blue.
Concrete uses 2 bits for colour in the spare byte of the layout object (the other 6 bits are already used too). Adding more colour would mean a non-compatible change to the layout format.
Found 2 more misplacements behind the tire stacks before Turn 1, after entering the gate with the little ¿gravel? road, to the left. Now you can't jump there boosting with the tire stacks anymore :c xP
Screenshots says all

EDIT2: Pit Speed Limit bug Tilt

Off-Topic Note: 3rd person view lags depending on where the car is pointing at: When I face towards the industrial area, or if I face straight on the straight end.
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Attached files
^BÌ^Cíµòÿ^Lâ_BL1X_XFR.spr - 35.8 KB - 565 views
Loving this patch!
Was it already mentioned that the ground beside the small lake in the infield is not solid and you will fall off the map? Or is it intentional? (the area south of the added red/white barrier in the picture)
I guess it shouldn't be that way, since you can easily drive there, without major hassle or unecessary stunting.
Attached images
Blackwood Lake.png
Quote from nacim :In 4K, it's quite obvious that something is blinking when I'm driving towards it.

Both can be called call pop-in. Wink

Okay, so with a bit more investigation, it seems that most of the problems are actually Z-fighting, so you are right, but what is really poping-in and easily spottable on Blackwood (and Westhill) is grass. A more elegant solution to make them appear without attracting the eye would be to make a smooth fade with distance. Since grass is already a transparent object, this is basically "free" performance wise if I'm not wrong.

So, I played it fair, not nit-picking every LOD change I could spot, because it should happen and I'm okay with that, but I reported pop-ins or z-fighting issues that are noticeable while racing (aka in the middle of the field of view). It took me some times. Schwitz

BLACKWOOD (z-fighting):
For the ads banners on bridge, I think just removing part of the wall that is behind the banners would be a simple way to remove Z-fighting definitely.
For the distance posts, removing the inner faces on lower LOD would probably do the trick too.
Spoiler - click to reveal

SOUTH CITY (too visible LOD change):
For the stoplights, I think it's just the LOD that is not detailed enough, so the quick fix would be to increase the distance of the highest LOD (South City will probably be done in HD too one day, so no need to really fix this "properly").
Spoiler - click to reveal

SOUTH CITY (occlusion culling fail or pop-in):
I'll admit that the last one is nearly not visible in race, but since I was on it and it's on the same area as the other, better reporting it. Smile
Spoiler - click to reveal

There you go, I hope that it is detailed enough for you and Eric to take a bit of time to fix thoses. I assure you that they are disturbing, and I don't know much it's visible on lower resolution (or if it's visible at all), but I can confirm that they are noticeable in 4K. Since it's a resolution that will be constantly increasing in playerbase and you are working on an incompatible patch, I think it's a nice time to do this. Smile

EDIT: Okay so Victor didn't fixed the high resolution images scaling in spoilers. This post will give work to all 3 devs then. Tongue

I'm sorry, what shaders are you using? Big grin
Quote from Ibtasim6781 :Found 2 more misplacements behind the tire stacks before Turn 1, after entering the gate with the little ¿gravel? road, to the left. Now you can't jump there boosting with the tire stacks anymore :c xP
Screenshots says all


Quote from Ibtasim6781 :EDIT2: Pit Speed Limit bug Tilt

I don't understand... what is the bug?

[ EDIT : OK, I see for some reason because of rolling downhill above speed limiter speed, the engine dies (as expected, in a way, but maybe this is the problem) then the clutch is stuck on (unexpected) and then you are stuck. Not a new bug, but yeah, looks like a bug. ]

Quote from Ibtasim6781 :Off-Topic Note: 3rd person view lags depending on where the car is pointing at: When I face towards the industrial area, or if I face straight on the straight end.

I think you probably have the follower view set too high. When it is too high, it can't use the pro-computer invisivle object removal.

To test this, try SHIFT+F8 (Network Debug) and you will see a message when the view info changes, between low / high / none.
Quote from Ibtasim6781 :Found 2 more misplacements behind the tire stacks before Turn 1, after entering the gate with the little ¿gravel? road, to the left. Now you can't jump there boosting with the tire stacks anymore :c xP
Screenshots says all

EDIT2: Pit Speed Limit bug Tilt

Off-Topic Note: 3rd person view lags depending on where the car is pointing at: When I face towards the industrial area, or if I face straight on the straight end.

Pit Speed Limit will not be functional if one or more pit boxes added as layout objects are remaining active on layout

Ahhh... This was different case... well, it is not bug, as pit speed limiter works on as it limits throttle/rpm usage, to hold speed on 78km/h. However, it does not work if having:

1. Engine stalled
2. Having neutral gear
3. Having clutch active

I wonder if it is possible someday to modify pit speed limit? I guess it is coded one each per track, Blackwood, South City, Fern Bay, Kyoto Ring, Aston and Westhill has 80km/h, while Rockingham has 65km/h and Autocross does not have at all.

Quote from Scawen :Thanks.

I don't understand... what is the bug?

[ EDIT : OK, I see for some reason because of rolling downhill above speed limiter speed, the engine dies (as expected, in a way, but maybe this is the problem) then the clutch is stuck on (unexpected) and then you are stuck. Not a new bug, but yeah, looks like a bug. ]

Oh...? I guess I have never encountered one because I use automatic clutch

EDIT2: I reproduced it similarly as replay shows. Never tried exactly like that, same thing did happen me. Engine stalls. So, confirmed thing.
I put the replay just for the lolz mostly, but I do know that this pit limit ""bug"" with the clutch was present on other versions, but had no way to test it back on these days.

Ye, I ended up getting used to manual clutch even tho I use mouse, despite that using manual clutch on KB/Mouse is either 0 or 100. At least I feel that I don't wear the clutch so easily with manual clutch, but ofc you have to rev a bit more to avoid stalling. Otherwise manual clutch is more of an advantage.
Quote from UnknownMaster21 :snip...

By the way, the thing about infinite trees what I have forgot to mention.

In multiplayer, the trees collision height models differs greatly compared to single player.

On single player, if driving above trees, you rarely hit any tree, but when we go to multiplayer, there is constantly trees coming on your way.

This is same thing on Westhill as well.
Just found bug!
Attached images
Quote from Scawen :More fixes including some Z buffer issues and lod distances

I just tried this update and I noticed that Eric made the ad banners thicker, but I see no difference in Z-fighting. Frown
Dedicated Host 0.6R (FOR HOSTING ONLY)

If any hosters would like to start a server in advance of today's release, here is the link for the 0.6R dedicated host.
It is not compatible so you will not see it in your Q14 list of hosts.

Please note the release should be at some point this afternoon if all goes well, but there are still some hours to go.
small issue aswell (collision)
Attached images
Quote from Mr_Lonely :Scawen,
Would it be too much hassle to add 45 degrees steerlock to the RB4 and make it possible to have 100% rwd?
Would be nice to get another car to drift with on track for variety before more s3 content is provided

Quote from Flotch :small issue aswell (collision)

Sorry but these small faults won't be fixed now as we are already preparing and testing our full versions.

The only thing we could fix now would be if a show-stopper bug is discovered that means we can't possibly do the release today. But that would put us hours later at this point.
Quote from Scawen :Sorry but these small faults won't be fixed now as we are already preparing and testing our full versions.

The only thing we could fix now would be if a show-stopper bug is discovered that means we can't possibly do the release today. But that would put us hours later at this point.

At this point, I would suggest making the update 3/4 days later, and make a more polished update. Theses times, you seem to rush updates a bit more and reducing final quality with it. Don't rush out Scawen, polished updates are your trademark in my opinion, I don't really want to see you lose it.
Or maybe add a more "quick fix" type of update with big patches, named like 0.6R2, and rename test patches like 0.6R-RC3. Wink
Quote from nacim :At this point, I would suggest making the update 3/4 days later, and make a more polished update. Theses times, you seem to rush updates a bit more and reducing final quality with it. Don't rush out Scawen, polished updates are your trademark in my opinion, I don't really want to see you lose it.
Or maybe add a more "quick fix" type of update with big patches, named like 0.6R2, and rename test patches like 0.6R-RC3. Wink

Well, I don't think that there are so many bugs that it would really matter for players for now (especially DEMO users). I think that today is a great day to release it because, as Scawen already said, the community is divided at the moment, many players using the test patch and during this testing time, they won't really want to use the old BL. The other majority is the players who doesn't even know there's a new BL and they are still using the old BL. This division of a small active playerbase is not good for ANY game, especially not for LFS during these times.

By the way, I've created a 10-piece comparison album, comparing the old and new BL (feel free to share it/use it Smile):
LFS 0.6R coming soon Smile
Quote from MandulAA :...
By the way, I've created a 10-piece comparison album, comparing the old and new BL (feel free to share it/use it Smile):

Thumbs up
very nice, we can really see the big amount of work Eric has put inside !! Thumbs up
Hi racers,

Anybody else experiencing shuttering ?

I have tried both MP and SP (with 19 AI) and I get some very visible and annoying shuttering. Especially at the end of the straight, and in second to last turn, before the bridge.

I have tried with a fresh copy of LFS also.. same problem.
I am running triples, on 3770K + 1070 GTX.
I can't contact to ZORER. Can i translate missing words to Turkish for 0.6R??
Sorry but it's too late for version 0.6R.

I must have a look and think about asking some more people for a few of the translations. Not just Turkish, also Serbian, Norsk, Galego, Slovenski.

Understandably, sometimes the translators lose interest in LFS when they have other hobbies, family, work, etc.
This thread is closed

Test Patch 0.6Q14 - New Blackwood
(367 posts, closed, started )