LFS Update: BAD! [frame rate on older PC]
Hey guys so, the newest update for lfs (0.6R) Is like extremely laggy for me! well, i know i have a low-end PC, but the newest update made my game WAY slower. Now i get 10 fps. The game is not playable anymore! Everything is set to low, and still 10 fps, I Don't really know what to do anymore. :/ Hope i could get some help.

No, this is not a rant. I Love this game but the update, just made my game slower.
Of course it made your fps go lower, it did for everyone for good reason: Track is a lot better, track area is bigger, more detailed and bigger environment. There is simply no way than getting upgrade, like we all do eventually, if willing to continue to use this software.
Aw! well, i guess it's time to upgrade :/. Thanks anyways.
UM21 is completely right, the new Blackwood is simply much more demanding as it's more detailed than ever.
Could you please describe your PC specs? Smile
Not making a rant, just making an observation.
Hardware is evolving, so the software too, making us upgrade to a better pc in order to run the software.

However in my honest opinion it should be the most optimized as possible so some slightly better pcs like mine can run this smoothly I get 30-40 fps but its old(2 gens behind I think, a 2007 laptop)

The main reason people play LFS is not only its outstanding car physics, its also light, allowing low-end pcs from today or even 1 or 2gens behind being able to play it, which is amazing but one day I know, it won't be the most known lightweight racing sim, it'll get heavier...

I wonder if LFS will reach that point Uhmm, its been rather empty or I'm just coming at an hour where everyone is sleeping, plus some probably has a job so they're rather busy, not having much time to relax.

And to end with, the update is good but not enough, more can be done.

PS: Intel HD(specially the old ones, they are just terrible) gets destroyed trying to run heavy textures from the new BL if you have an Intel HD graphics on your laptop, Im sorry but it won't run well.

Also, I've heard from some ppl that they have good Nvidia Mobile graphics cards or AMD ones but the game opens with the Intel HD which all laptops have, that small issue needs to be fixed.
I'm sorry but the headline is wrong. Actually it must mean:
"My PC is too bad for LFS 0.6R!"
#7 - lucaf
Intel HD Graphics 4000 runs new Blackwood well enough (in socket 1150 series CPU)
#8 - Ped7g
vteclover2373: some tracks are still not updated (at the moment Blackwood, Westhill and Rockingham are most "up to date), so if you will buy S2 license, the framerate on Kyoto, Fern Bay and Aston may be OK for your PC. South City maybe too.

That may be considerably cheaper upgrade, than buying the HW. Then again if you upgrade HW, you can play new fresh pretty Blackwood with demo license...

Decisions, decisions...
Did you try setting textures to "low res" (near the bottom of options - graphics).

The high resolution textures can affect older cards badly.
I don't know what's your hardware specification.
I'm running on a Core 2 Duo T5500 and an integrated graphic chip Intel GMA 950 and it's capable of running on an average of 20-35fps.
Try disabling Virtual Mirrors in Options -> Views. Set LFS to high priority using Task Manager and disable Aero theme for Windows
The answer is here...

Quote :Computer :
Intel Pentium D 2.80Ghz/2GB RAM/32-Bit Windows 7 Ultimate (Not Genuine)/No GPU (because im poor)

Wierd.. i'm running on laptop A6-6310 1.80GHz processor with poor graphic card smoothly about 50-100 fps, even with shadows and sky on.
LFS requirements are low, building a system that runs it with playable FPS is not going to empty your wallet. Can get used parts if you are really trying to keep costs low.
Options > Misc > Dynamic LOD reduction

Far left setting gives best quality even when value says 0.00. Try moving the slider to the right for more FPS. It only affects car detail over distance not the scenery so it won't make a difference when driving solo.
If You also have time and no money for better pc You can convert all DDS textures for like 256x256 it will help i do this long time ago when i was having 2.5ghz cpu 512mb ram and 128mb gpu i was able to play with 50-100fps after this ;D
Not attacking anybody... xD
Quote from lucaf :Intel HD Graphics 4000 runs new Blackwood well enough (in socket 1150 series CPU)

Ah okay, thnx for correcting me, the 4xxx models are pretty much ok to run any game, but on low graphics of course, its objective is to be economical, not to be powerful sucking up power Big grin

Yeah that's not a bad idea at all jujek, I forgot that every .dds texture file can be altered, increasing FPS.

oh, no GPU at all... so it must be running with the chipset, which are terrible almost useless in general.
I've had a desktop with one of those and played LFS, before the new BL it could get 50-70 FPS, on WE 25-30. My desktop died before the new BL but I bet I could get the same fps as I got in WE.

@PusicDrift Its a quad core cpu... 1.8*4 = 7.2Ghz of total speed which is better than an Pentium D for sure 2.5*2 = 5.0Ghz and a more recent architecture than the pentium.
You claim your graphics is poor, I believe in nowadays standards...still its not a chipset .-.
Quote from Daniel564 :the 4xxx models are pretty much ok to run any game, but on low graphics of course

Ehh, no...

Maybe any game from 2012 or before, but good luck running any 2016/2017 AAA game on Intel HD 4xxx graphics at anything higher then 5fps lmao
Quote from BeNoM :Ehh, no...

Maybe any game from 2012 or before, but good luck running any 2016/2017 AAA game on Intel HD 4xxx graphics at anything higher then 5fps lmao

There are still lots of games out there that doesn't need much graphics.
Not every game has graphics like Battlefield.
I know, I never said there wasn't.

I replied to what he said (which is why I qouted it in my comment...) that "Intel HD 4xxx can run any game", which simply isn't true.
There has been quite nice LFS settings tips to increase FPS. Do we have any FAQ or another thread about that? Would be useful for many players. Lets put more tips...
Buying a better graphics card/chip for gaming is like explaining a three year old how to put a car from first to second gear in order to make the car go faster. If you need a FAQ for this then a computer is not for you. Luckily there are gaming consoles. Downside of that is that you also need to be a rich bitch . to be able to buy a gaming console.

Pentium D 2.8 Ghz was 12 years ago by the way. But I still think that some old AGP card from the junkyard can do something.
Quote from cargame.nl :Downside of that is that you also need to be a rich bitch to be able to buy a gaming console..

Since when do you need to be rich to buy a crappy console? lmao
Quote from BeNoM :Ehh, no...

Maybe any game from 2012 or before, but good luck running any 2016/2017 AAA game on Intel HD 4xxx graphics at anything higher then 5fps lmao

I've never had any pc with Intel HD, so not fully sure Tongue thnx for letting me know

Quote from BeNoM :Since when do you need to be rich to buy a crappy console? lmao

Compared to Mexican standards, I guess.. Never been there... Its even more dramatic then South Africa , on the other hand Brazil is even more dramatic then Mexico. So ye.. Eeehh... Confusing
Is the pc clogged with malware? That can go pretty bad...