The online racing simulator
[Solved] LFSLapper Character bug
Today i saw old bug: (in picture)
Here is any way to fix that bug?
What's the bug (I don't get it, but that could just be me)?
Isn't that text coming from LFS instead of Lapper?
when i change the nickname to Japanese symbols then the button is empty
but when I change to ordinary letters the text inside the button appears.
on the left side is chat and the right side is a button
I can admit it. It is a character bug.

have no idea what cause that. :S
Well i have tried to fix the japanese character bug. But i failed, because i just dont understand, how the code works what Gai-Luron has written. With lack of Commentary lines it just makes it even harder to understand.

I have checked LFSForum posts and checked the sourcecode of Insim.Net, but no luck. creating debug textmessages with the values from each character to see if i could change the source doesnt even help.

So my question is:
If there's a developer around who can understand, how to encode LFSStrings. I will ask you to give a quick look in the sourcefile ( see attachment) and edit the bad stuff.

This is how the MST insim packet look like in Lapper.
This can be found in the insim4.cs file.(LFSLapper V7.0.4.6\src\insim4.cs) If you want to check the sourcecode of lapper.

public byte[] MST(string msg)
int msgLen msg.Length 63 63 msg.Length;

byte[] packet = new byte[68];
packet[0] = 68;
packet[1] = (byte)TypePack.ISP_MST;
packet[2] = 0;
packet[3] = 0;

Thank you.
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