are right.i have sure is problem with your LFS and video card settings ... i have quad core i7 2.40GHZ laptop (8 CPUS, but only 4 cpus was real) with nvidia 635m 2gb, i lock my LFS at 125FPS (I have more than this ,but is the best to use on all tracks without changed settings all the time) and continue to work very well everywhere.check you misc settings( print screen) that was really importante. you have to be focus on stable FPS.
PS:i make this print screen on my work, so that was not my LFS, was just for help you
I had to set my power saving options for LFS to "prefer maximum performance" in the nvidia control panel, otherwise my GPU would clock down because LFS just wasn't using it enough, getting me inconsistent FPS. May be worth trying.
Try with other windows like 8.1... I had 120-150 fps with it. Now i installed windows 10 and having 30-70, so it's something wrong which NVIDIA does with windows 10... Also disable Xbox Game DVR in windows 10. It will increase the FPS but won't be the real performance your laptop can get