The online racing simulator
Scawen, could you ever see yourself making an AMA?
I think the community would have alot of questions regarding everything related to LFS.
#2 - BeNoM
pls no
what is AMA?
#4 - nacim
Ask Me Anything. It would be nice, but not only for LFS, more generally, as a game developer with years of experience (talking about Lionhead too) Smile
I think I would know his answer: "I am busy with tire physics, but I shall look at this after the most of updates as critically needed are done"
I think it would be really cool thing to do on Reddit, or do some other kind of voting on the questions with some poll system... Myself I got like 10+ questions Big grin

I think it can be kinda refreshing experience for both the community and devs.
AMA.... Ask Me Anything..... LOLOLOL
We can't have that. Ask ANYTHING, huh?
OK..... Scawen! How many cavities you got?
Who said there is no such thing as a stupid question? There'd be lots of them.
Or better yet...
Hey Scawen! Scawen! Hey dude, say you're staying at some people's house for a couple a days. It doesn't matter who - wife's weird relatives - some people you made friends with on the internet... It doesn't matter. Say you're there and you have to bathe. They say yeah, sure. So you jump in the shower,and when you grab the bar of soap to wash up, you notice a hair on the very middle of the top of the soap bat. Not just any hair, but a dark curly one! My question is: Wouldn't that just suck?

That's why we can't have an AMA
#8 - 5tag
Quote from Racer Y :snippety snip

You realise it's called "Ask Me Anything" not "I Will Answer Anything"?
Hey Scawen;
if God is all powerful, can he make a rock so big that even he can't lift it?
If a man on a train travelling at the speed of light threw a ball toward the front of the train, would the ball be travelling faster than the speed of light?
Do you have any idea where I left my hat? I was sure I had it with me when I left that last bar...
Big grin Face -> palm

EDIT: You tried to be funny, you succeed
And here i thought thst most of the community was intelligent...