The online racing simulator
Can I purchase S3 by bank transfer?

i bought S2 on by bank transfer. i really would like to purchase S3, even if i don't care about Rockingham... just to support the devs.

Is there any way to purchase S3 by bank transfer?
#3 - troy
Thanks for the quick replies.

Credit Cards or PayPal aren't an option for me. i guess i will stay at S2.
If you have a friend with a paypal account, you can also give him the money and then he buys a voucher code from the lfs shop which lets you upgrade your account to S3
I did that one to many times... i already pissed them all of with that behavior Smile

perhaps my cousin will do that for me again, if i let some time pass.
Quote from Adester :I did that one to many times... i already pissed them all of with that behavior Smile

perhaps my cousin will do that for me again, if i let some time pass.

Thats what I did with my dad when I didn't have a credit card.
Gave him the money, and he bought me the game Smile
Quote from Adester :I did that one to many times... i already pissed them all of with that behavior Smile

perhaps my cousin will do that for me again, if i let some time pass.

Why not make PayPal account it's often handy
Paypal is also possible yes (in Germany, not sure if this method works in every country);

Quote :Geld einzahlen bei Paypal - Paypal-Konto per Banküberweisung aufladen

Um Geld von Ihrem bestätigten Konto auf Ihr PayPal-Konto zu überweisen, klicken Sie im Bereich "E-Börse" auf den Link "Geld einzahlen".

Auf der neuen Seite finden Sie die Kontodaten von PayPal: Zahlungsempfänger ist dabei immer PayPal Pte. Ltd.; die Bank JP Morgan, die Bankleitzahl 501 108 00. Kontonummer/IBAN und Verwendungszweck (eine Zahlen-/Buchstabenkombination) werden jeweils pro PayPal-Nutzer individuell vergeben.

Nun können Sie Ihr Paypal-Guthaben aufladen. Überweisen Sie einfach den gewünschten Betrag von Ihrem Bankkonto auf Ihr PayPal-Konto; es sind allerdings nur Überweisungen in Euro möglich. Der Betrag wird nach ein bis zwei Tagen Ihrem PayPal-Konto gutgeschrieben

But first transaction is not free in comparison with Skrill.
thanks for the replies.

but again: these are no options for me and it would be the wrong place to discuss this. i think we can close this thread.