Update from 0.6E to 0.6R
(11 posts, started )
Update from 0.6E to 0.6R
Hi mates,

did not race LFS for a long time. Now I want to update to 0.6R.
Is there anything to keep an eye on? Will my settings stay untouched, or is the update that massive, that too many things have changed?

Der Abt
& Rockingham in S3 (only S3 content so far)

- Nov 30, 2012

Yes things have changed, you need to do some minutes of work but what does it matter after 4 years of being idle?
With regards to settings, two things might need adjusting after update:
-wheel buttons (i think their numbering changed?)
-rear view mirror adjustment (if you use non-default viewposition and/or moved the interior mirror)
#8 - Ped7g
I think some things in visual settings will be off too... I would maybe even install the R into new folder and just try out the defaults, if you were off for so long, maybe you will not even recall what you had set and why. Big grin
Thanks @ all!
I made it, and everything is ok.
The only thing was, that I would have started LFS as administrator, the downloaded files could not be extracted. But starting LFS as admin again worked and it didn't need to download the update files again.

Hey, there are some servers running. Mostly as cruising servers. I don't understand what people are doing there for hours.
I wanna race!
See You sometime on the racetrack!
Cruisers are more dedicated then racers nowadays, out of experience you can best say how this is possible Wink
Quote from Der Abt : I don't understand what people are doing there for hours.

They just driving like in real life but there also people who just drive and think "hey i'm in real life so i don't need racing or drifting becouse this is illegal and i don't have idea how to do that so i will just drive or i will on afk' also funny thing i been banned becouse i drift whole oval when server was full people on afk haha

Update from 0.6E to 0.6R
(11 posts, started )