Park Training for driving license
I know this is a racing Simulator and my Idea sound Stupid! but....
A week ago a girlfriend begun with the first driving hour for a driving license and she told me how hard she find Park the car.

So i make a littlejoke and build with objekts a Parking lot in Lfs and let she train. After a while i can clearly see the learning curve.

And after another hour she park nearly perfekt! Today after her second hour she called me and say it was so much easier to park the car after the Trainigshour in Lfs.

Here comes my simple Idea. Why not make a Training lesson with Parking between two cars in the >>>DEMO VERSION<<< of Lfs. Its a >>perfect advertising<< in Virtual Reality age for driving schools Nod

Maybee only a stand alone version without the word race
(its for driving schools and private driving lessons Razz )

hey its only a suggestions and i know its funny. Makes no burning banana out of me.
I learned parking a trailer before I actually parked a car xD
Thanks to Eurotruck Simulator.